Republic of China: Arc 9.15

[The curator has treated me with great kindness, so I can't lay a hand on him. I depend on the Wang family to support you every month, so we can't lay a hand on him either.]

[If your curator was as kind to you as a mountain, how come he still made you a small museum administrator instead of promoting you to deputy curator after all these years? Your curator is just squeezing your value.]

Fang Xuelin's eyes slowly turned scarlet with the Jade Soul's words, [Even so, I cannot be unkind and unjust.]

[How can you repay your grievances with virtue? Since he has been unkind to you, why do you need to speak about him with love and righteousness? Think of your Lord Liao, think of Wen Xuyao. If you are one step late, I am afraid Lord Liao will have already become Wen Xuyao's plate of food.]

The red in Fang Xuelin's eyes deepened. [Okay. But even so, you can't suck it all away like the Wen family, leave at least a third of the curator's qi behind.]

[Hehehe, of course. The curator took you in, so of course I won't do it to the same kind of extent as I did with the Wen family.]

Having received the Jade Soul's promise, Fang Xuelin then nodded his head in reassurance.

The Jade Soul said: [Although Liao Sufan is not bad, you will find that Liao Sufan is just a mere mortal.]

[What are you saying?] Fang Xuelin frowned.

[I advise you to preserve your chastity first. Your sinful destiny is Liao Sufan. Your true love has not yet appeared.]

Fang Xuelin shook his head: [No, he is. I have liked him for four years. Who could attract me more than him?][Hehehe, if you don't believe me, then do as you please. When I eat your curator's aura and qi tomorrow, you will have the ability to charm people with your golden pupil.]

[Really?!] Fang Xuelin's eyes lit up with excitement, [Great, then we'll go to the antique market first thing tomorrow morning to find a body for you before visiting the curator's house. Liao Sufan asked me to go to his house today to get the money for compensation, and I want to get close to him.]

[Oh, you're quite calculating. I didn't expect that the seemingly innocent Young Master Fang would have such a mind. When you get close to him, you can use the charm in the golden pupil, and then, you can make him do whatever you want him to do. Are you happy?]

Fang Xuelin's face reddened and he smiled awkwardly, [I am also forced to calculate by this luck. Everyone is coming to calculate me, and as you said, how can I repay a grudge with a virtue.]

[Haha, it's good that you've figured it out, worthy of the master I chose.] The Jade Soul laughed and looked down at the black qi mass that was frantically surging around Fang Xuelin. It laughed once more and fell silent.

It was already late in the day, so Fang Xuelin gathered up the broken jade stone that had fallen on the ground and went back to his room to rest.

Early the next morning, Fang Xuelin spent 500 teal to buy a nice jade pendant for the jade soul in the antique street.

He walked to the curator's house and hesitated for a moment.

If the curator had not taken him in as caretaker of the museum, he would still be in the streets.

[What? Are you hesitating again?] The voice of the jade spirit surfaced again.

Fang Xuelin nodded, [Why don't we look for another house?]

[Look at the scarlet door of your curator's house; these red walls and tiles; these huge trees. Every brick, every tile, every blade of grass, everything is expensive and exquisite. Look at yourself, living in a corner. It was only through me that you managed to gain some wealth. If I were to leave you, you would become that mediocre person again, wouldn't you?]

The Jade Soul sneered and continued: [Let me tell you, I was badly injured by Liao Sufan yesterday. If I cannot absorb the aura to repair my soul today, I will disappear within twelve hours. You can thank your curator for saving you and not remember my good deeds. Anyway, once I disappear, the golden pupil will disappear with me.]

As the Jade Soul spoke, Fang Xuelin's mind went back to the days when others looked down on him, remembering the star-studded Wen Xuyao and his own ostracised and lonely self during his academy days. He clenched his fist, 'No, I will never go back to those days.'

The Jade Soul laughed silently as he saw the black Qi that had begun to rage again.

Fang Xuelin then said, [Fine, you can suck it. I don't want to go back to the old days].

The Jade Soul nodded: [It is good that you understand. You are my master. I will take your side in everything. You and I are mutually involved. We are grasshoppers on a rope, so I cannot harm you. I promised to leave a third of the curator's family qi; don't worry about it.]

Fang Xuelin did not doubt it, and after nodding, he carried a string of gifts into the curator's house.

When he came out, Fang Xuelin was already rosy-cheeked, with a golden light appearing in his eyes.

The curator's house, on the other hand, was haunted by darkness and had vague dilapidation.

The Jade Soul had eaten enough and burped: [The aura in this curator's house is not as much as the Wen family's, but it is very good. How about the evolved eye; how well does it work?]

