ABO world; Arc 10.2

Bai Lixin was absorbing the memories of the world when he was suddenly jolted by a tingling sensation inside his body. It flowed through his entire body from his lower abdomen.

His body stiffened, and the tip of his nose was instantly filled with a sweet creamy smell.

The smell was so delicious and enticing that he couldn't help but pull himself out of the world's memories.

Bai Lixin frowned. Was this an aphrodisiac?

No, it was not an aphrodisiac. This kind of desire comes from the heart. It was facilitated by the body itself, not by the guidance of an external object.

Is this? Omega's pheromones?

[Ding, warning, Lord Host, the pheromones in your body are spreading outward; this body is now in heat].

Bai Lixin: [...] Could it be more dog-blooded as soon as I crossed over?

[Can you use points to help me stop the spread of pheromones?] Bai Lixin asked.

[Yes, Lord Host. Ding! Deducting 200 points to inhibit the diffusion of pheromones] After S419M used 200 points to suppress the pheromones, it paused and added: [Lord Host, I have to remind you. Spreading pheromones is instinctive for an Omega, but it is not a virus. If suppressed for a long time, it will only have adverse effects. It is better to ease the spread of pheromones than to suppress them. In addition, although the spread of pheromones has been suppressed, the consequences of the previously spread pheromones have already been created. ]

[Consequences? What consequences?] Bai Lixin asked in his mind, unsure.

[Uh… aside from you, there is an Alpha in this room…]

Bai Lixin: [...] It really could get more dog blooded!

Bai Lixin aksed: [And so?]

[And so ... hehehe…and so, both the alpha and the beta are completely defenceless to the pheromones of the omega. Omegas emit pheromones that are like the overlords in aphrodisiacs to them. Anyway, hehe… Lord Host, the system seems to have encountered a bit of a malfunction while traversing. It needs to hibernate for 24 hours for system recovery. Take care of yourself hehehe.]

Bai Lixin: [...]

[Ah, yes.] Before leaving, S419M added, [But luckily, the alpha is unconscious, so you can decipher some of the world memories to see what point in time this is.]

The air still smelled sweet and creamy, and Bai Lixin decided to put aside the matter of decoding the memories for now.

The pheromones in the air were so thick that they might cause another fluctuation within him. Because the original owner's physical attributes were only B-grade, he felt weak and almost powerless at the moment. It was better to let all these "overlords of aphrodisiacs" float away with the wind!

With this in mind, Bai Lixin slowly opened his eyes.

He was in a dimly lit room with the lights turned off. There was a window set into one wall of the room. The window was closed, but the curtains were not drawn. The pale soft moonlight slanted in through the window and fell on the bedside not far from his eyes.

He was on a huge bed made of velvet, and as he reached out his hand to try and support himself, he accidentally touched a hot body.

Bai Lixin stiffened slightly and slowly turned his head to look at the person beside him.

In the dimness of the room, it was hard to make out his face, but he was a tall, strong man. He was wearing a shirt and suit trousers and was now unconscious with his face turned outwards.

Bai Lixin breathed a soft sigh of relief and continued to sit up with his arms propped up to support his body.

As soon as he moved, he felt the pheromones in the air grow stronger, and his body, which had just fallen silent, buzzed again.

Bai Lixin sat up from the huge bed with a soft sigh.

This was not pheromones, it was just a new version of sweat pills and aphrodisiacs, right?

Having crossed over in such a sorry state, for the first time, Bai Lixin braced himself to open the window and let the aphrodisiac pheromone drift out.

Just as he was about to put his feet on the ground and stand up, a sudden, tremendous force pulled him backwards.

Caught off guard, Bai Lixin fell back onto the bed again, followed by a hot body covering him.

Bai Lixin raised his wide eyes and met a pair of golden pupils that glowed brightly in the darkness of the night.

The man's gaze was hot and aggressive.

Time almost stood still in the dim room as he then pressed heavily against him. "Oh, you want to leave?" The man asked in a thick, nasal voice after a long time. His voice was a thick, hoarse, magnetic whisper.

Bai Lixin's body shook, and he looked up at the man pressing him in surprise, his pretty face gradually cracking.


The man above did not receive an answer from Bai Lixin, and his brow furrowed slightly. Before Bai Lixin could react, he felt a pain in his arm as the man had already grabbed both his wrists with one hand and pressed them against the top of his head.

Bai Lixin let out a soft cry of pain and said angrily, "Can't you be more gentle?"

The man above raised his eyebrows slightly, and his other hand was already under Bai Lixin's clothes, "How gentle do you want me to be?"

The man lowered his body and brought his nose close to Bai Lixin's neck and sniffed heavily, "Such a thick smell of pheromones, how desperate are you for it?"

Bai Lixin deflated and aimed his legs between the man's legs. What the hell, Dijia? Has he been refined into a domineering roughish personality again? What does he mean by asking how gentle should he be?

