ABO world; Arc 10.4

Bai Lixin had finished tidying his clothes and hair when heard footsteps coming from the bathroom. It looked like Hallyvette had finally settled his problem and came out.

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look back in good humour.

Then he saw…

Naked wheat skin, chest muscles, eight abs, biceps...

Bai Lixin didn't look any further and turned his head abruptly to the mirror and coughed repeatedly.

Behind him, Hallyvette laughed and turned to go to the cloakroom.

He emerged five minutes later looking like a well-dressed elite. He came up behind Bai Lixin and leaned down to fix his hair, asking solemnly, "Does my hair look messy to you, madam?"

Bai Lixin looked at the two men huddled in the mirror and shook his head obediently, "No, it's not messy."

Hallyvette smiled, "Then let's go down."

The two passed through the broken doorway. Hallyvette paused and looked down at Bai Lixin beside him. "What colour door does madam prefer?"

Bai Lixin thought for a moment, "White, I think."

Hallyvette nodded, "Okay. By the way, is the dressing table satisfactory? It was made in a hurry over the past two days. I don't know if you like it. "

Bai Lixin bowed his head and said shyly, "Yes, I do."

Only then did Hallyvette smile. He took Bai Lixin's hand and walked down the hall.

Mitchell's parents had told them that timidity and sensitivity were common to omegas, only that Mitchell's case was more severe.

As he took Bai Lixin's hand, Hallyvette sniffed at the scent from his body and was slightly distracted, his body seemingly stirring again after the release.

Master Lambert saw them and straightened up, wiping the corners of his mouth elegantly with his handkerchief. There was a look of joy that could not be concealed.

"Father, here we are." Hallyvette shielded Bai Lixin behind him as he pulled out a chair for him to sit in before he sat down in front of him.

Master Lambert looked at Bai Lixin's shy face, remembering his parents' reminder, and nodded in a very small, gentle voice, "Ahem, Mitchell…I hope I didn't scare you this morning. "

Bai Lixin hooked at the corners of his mouth and smiled dryly, "No, no."

Master Lambert's voice grew gentler, "Don't worry Mitchell, I'm usually very civil. Don't be afraid."

Bai Lixin couldn't help but nod stiffly, both hands placed on his thighs, looking extremely embarrassed.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's delicate appearance, Elder Lambert's heart gave an even bigger twitch as he pointed to the meal on the table and whispered, "Son, these are all prepared for you. I don't know what you like to eat, so I made a little of everything. "

Bai Lixin blushed slightly and mumbled in a low voice, "No, it's okay, I'm not picky. Thank you, Grandpa. "

'Grandpa?' Master Lambert froze on the spot, somewhat at a loss for words.

The life expectancy in the ABO world is around 200 years, with alpha's having the longest life expectancy of about 250 years and beta's having 200 years. Omegas only live an average of 150 years due to their natural weakness. The ABO world had a few adolescents and elderly, with most being youth and middle age. So many families, at first glance, have more sons and fathers looking like brothers.

Master Lambert was a late bloomer; when Hallyvette was born, Master Lambert was already a hundred and seventy years old, and this year, by coincidence, he was 200 years old and middle-aged in appearance.

Hallyvette smiled gently and patted Bai Lixin's hair with a smooth smile. "Call him father."

Bai Lixin twisted his shirt and blushed even more, "Father…. I'm sorry, it was a slip of the tongue just now."

Master Lambert waved his hand and said that since his daughter-in-law had been so well behaved, he would forgive him for being so straightforward.

The table was set with a wide array of food, including vegetarian, meat, and specialities from all over. Before Bai Lixin could do anything, Hallyvette was the first to take his plate and help him with some of the dishes. Seeing the dishes served on his plate, Bai Lixin suddenly smiled.

Although Dijia's soul was in fragments, he knew by heart what dishes he liked to eat.

Hallyvette put the plate away and then leaned over to Bai Lixin and asked in a low voice, "Try it. I think you'll like it."

The warmth of his breath slowly reached Bai Lixin's ears, and his low voice was like a thick, fragrant wine that put him in a trance.

Shaking his head vigorously to shake off the uncontrollable thoughts, Bai Lixin heard Hallyvette ask, "Why, you don't like it?"

Ah, I just was just shaking my head.

