Three little boys, now grown men.

"I can't believe we're here! I'm in the castle, I mean outside the front gates of the castle but HEY! right outside the castle!" Ned cheered loudly, Although he was still kind of annoyed by the job offer for flipping his life around.

He definitely enjoyed the fancy exterior sight that the castle or 'the palace of Derora' has to offer, it's been a while since he felt this kind of luxury around him.

"Damn I would definitely not mind growing old in this place! it's massive! just my style." he Spoke again.

"Ugh Ned! you're such a material Omega!

Anyways, I guess since we're going to live in here together, we are no longer a long distance friendship! Yay!" Matilda's cheerful comment earned her a friendly glare from the young doctor, "Long distance my ass! you didn't even come to visit you asshole." Ned replied, "Some alpha you are! leaving your poor omega friend behind." He added to tease her.

Walking inside, the doctor stared curiously at all his surroundings.

Especially at The stone path from the gates to the palace, so beautifully Kept and well decorated, it's hard not to look.

The stone bath was basically a line that cuts a garden into two.

And with Lush plants, trees, Roses and statues on small pillars, and all kind of decorations on each side of this path, it turned the walk from an ordinary action, into a fairytale scenery.

The artistic vibe cought the attention and breath of Ned as he walked with Matilda, it was just so beautiful to his eyes.

The scene of luxury itself wasn't new on Ned, he just missed the type of beauty money could provide, and it just so happened that the doctor was naturally easily impressed by beautiful fancy things, especially the shiniest of these things.

"Do you think I'll find a rich husband here? wait with this new job, I'm going to be the rich husband haha!" Ned bursted laughing at his own jokes making Matilda roll her eyes.

"Sure sure, you're going to find lots of rich Dick wielders here Ned." she replied casually.

Gasping, " Matilda! you're a fine young lady behave yourself! Saying such improper terms inside a royal building!

If you don't behave, no poor stupid girl out there in going to let you get between her magical doors again...Girls like sweet poetic tongues, people that speak as if they came out of a romance story book." Ned dramatically spoke.

He was just joking, but that's how he and Matilda show love to each other, by teasing each other.

"What do you know! huh?

look who's speaking about getting Laid! it's the guy who's still a virgin! you can't get Dicks nor hearts you loser!" She replied sticking her tongue out.

Humiliated, Ned began chasing after Matilda who fled away from his grasps as he yelled, " I AM SO GOING TO BEAT YOUR LESBIAN ASS MATILDA JEANNETTE!"

Feeling happier than ever that she was getting chased by her best friend after such long separation, "Did you suddenly became straight? chasing after a woman!" Matilda replied, her joke made Ned's blood boil even more.

The two continued chasing each other around, ignoring the fact that there were plenty of people watching them, from Servants doing Their usual routines or maybe just having a walk, to guards making sure nothing is out of the ordinary.

Among those watching, were a specific group of knights that have just returned back from extensive training outside the palace.

"Check this out! Matilda is back...but who the hell is the short guy with glasses after her? he looks like he's going to murder her, should we stop them?" One Sassy knight asked, "I don't know I don't care, they're too loud...too loud." Another gloomy looking knight replied flatly.

"He's cute however, the glasses boy." the sassy knight spoke again smiling, "I'm right here you know." The gloomy knight replied.

" I rather be with Matilda, tall women are the sexiest don't you think?" A third sweet knight spoke, the other two knights burtsed laughing at their naive friend's words.

"I forgot you're crushing on her...well, She's a women's woman, and you're still pretending to be a man with two swords, little Bean." The gloomy knight spoke.

"I hate to say it but she'll never be yours, unless you've finally made up your mind about becoming your true self, A woman.

You know we'll support your transition, right?" the Sassy knight added.

"I told you I'm scared to actually transition since my family is so against it! they even said they prefer an Alpha son over an Alpha daughter." the Sweet knight said flustered.

As he passed by them, Ned heard what the knights were saying, "Hey! Fuck those old hags of yours! do what makes you happy! Be a woman!...SHIT! MATILDA GET BACK HERE!" Ned said then went back to chasing Matilda.

"Language Doctor! I see you And Matilda are having fun already!

If I recall correctly Matilda you mentioned that you and the doctor used to be close friends before becoming my messenger, right?" A gentle voice came from behind the duo of friends making them stop dead in their track, Especially after they saw how everyone around them was bowing to the owner of the voice.

"Omg! forgive me my king, we didn't get to see each others in a long time, due to the nature of our jobs." Matilda spoke straighting her back before Bowing respectfully, although her mind was now occupied admiring the beauty of the gown Muriel wore, she thought it would look good as well on a certain humble person she knew.