The person above him laughed lightly and quickly pressed Bai Lixin's legs downward, easily pressing them under his own leg.

Bai Lixin coldly snorted: "How much am I desperate for more? What about you? What is that hard thing? Is it a toothpick? "

"Heh, not bad! You still have the strength to provoke me. " Bai Lixin's words were so out of place that they touched the very scales that all men hate to be touched, not to mention the fact that they were the exact opposite of the truth.

The expression on Hallyvette's face as he lay on top of Bai Lixin was a little subtle. He felt a throbbing and shuddering he had never felt before and he pressed his head down in general enjoyment.

"You still have a chance to escape." He whispered at Bai Lixin's neck, releasing both the arm and leg that held Bai Lixin in a vice grip, and gasped, "You have three minutes to get out of my sight."

The changes before him took Bai Lixin by surprise and left him stunned.

He asked in surprise, "You're kicking me out?"

Hallyvette nodded, "You go."

"Heh," Bai Lixin threw Hallyvette down on the bed with all his might and straddled him as he said, "There's no point in leaving now that I'm here. Besides, I'm reeking of strong pheromones and my whole body is sore and weak. If I walk out of this room, won't I be meat in someone else's mouth? Do you think I'm stupid? "

Hallyvette drew in a deep breath, and the sweet, and the sweet smell that filled his nose intensified.

The thought of letting the omega go was no longer on Hallyvette's mind as Bai Lixin's leg brushed between his legs, intentionally or unintentionally. He only felt an explosion in his head as what was left of his sanity was gone.

The omega was already straddling his waist. He had no physical strength due to the diffusion of his pheromones, but was still holding on.

With a slight pull from Hallyvette's hand, Bai Lixin felt his body stumble, and he fell onto Hallyvette's chest. Then he felt the sky spin around him and he was pinned on the bed again.

Hallyvette's hands swiftly roamed over Bai Lixin's body, his mouth exhaling a burning breath to take Bai Lixin's lips, "Now, little one, you can't get away even if you wanted to."

A hand pushed its way down Bai Lixin's thin clothing and pulled his trousers and underwear down, so they were left on one leg. Hallyvette kneaded the young man's tight, smooth ass beneath. Five fingers curled with gentle pressure, palming the shape of his ass.

Bai Lixin's body shuddered even more, not only from Dijia's touch but from the thick pheromones around him.

He rolled his eyes, and his body went limp and weak as he wrapped his arms around Hallyvette's neck and responded to the lingering touch in his mouth.

The night was long and it seemed like it would never get brighter.

The warm room full of that sweet and creamy smell echoed with the sound of two lingering moans all night, and the bed shaking....

Bai Lixin felt that this transmigration was the easiest and roughest journey he had had.

He had crossed straight into Dijia's bed.

But! But Dijia, this bastard, didn't know the word restraint!

Bai Lixin had a depressed look on his face on waking up. It was already the third day since he crossed into this body with only B grade physical attributes.

He hadn't woken up naturally, but had been awakened by S419M.

S419M's tone was full of pity: [Lord Host? Are you alright?]

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes: [Not well at all ... Can't you see that I am beyond raw?]

[But your face is rosy and glowing. There is something about an Alpha that is almost tonic for an Omega. You are blessed, lord host.]

[Oh, I just don't get it, S419M] Bai Lixin sneered in his heart. [I remember a world where you righteously mouthed the accusation that I was watery and loose. How come when I arrived in this world and went straight to bed with this man, you even came up with the phrase 'blessed'.]

[Hehehe, yes, is that so?] S419M laughed dryly, [That…that's because before the system shut down for repair, I secretly scanned Hallyvette's soul and physical attributes, both of which are the highest in this world. And..and.. ..In fact, since the end of the world, the system has absorbed the power of the food god and can now sense the Lord God's aura.]

Bai Lixin sneered, [That is to say, before the shut down, you already knew that Hallyvette was Dijia? No, rather, you knew he was Dijia even before the the body fusion. Should I say… that you just scanned him as a Dijia and put me in this body on purpose?!"]

S419M laughed dryly again: [Lord host, do you…do you want to repair the body?]

Bai Lixin rolled his eyes and said, [First, help me repair my body. I need to decipher this world's memories.]

Hallyvette must have given him a bath after ravaging him unconscious because he was still in this room, but his body felt refreshed, aside from the bruises and soreness. The velvet blanket was also very clean. Hallyvette was now nowhere to be found, and he was alone in the room.

The window was carefully opened and a breeze blew in, sending the aqua-blue gauze curtains billowing, which were accompanied by the faint scent of cinnamon.

A warmth flowed through his body from the body restoration, and Bai Lixin sighed comfortably as he began to absorb the memories of the world that had been interrupted by the extraordinary circumstances.