Fang Xuelin nodded happily, [Thank you, Jade Spirit! You are truly a blessing to me!]

[Haha, that's right, it's good that you know.]

After Fang Xuelin got his new ability, he found some random people to try it out on, and it worked well. As soon as he used his ability to charm them, they would do whatever he said.

After making sure that it worked, Fang Xuelin headed toward the governor's residence.


In the governor's residence, Liao Sufan was wearing a white bib and learning how to make noodles with a few noodle masters.

Liao Sufan never knew that he had a talent for cooking as he tried to make several kinds of noodles under the guidance of the noodle masters.

Even the noodle masters were very complimentary about the taste.

After learning how to make noodles for about a day, Liao Sufan was sure that there was nothing more he could learn, so he asked the housekeeper to give them money before sending them back.

Looking at the flour-stained clothes on his body, Liao Sufan smiled helplessly before he walked toward the kitchen.

He was going to visit Wen Xuyao. He couldn't go dressed like this, could he?

But as soon as he had finished changing into a long Xuan-coloured shirt, he heard a knock on the door from the housekeeper.

Liao Sufan frowned at the housekeeper, only to see that the housekeeper's expression was not quite the same as before, and his eyes were even more expressionless.

He used his yin-yang eyes to look around the housekeeper, but he didn't see any black qi, which was strange.

The housekeeper saw Liao Sufan open the door and bowed respectfully, "Master, a Mr. Fang is asking to see you."

Liao Sufan frowned, "Didn't I say to give him as much money as he wanted and just send him away?"

The housekeeper didn't blink. "He said he didn't want money, he just wanted to see you."

Liao Sufan looked down at the housekeeper and was vaguely uneasy in his heart. He was an old butler of the Liao family and would never take the liberty of going against his orders. He looked at the housekeeper's dull expression and found it very unusual. Could it be that Fang Xuelin has made some moves again?

With this thought, he took a closer look at the housekeeper and found that something black seemed to be moving in his eyes. He put his hand to the housekeeper's eyes for a while. When he removed it, the housekeeper had confusion in his eyes, but his clarity had returned and he seemed to have sobered up.

The housekeeper looked around and then at the stony-faced Liao Sufan and hurriedly asked, "…why am I here?"

Liao Sufan was relieved to find that the housekeeper had returned to normal. "It's nothing, Uncle Wang, you blacked out just now. You must have been tired from sleeping late yesterday, so go back to your room and rest, I'll have dinner sent to your room."

The butler could not remember what had just happened, but since the master had said so, he did not doubt it and nodded, "Yes, thank you very much, master." With that, he left.

Liao Sufan's stony face slowly took on a fierce look. There were two things he hated most in his life. The first was using ghosts and gods as a means of deception, and the second was harming those around him.

This man, Fang Xuelin, had been caught up in both.

After taking two deep breaths, Liao Sufan slowly walked downstairs after regaining his usual expression, and he saw Fang Xuelin fidgeting on the sofa.

The black mist around his body was faintly pulsating, and through his clothes, there was a faint golden glow on his chest.

Liao Sufan was surprised. Could it be that although he crushed the jade pendant yesterday, it did not do anything? How come the feeling of that golden light was the same as that on the jade stone in the museum late last night?

Fang Xuelin heard footsteps and hurriedly lifted his head to look at the upright, pine-like Liao Sufan that was slowly approaching.

He gulped and stood up restrainedly, his hands folded uneasily.

Liao Sufan looked at his squirming appearance and Wen Xuyao's open and cheerful smile came to his mind. His heart became more and more disgusted with Feng Xuelin's pretentious actions.

Suppressing the disgusting feeling in his heart, Liao Sufan sat on the sofa with his legs folded, crossed his arms on his chest, and said indifferently, "Sit down."

Fang Xuelin nodded shyly and sat down opposite Liao Sufan, shivering.

Liao Sufan examined the dark aura around Fang Xuelin and asked, "Mr. Fang wants to see me?"

Fang Xuelin nodded, "I wanted to tell you that you don't need to compensate for the damaged jade stone. It is not worth much, but the fact that it glows at night is a bit rare. The jade stone was old and had cracks, and I didn't take care of it too much. That's why it was broken by a martial arts practitioner like you. It's not your fault, so you don't have to pay for it. "

Liao Sufan nodded, "Oh, so that's what this is about. Then thank you, Mr. Fang, I understand this matter. Do you have anything else then? " The meaning of his words was clear; he was driving the man away.

Fang Xuelin smiled and stared straight at Liao Sufan, a golden glint in his eye, "Mr. Liao, I still have one more unrequited request. Please do oblige me."

Liao Sufan's eyes went into a trance and his mind unexpectedly began to buzz.