Ned quickly followed in his friend's footsteps, Bowing to Muriel as the young king stood gracefully in front of them.

"I must admit that when I hear the word King, I always think of a middle-aged man, with a rough face... I never imagined a beautiful young and elegant king instead." Ned spoke aiming to complement his way out with his Majesty.

It worked, seeing how Muriel's smile grew bigger revealing a set of shiny bright teeth, as bright As diamond.

"Oh My! Thank you! the pleasure is all mine to finally meet you again, Neddie." Said Muriel, Matilda silently stepped back to allow them to talk in peace.

"Again? Neddie? I believe I heard this nickname before, however I must apologize my king, I doubt we had a meeting before this." Ned questioned.

"Oh my! we have already met before Neddie! you were 10 years old at the time, I believe you're around 24 maybe 25 at the moment?"

"Wait, 15 years ago...15 years ago...Oh shit I mean heavens! You were the kid I treated all those years ago! I thought you were a noble yet, I never expected you to be the king!" Ned said surprised.

"Yes! well back then you never allowed me The pleasure to introduce myself properly.

Ned dear you even refused to come receive any gifts of gratitude from my side after the incident, and you just simply vanished!

It was a less of trouble finding the other boy who helped that day than finding you." Muriel stated, as a child he remembered Ned to be taller than him, but now the tables have turned as Muriel was now taller.

"Oh right! your majesty there was another boy that day, That little dare-devil with the Mohawk haircut... I hope he lost that stupid mohawk.

What was his name again?...umm 'Rick' no 'Gary' or was is something else?" Ned tried to remember.

"Garrick." a voice answered his question.

"Ah yes! Garrick!...wait who said that?" Confused, Ned turned to find another taller figure other than Matilda's hovering over him.

A man stood taller than both him and Muriel, with bright violet purple hair in a brush up hairstyle, and eyes matching the hair in color, his sweaty uniform screamed that he was a knight.

"I said that." replied the sweaty man, " And I did lose that stupid mohawk...Neddie." he added smirking to tease the dark purple-haired doctor.

At this point his Majesty faded in the background with Matilda, both watching as the doctor and knight exchanged words with each other.

"You became a knight like you said 15 years ago."

"And you became a doctor unlike what you said 15 years ago."

"Time changes people Garrick... So, what should I be calling you, Mister knight?"

"Sir Garrick Delun At you service, Mister new Court physician, Neddie." Garrick spoke slightly bowing.

"Good for you, and it's not Neddie, only his Majesty has the right to call me that nickname."

"Then what should I call you...'Lovely' perhaps?" Garrick asked.

Ned cringed, "Oh god no! the full name is Ned, Ned Valentino and don't you forget that!"

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it, lovely."

"GARRICK!" Ned yelled at him.

"Okay Okay! I'll call you Ned, geez you're serious like crazy... it's still cute just like when we played together as kids." Garrick replied.

"Sir Delun, please refrain from bothering the new doctor with your flirtatious ways." Muriel spoke giggling to himself, "it appears that the both of you still behave like from 15 years ago, like An old married couple." he added.

Upon hearing his Majesty's words, Ned blushed and a smirk found its place on Garrick's face, he threw a knowing glance at Ned who rolled his eyes at him.

"Oh and from now on please Neddie, you can speak informally with me.

I am genuinely sick of being called 'your majesty' and 'My king' especially by people whom I deem close to me, sir Delun you are included." the kind said.

"As you wish, Muriel." Garrick smiled bowing gracefully to the king, Ned however flustered, wore a nervous smile, " Although I find it embarrassing to be addressing you by your name, I shall comply nonetheless, Muriel." he said bowing himself for the young king.

"There is absolutely nothing to feel embarrassed about, I owe the both of you my Life and my children's lives as well...if it was not for your bravery as little boys while saving me, we would have not met as grown men." Muriel replied.

"It was nothing Muriel, Ned and I...we did what anyone with enough decency would do." Garrick said, "I unfortunately agree with him." Ned added.

"Well, shall we head to my office, you and I Dr. Valentino? I still have more to discuss with you concerning the terms of your employment." Muriel said.

Ned nodded a yes, " I suppose this is my call to leave, see you around Fresh meat!" Garrick winked, flashing a smiling at Ned who returned it with a sarcastic one.

"Muriel..." Garrick The soon to be commander said bowing his head again to Muriel, leaving the doctor and the king alone as he went to join that knight group from before.

As for Matilda, it seemed like she just disappeared somewhere while they were chatting, and no matter where his eyes landed, Ned couldn't find his best friend anywhere nearby.