Republic of China: Arc 9.23

In the dark and luxurious underground palace, two people lay embraced on top of a huge dragon bed.

One of them was dressed in a phoenix robe, with long hair reaching his waist and his eyes tightly closed. The other, whose long white hair almost covered the bed, wore a dragon robe, and his eyes gazed at the latter's face tenderly.

[Jade Soul, help me. I want to get out of here.] Fang Xuelin closed his eyes as he pleaded for help.

[There is nothing I can do.] The Jade Soul sighed, [This man's power is far above mine. You cannot simply use your charm to make him do your bidding. Moreover, he has placed a ban on your body. You can not go very far from the well.]

Fang Xuelin cursed in his heart as he thought of the runes on his face.

When he was brought to this broken palace by the black qi, no matter how much he struggled, this cold, inhuman ghost-guy would not let him leave, always calling him "Taiyi" and "queen".

Although the Heavenly Sea King treated him with affection and tolerance, the darkness that emanated from him was not that of a good person.

What's more, he saw Wang Baiqian send the captured Liang and her heart was plucked out and eaten. His fear deepened.

[Just hold on, you must not anger him.] the Jade Soul whispered in Fang Xuelin's mind, [This man is an evil spirit from years ago. If he becomes angry, you'll know terror.]

After all, the Jade Soul was the guardian of this world. If the soul of the world's son flew away, it would make his job difficult.

Above the billions of worlds, there are twelve sub-gods and one main god who maintains order. Above the twelve sub-gods is the Lord God, and they have rules and laws that they must follow. The rules and laws are above everything else; they regulate billions of worlds, yet they serve the billions of worlds.

The Lord God is not immortal; under the rules, the universe will breed a new Lord God every trillion years to inherit the will of the rules and govern the billions of worlds again.

They used this loophole to hang the new Lord God and then absorb his energy to continue running the world.

If the Son of the World died, they would have a hard time doing it. There was no telling what they, the sub gods, would face once the rules sensed a difference.

With his eyes tightly closed, Fang Xuelin involuntarily shivered, causing the gentle Sea Heavenly King to smile gently, "Taiyi, are you awake?"

Fang Xuelin stiffened and forced himself to open his eyes, gazing at the handsome man smiling lightly before him, "H-heavenly Sea king."

The Heavenly Sea King smiled, "You used to call me 'Husband'."

"I have no memories of my previous life," Fang Xuelin said awkwardly, "and you're asking me to suddenly call you husband... and I'm a man now... I just can't accept it."

On hearing Fang Xuelin's words, the Heavenly Sea King's eyes faintly had black gas welling up in the corners, and his gentle light smile from earlier slowly turned bizarre.

He leaned down fiercely and pinned Fang Xuelin underneath him and said, in a hoarse voice, "Don't you love me now?" You loved me to the point of martyrdom back then. You've only been reborn a dozen times, and you've already fallen in love with someone else? What do you mean, 'I'm a man now'? Weren't you a man when you fell in love with that man called Liao Sufan? Don't think I didn't hear your conversation outside the well. He hurt you so much, and you still love him? The person you love should be me! "

At the end of his rant, the Heavenly Sea King then roared, and two lines of red blood tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Fang Xuelin only felt terrified. Although Liao Sufan had beaten and scolded him, Liao Sufan was righteous and awe-inspiring. But what about this man in front of him? How could one love him? This demon has lived for more than 4,000 years. This demon eats people's hearts and sucks their souls. This man will definitely be sent to the 18th level of hell in the future.

The Heavenly Sea King was crying with sadness, but Fang Xuelin only felt that he was so terrifying that he could not wait to run away from him.

[What the hell should I do now?] Fang Xuelin lay beneath the Heavenly Sea King stiffly and kept begging the Jade Soul for help.

The Jade Soul thought for a moment and advised, [You should first obey him a little.] The Heavenly Sea King still deeply loves the Taiyi in his heart. As long as you are Taiyi's soul, he will not easily hurt you. Wait for me to find an opportunity to get you out.]

Fang Xuelin gritted his teeth as he accepted: [Okay].

Fang Xuelin gulped and stiffly reached out his hand to wipe away the bloody tears at the corner of the Heavenly Sea King's eyes, "I'm sorry, it was my mistake. My feelings for Liao Sufan were a mistake. I already know that. But I just got out of one relationship and it's really hard for me to accept another one right away. Can you give me some time? "

The Heavenly Sea King heard Fang Xuelin's coaxing words and burst into tears. He smiled. "I knew you'd come to your senses and come around," he said, grabbing Fang Xuelin's hand and bringing it to his mouth for a deep kiss. His lips slowly moved away from Fang Xuelin's hand, and he explored Fang Xuelin's mouth.

Fang Xuelin stiffened and allowed the Heavenly Sea King to do whatever he wanted.