It had been a hundred years since the battle between the humans and the Zerg had ended. Since the humans wiped out all the zerg a hundred years ago after their tireless efforts, the world has been peaceful and free of strife since then.

The planet Noah was formed into the Noah Empire, which was ruled by a royal family, under which came the three great families.

The battle who exterminated the zerg back then would not be forgotten. It was their sacrifices and efforts that brought about the beginning of a new world. These warriors who took part in the battle back then are forever engraved in the Book of Heroes of the Noah Empire.

But the demise of the zerg meant the end of an old era and the beginning of a new one.

The Noah empire no longer needed so many warriors, so aside from the necessary protection teams, the warriors returned to the ground and devoted themselves to the rebuilding of the Noah empire.

The three heroic families that had played the most important roles in the Battle of the Zerg gradually became the three great families because of their prestige and the Imperial Royal Family's esteem.

They were the Haiyin, the Lamberts, and the Yakel families.

The son of this world is somewhat similar to Bai Lixin, in that he is also a transmigrator. He crossed over to become the sixth omega son of the Haiyin family.

The Haiyin family was the best developed of the three families, not only because of their wide economic distribution, but also because of their enormous branching out. Although he is an omega, he did not have much of an advantage in the Haiyin family, which has a large population. There were seven omegas of his own generation, not to mention fourteen alpha cousins.

His parents had many sons, and they did not stop having children, resulting in a large number of children in his generation. His father married two wives, a beta and an omega, but he was not satisfied and took on another omega, who later died in childbirth.

One can imagine what happens to a child without a father in such a large family.

The transmigrator had crossed over at a time when Haizi was being bullied, but he was no slouch. He seemed to be a good actor in his old world, and in a month, he had quietly improved his position in the family.

The transmigrator was clever. Why did Haizi's father bring him home when he saw that he was an omega? Because he planned to use him in a marriage.

When two families marry, it is often the newest member who suffers the most. The transmigrator's original society was civilized. In his world, men were slightly more important than women, and he was among the best of men. Having crossed over, he naturally could not accept that he had become a weak family prop.

So he gritted his teeth and secretly entered the audition for the entertainment company created by the Yakel family, one of the three great families, and successfully became a contracted artist for it.

In his previous world, the transmigrator was a multi-talented singer and movie star. He had also done TV shows and commercials, and had even participated in international competitions as a model. Auditions were a piece of cake for him.

Because of his excellent performance in the auditions, Haizi was favoured by his bosses and became an artist promoted under the eldest son of the Yakel family.

When Haizi's father learnt of this, Haizi was already under the patronage of the eldest son of the Yakel family. The Haiyin family was happy with his success, so they didn't reveal his identity and let him work in the entertainment industry incognito.

As for the original owner to body Bai Lixin had crossed into, he had little to do with this son of the world.

Among the three families in the Empire, the Lambert family was much less prosperous than the Haiyin and Yakel families.

In this generation, the Lamberts had only one child, Hallyvette Ben Lambert.

However, although Hallyvette Ben Lambert had a very successful career in business, he was still a bachelor at the age of 30.

His father was anxious, but Hallyvette was also helpless because he found that he had no interest in any Bata or omega, even when he was surrounded by pheromone emitting omegas.

In short, Hallyvette…er…the doctor gave the conclusion that it was sexual disorder syndrome.

The Lambert family patriarch was depressed. With no other children in the family, and the only son being sexually challenged.

As the saying goes, good things come in small packages, but bad things spread far and wide. Hallyvette's condition spread quickly and privately throughout the entire empire, and he was a laughing stock.

The person that Bai Lixin transmigrated as was an omega from a small family.

An Omega, a gender that would have been extraordinarily revered had he been born into a great family. However, born into a small family that could not protect him, he had a worrying future.

The original owner was called Mitchell, also a singer recently signed to Yakel Entertainment.

Word of Hallyvette's sexual disorder had spread throughout the empire, but Lambert senior was still trying to find an omega for Hallyvette, the future of the family. Naturally, no omega in a decent extended family was willing.

And the Mitchell family, being short of money, took it upon themselves to send Mitchell to the Lambert family.

The Lambert family did not like the idea of selling their son, but they were so desperate for a son-in-law that they gave the Mitchell family a large sum of money. The Mitchell family broke off their ties with Mitchell, never to be seen again.

An omega is born with the sensitive attribute of a delicate mind, and the slightest external influence could have a huge impact on his body and even his mind.

The night he was brought as a son-in-law to the Lambert family home, Mitchell had a sudden outward burst of pheromones because he couldn't bear the thought of marrying a sexually dysfunctional patient. The Lambert family wanted to give him a suppressant, but the family doctor said it would only affect Mitchell's health.

The Lambert family gritted their teeth, knocked their son out and locked Mitchell and Lambert in a room together.

After that was the opening scene, the shocking..…er, bed war.