Republic of China: Arc 9.17

"Fang Xuelin had a jade stone that glows." Liao Sufan sat opposite Bai Lixin and said, "After you opened the yin-yang eyes for me, I passed by the museum that night and happened to see Fang Xuelin using it. I could initially see a comforting faint golden light emanating from the museum, but as soon as that jade stone glowed, the golden light belonging to the ancient objects began to dissipate. I think it's what made your family's antiquities age. "

Bai Lixin nodded, "In that jade stone lives a jade soul that was conceived by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The jade soul cultivates by sucking in aura. The aura of heaven and earth is still too thin, so it's taking a shortcut and using this method of absorbing the aura of ancient objects."

"Because the ancient objects that are drained lose the shelter of their aura, they can no longer withstand the onslaught of time and are all turned into dust and pieces. What about that night after you saw the jade stone? What happened?"

"I crushed the jade stone that night, but the strange thing is that when Fang Xuelin came to see me, he was once again wearing a jade pendant with the same aura as the one I had crushed."

"The jade soul in the stone must have been afraid of the Heavenly Yang Qi you were carrying, and although you wounded it and crushed its shelter, it cunningly escaped to Fang Xuelin's body. So Fang Xuelin found a new jade pendant body for it the next day."

Liao Sufan frowned and said in a deep voice: "How can a jade soul that absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to nurture itself be so vicious, sucking all the aura out of ancient objects just for the sake of its cultivation? I was at the museum yesterday and even heard the sound of the ancient objects crying. "

"This jade soul is so greedy that it wants to eat everything it sees. If this kind of thing is not killed quickly, it will remain a great scourge on the world. "

Liao Sufan thought of the weeping ancient objects and the way the Wen family had fallen into ruin, and a wave of anger rose in his heart, "How should I eliminate this jade soul?"

"This jade soul has the power of regeneration. Although I know the Dao, I can't kill it. The only way to completely kill the jade soul is with your Heavenly Yang Qi. But we must kill it in one blow and not let it escape. "

Liao Sufan gave an "En" and, with a sweep of his eyes, he saw a dozen smooth jade stones on the table.

His eyes lit up and he asked, "Are these the jade stones you bought at the gambling house yesterday?"

Bai Lixin smiled and responded, "Yes, I processed them a bit. What do you think? "

Liao Sufan stood up and went to the table, carefully examining the polished jade stones. These jades were initially wrapped in weathered layers of stone, and their elegance was hidden in them.

Now that the weathered layer was completely removed, the full water head and the crystal clear jade body were breathtaking.

"To slowly make a diamond jade into a treasure is an enjoyable process." Liao Sufan sighed as he stroked the jade in his hand.

He remembered that there was black Qi attached to the stone yesterday, but today it had disappeared, so he asked, "Have you cleared out all the black Qi from this stone?"

Bai Lixin nodded, "Yes, I used a technique to remove the filth."

A look of admiration appeared in Liao Sufan's eyes. "Young Master Wen, there are so many amazing surprises about you."

Bai Lixin smiled, " Governor Liao is too kind. Do you mind calling me "Xian Zhi"? It's a bit rusty to call me "Young Master Wen" all the time. "

"How could I mind?" Liao Sufan's eyes suddenly burst into a dramatic glow. Since I will address you as "Xian Zhi", my name is Liao Sufan and my other name is "Xijia."

"Xijia?" Bai Lixin then asked, "Is there anyone in your family who loves Buddhism? Your name and characters seem to carry words from the Buddhist language. "

Liao Sufan nodded, "When I was young, I was weak and almost died of illness. My mother then went to the temple to seek Buddha, and the master in the temple gave me the name. "

Bai Lixin suddenly understood, "No wonder. Xijia…Xijia, it's catchy. "

Liao Sufan chuckled and looked at Bai Lixin mulling over his name. It was quite attractive.

"Speaking of which, how did you know that I was being controlled by Fang Xuelin?"

"Uh, well ..." Bai Lixin froze and scratched his head, then chuckled, "I used my blood as the medium to open the yin-yang eyes for you, which is equivalent to my blood being the channel for you to see the souls and supernatural. It is natural to pass through this channel to see things differently. "


Liao Sufan was shocked and a bad feeling suddenly came to his mind. "You mean to say…that you can see what I see? Can you see everything?"

"Well…er… that's not true, hehe." Bai Lixin continued to laugh, "It takes mana to see what you see. How could I possibly waste mana to do such a thing?" I happened to feel an evil aura flowing from the Governor's House that day, so I opened my yin-yang eyes. "

Haha, I'm not going to say that I saw your naked body, I saw you change your clothes, I saw the way you learned how to make noodles.