The Heavenly Sea king's hand suddenly groped him, and Fang Xuelin's body tightened. He violently pushed the Heavenly Sea King away, his face pale and his voice trembling. "Heavenly Sea King…I… give me a little more time."

The Heavenly Sea King's hand stopped in mid-air, his expression frozen. His eyes slowly turned from his hand to Fang Xuelin, "You never used to push me away like this. Why are you so pale? So you are still afraid of me, and what you said just now was all a lie. "

Fang Xuelin waved his hands at the increasingly darkening face. He gritted his teeth and pounced on him, hugging him and crying, "I'm not lying to you, but really, please give me time. I'm not that kind of loose person. We've only known each other for a few days. Please, please, please, give me some time. "

His body was hugged tightly and the Heavenly Sea King, who was about to blacken, calmed down. He turned and hugged Fang Xuelin, gently stroking his hair and whispering, "Okay, Taiyi, I promise you."


To extend his life and mana, the Heavenly Sea King had to eat a human heart and many wandering souls every once in a while; the grievances of these wandering souls that died in vain would turn into his power, while the souls whose hearts he had eaten would become his continued life.

After the two embraced for a while, Wang Baiqian, the dog slave of the Sea King, came to bring an offering. This time he brought a young man in his twenties, someone whom Fang Xuelin also knew.

The two were not on good terms and had even had arguments before.

The man was bound by a cloud of black qi and could not move. When he saw the Heavenly Sea King and Fang Xuelin behind him, the man begged for mercy, "Fang Xuelin, Fang Xuelin, please save me. All the previous things were my fault. Please let me go."

Fang Xuelin's face was pale. Although he had verbal altercations with this man before, he did not wish him death.

Fang Xuelin jerked his head towards the Heavenly Sea King on seeing another acquaintance.

The Heavenly sea king tenderly stroked Fang Xuelin's hair that had crazily grown in the past two days and stood up, "Don't say anything, I don't want you to be embarrassed."

Fang Xuelin nodded at his word. He was now unable to protect himself. How could he save others? He took a deep breath and turned his head away.

A moment later, Fang Xuelin heard a miserable scream, followed by a gulp. He squeezed his eyes shut and trembled, his fisted hands nestling tightly into the flesh of his palms to prevent himself from letting out a cry.

When the gulps finally stopped, Fang Xuelin heard the Heavenly Sea King say, "Alright, take it out and get rid of it."

After the sound of footsteps faded away and disappeared, Fang Xuelin opened his eyes.

"Is Taiyi afraid of me?" The corners of the Heavenly Sea King's mouth were dry and clean, without a single bloodstain. "Is Taiyi afraid of my method of renewing life?"

Fang Xuelin thought for a moment, but still nodded, "I'm afraid."

The Heavenly Sea King smiled, "Taiyi is so honest, but don't worry. I've never been that kind of bloodthirsty and murderous demon, and I won't kill for no reason, it's just a necessity for my survival. These people are either prostitutes and robbers or liars and thieves, so there is no need to pity them. It would be better for them to be my sustenance and to continue my life than to remain in the world as a scourge. The lonely souls wandering in the world will turn into evil spirits over time, so they should be absorbed by me sooner rather than later so that there will be some clarity in the world."

Fang Xuelin paused and said in a low voice, "You said that all you killed were evil people. What did Liang do wrong then?"

"She stole money from the Wen family and ran away when it was in decline. Her death is her own doing. "

"What about that man just now?"

"He once insulted you behind your back, and anyone who has hurt Taiyi deserves to die."

Fang Xuelin's body trembled. The Heavenly Sea King saw this and hugged him tighter. But his body was cold and devoid of body heat, making Fang Xuelin feel colder.

"Taiyi, you look so pale. Are you not feeling well? Let me take you to rest. " The Heavenly Sea King let go of the stiff Fang Xuelin and carried him to the bed to lie down. He wrapped the magnificent brocade quilt around him before saying, "I have just absorbed the soul and it needs to be integrated. You should rest first. "

Fang Xuelin nodded, and only then did the Sea Heavenly King happily leave.

On seeing the Heavenly Sea King leave, Fang Xuelin lifted the brocade quilt and threw it far away in disgust.

He jumped out of the dragon bed and saw the bloodstained area on the floor. Black Qi slowly emerged from the ground and wrapped around those bloodstains.

As the black Qi receded, the bloodstains disappeared as well.

Fang Xuelin looked around the huge dark and empty palace and opened his mouth to let out a roar of rage. A sense of oppression filled him, causing Fang Xuelin to despair to the extreme. Why did he have to suffer so much pain? Look at this kind of place and that perverted man.

Liao Sufan and Wen Xuyao who had escaped were probably enjoying each other's love, while he had to suffer the devil's wrath.

I hate this so much!

The black Qi around him was slowly drawn and absorbed by Fang Xuelin as the resentment in his heart deepened.

In another room, the Heavenly Sea King looked at the mirror in front of him. His face condensed.

The mirror was showing none other than Fang Xuelin as he raged on.