As an afterthought, Bai Lixin shook his head again and hurriedly explained, "My ears were itchy from your breath. I like the food; it's all my favourites. Thank you. "

Hallyvette smiled dotingly and brought a bowl of vegetable soup to Bai Lixin. "You haven't eaten for three days. Have a sip of soup before you eat. Take your time; there's no need to rush. "

Bai Lixin held the soup spoon in one hand and covered his scarlet cheeks with the other.

Hallyvette looked at his petite omega's shy face and smiled softly before continuing to eat.

Master Lambert sat at the far front, smiling as he watched the two lovingly interact. But then he suddenly remembered something, coughed twice and cleared his throat, "Er…Mitchell, as the head of the Lambert family, I would like to officially welcome you to the Lambert family. How are you getting used to staying here these past two days? "

Bai Lixin put down his spoon before answering the old man's question, "It has been a comfortable stay. Thank you, father. "

Master Lambert watched Bai Lixin's detailed movements and nodded in satisfaction. Although this daughter-in-law of his was not from a large family, his manners and etiquette were of the highest quality, not inferior to those bullying omegas of large families, and also a hundred thousand miles better.

"My dear boy, now that you call me father, why don't you two get on with the business that needs to be done?" Smiling, Elder Lambert whispered gently.

"Ahem!" Although the soup had been swallowed, Bai Lixin could not help but cough. Get down…..to business? Old master, although you are eager to have a grandson, can you not be so enthusiastic and say things spontaneously?

"Hallyvette, Mitchell, rather than wait, why not go today to get the license? Although you live in the house, child, we the Lambert family do not take advantage of people. "

Bai Lixin: "…"

So it's not that the Lambert senior is passionate and spontaneous, it's that I'm not pure-minded.

Hallyvette seemed to know what Bai Lixin had misunderstood, as he smiled covetously and leaned over to his ear. He whispered in a voice that only two people could hear, "Madam, what are you thinking about? Your husband will do his best to satisfy you."

Master Lambert's face stiffened, and he shot a glance at the restless Hallyvette. "Sit up straight, Hallyvette."

Hallyvette sat up straight and smiled lightly. Bai Lixin adjusted his expression, his cheeks crimson as he glanced at the two Lamberts. "I'll listen to father."

Master Lambert laughed and clapped his hands in delight. As soon as he did so, he suddenly remembered that Mitchell was quite timid and delicate. He hastened to soften his movements and his voice, but he still could not restrain his inner ecstasy. Ever since he had been able to judge right from wrong, his son had been quite opinionated and had never listened to his old man.

But now Hallyvette was like a tamed cheetah before Mitchell. Mitchell listened to him, which indirectly meant that Hallyvette listened to him too. The more he looked at his daughter-in-law, the more he was pleased with him.

'Hahaha, Hallyvette now listens to me, hahaha.' Master Lambert's face turned red as he leaned back and laughed silently, his movements exaggerated.

Hallyvette sighed and leaned into Bai Lixin's ear and whispered, "Father is a little neurotic in his menopause. Just be understanding. If you can't, it's okay, don't worry. "

The old man must be looking forward to having a grandchild, and his gleeful facial expression was unbearable to watch.

Towards the end of breakfast, Hallyvette wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin and looked at Master Lambert. "Father, in that case, we will go and register the marriage later. Besides, it is too inconvenient for us to live in the ancestral home, so Mitchell and I will go straight to my house after we have registered."

Master Lambert glared and said in a low voice, "What inconvenience is there in the ancestral home? I can still look after Mitchell while you're away."

"Father," Hallyvette glared back, "Do you still want to have grandchildren?"

At that, Master Lambert's face changed like a magic trick, and he had a joyful smile, "Well, in that case, I shall not keep you."

Bai Lixin:"… " You guys think I'm a piece of wood, don't you?

After eating, Hallyvette took Bai Lixin to rest for a while, and then they left by car.

Bai Lixin sat in the cat and asked in confusion, "Don't you need to take the clothes?"

"It doesn't matter. I've prepared your clothes and daily necessities in the past two days. The clothes at the ancestral house are for when we go to visit. " Hallyvette smiled and patted Bai Lixin's shoulder affectionately.

The car was an extra-model limousine. The chauffeur sat in the front driving, while Bai Lixin and Hallyvette sat snugly in the back.