Liao Sufan glanced at Bai Lixin with a questioning look and finally nodded with difficulty, "Oh…"


In the prison, Fang Xuelin woke up with unbearable body pain.

He looked around in the dark and only felt despair in his heart.

The dirty straw mat, the rats running back and forth, the dark walls, the rusty iron bars.

Was this his future?

Even though he did not know the law, he knew that the crime of assassinating the Governor would be punishable by life imprisonment or death!

LIAO SUFAN!!!Liao Sufan!!!

You are so cruel!!!

Why don't you love me? You shouldn't have forced me into such a desperate situation!

Liao Sufan! I hate you!

Fang Xuelin's eyes were stained black from the direction of his eyeballs outwards, until the entire white of his eyes was coloured black. The black Qi around him gurgled and spilled out, and his body flew without wind.

[Calm down!] A childish voice shouted, [You're going to be engulfed by the evil qi!]

Fang Xuelin shouted, [Why is it me who should be compromising? The world should be the one to compromise. I hate it so much, I'm so unhappy!]

[Idiot, don't you still have me? How do you think you survived those forty strokes just now? If I hadn't used my aura to protect your small body, you would have died long ago!]

The black Qi around Fang Xuelin's body slowly receded as he listened to the Jade Soul's words.

Yes, he still had the Jade Soul. Even if everyone in this world betrayed him and discriminated against him, the Jade Soul would always help him.

A warmth slowly seeped into Fang Xuelin's broken heart as he thought of this.

He sat on the ground with his knees curled up and his hands wrapped around them, tears slowly leaving his eyes.

[Jade Soul, thank you for always being there for me.]

The Jade Soul laughed cheekily: [You are my master. If I don't stay with you, who will? Be good, don't cry, I will always help you.]

The jade soul sneered as it looked at the haggard Fang Xuelin.

If Fang Xuelin were to violently blacken, how would he be at its mercy? Now that the black qi has entered his body, the negative emotions in his heart will be infinitely magnified. He has already lost faith and attachment to humans. In that case, as long as Fang Xuelin gave the word, wouldn't all the aura in Fengcheng City be in his pocket?

Fang Xuelin's tears flowed down even more furiously at the jade soul's gentle words.

Despair, pain, and resignation. All the negative emotions were transformed into hatred for humans and resentment towards Liao Sufan.

After a long time, Fang Xuelin dried his tears and stood up, coldly scanning the pitch-black walls around here: [Jade Soul, I want revenge!]

Jade Soul smiled: [Revenge is fine, but we have to get out of this place first. Let's start with the Wang family. Their house is very rich in aura. Let me clean it up and I can then let you gain more power. Only with power can you be able to complete your revenge and have all the humans in the palm of your hand, making them bow down to you, crying and begging you to forgive them.]

Fang Xuelin nodded: [Okay, I'll do as you say. But how do we get out of here?] At this moment, Fang Xuelin was already convinced of the Jade Soul's words and let it do its bidding.

[It's easy for us to get out of this cage. Those are just some mere mortals. How can they resist your golden pupil.]


A few moments later, a ragged figure slowly walked out of the cell in the dark.

Fang Xuelin turned back and glanced at the cell, resentment in his eyes.

[Let's go to the Wang family now.] Fang Xuelin then headed in the direction of the Wang family in the darkness of the night.

The Jade Soul followed Fang Xuelin's plans, but he had something else on his mind.

The god of lust, the god of greed, and the god of power had disappeared one after another for reasons that could not be found. But along with their disappearance, he felt that the energy gained from absorbing the Lord god Dijia was gradually decreasing.

Did their disappearance have something to do with Dijia? Was someone rescuing Dijia?

Dijia's soul fragments were covered by a barrier, so even the twelve sub-gods and the Lord could not find and lock onto their location. So who could find Dija's fragments? It can not be the work of an ordinary person!

After the god of power died, their Lord god used up a fifth of his power to search for where Dijai's soul fragments were located, and to their surprise, only three fragments of Dijia's soul were left! Three! From twelve to three, and they hadn't even noticed!

Who had taken the soul fragments away?

If Dijia had awakened, then they…

The thought of Dijia's power made the god of food shudder.

They must not let Dijia wake up! Dijia and the person who is awakening him must be found!

He originally suspected that Liao Sufan had a fragment of Dijia's soul in his body, and he encouraged Fang Xuelin to use his pupil on Liao Sufan just to verify this point.

But looking at today's performance, it seemed that this was not the case.

How could a powerful Lord God fall for such a small charm?

If he wasn't, then who was?

That young master of the Wen family, whose personality had suddenly changed drastically, was very suspicious, as was that thing under the Wang family home.

The Jade Soul narrowed its eyes and looked at the Wang family compound that was getting closer and closer. Since they were all suspicious, he would slowly verify them one by one.