The marriage registrar's office was just around the corner, and Bai Lixin thought that if he didn't say something at this point, it would be even more difficult to talk about it when they got the license. Gritting his teeth, he shook Hallyvette's arm and whispered, "Can I discuss something with you?"

Hallyvette: "Of course, what is it?"

"Uh," Bai Lixin thought for a moment and said stiffly, "Can we secretly get married?"

"Huh? Say that again, I didn't hear you. "

"Er, that is, can we hide our marriage from the public?"

"Heh!" Hallyvette laughed, and Bai Lixin then felt his body lighten as he was put on the latter's lap in the blink of an eye, "A hidden marriage? Do you have something else in mind? "

Hallyvette turned Bai Lixin in a single move so that they sat face-to-face.

Bai Lixin watched Hallyvette's expression and his heart thudded.

Hallyvette had a smile on his face, but he was not smiling; he had a dangerous fire in his eyes.

"Does Hallyvette have a dream?" A mist filled Bai Lixin's eyes, and he tilted his head to look at him with a bunny-like pitiful expression, "I've always had the dream of becoming a singer before I was sent to the Lamberts by my parents, and I was only one step away from it."

"The Yakel family's entertainment company?" Hallyvette raised an eyebrow and slid his hands down to hold Bai Lixin's tight ass, gripping hard to hold him in place.

Bai Lixin didn't expect Hallyvette to mention Yakel's Entertainment, but he nodded anyway, "I just signed a five-year contract with Yakel Family Entertainment a while ago. The third clause of the contract states that I can't get married for five years."

"How much is it for the breach of contract?" Hallyvette reached out a hand and pressed a button on the door, and a black curtain slowly fell, separating the rear from the driver's seat at the front.

Bai Lixin had not yet noticed this change, and he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You don't understand. It's not the breach of contract, it's the fact that the music company owned by Yakel Entertainment is the best music company on Noah planet. All singers want the chance to be in this one company, and I'm no exception. "

"Oh," Hallyvette said, his hand slowly untucking Bai Lixin's top from his suit trousers and sliding his hand up Bai Lixin's back.

Only then did Bai Lixin react, "Wait, wait, we'll be seen."

"No, we won't. Look back if you don't believe me." Hallyvette's hands remained caressing back and forth across Bai Lixin's smooth skin.

Bai Lixin looked back, and just when he had seen the dark curtain, he felt his body being moved again. He was now sitting on Hallyvette's lap and facing the front. Hallyvette's hand went between Bai Lixin's legs. "Trying to hide our marriage? Does that mean you don't want our relationship to be public? "

Bai Lixin caught Hallyvette's moving hand and said, "Yes, do you agree?"

"And if I don't agree?" Hallyvette sneered. Both hands now slid to the front and unbuckled Bai Lixin's belt, smoothly sliding into Bai Lixin's underwear.

"Heh, don't you ever touch me again if you don't agree." Bai Lixin taunted, "Anyway, I haven't married you yet. If you don't agree, let's break up before it's too late, and I won't breach the contract because of it. "

"Heh, just because I haven't marked you yet doesn't mean I won't mark you right now. Mitchell, I can't believe you don't want to acknowledge our relationship."

Hallyvette sulked, resting his head against Bai Lixin's neck from behind, his hand still teasing Bai Lixin's sensitive area up and down.

Bai Lixin whimpered a few times and then lost his strength. He tilted his head back and patted Hallyvette's cheek with his palm, saying helplessly, "Why don't you understand? I just said that it's a hidden marriage! A hidden marriage! How about this: I'll give you the right to do whatever you want in bed from now on, as long as you agree to a hidden marriage. "

Hallyvette's eyes lit up and his hand smoothly pulled Bai Lixin's trousers to his thighs, "Really? Everything? "


"You are promising to let me do anything?"


Hallyvette's hands kept moving as the buttons of Bai Lixin's blouse were unbuttoned and slung over his shoulders. By now, Bai Lixin was so aroused by Hallyvette that she could only let Hallyvette do what he wanted.

Hallyvette laughed softly and pinned Bailiff underneath him. "Since you have begged me so earnestly, it would be too much for me not to say yes. But tell me, when can the relationship be made public? "

"Three years, at the most, and I will make our relationship public." Hallyvette's hand went from the back to his lower abdomen, and Bai Lixin let out a stifled moan as he hurriedly replied.