Kimberly's announcement.

"I see...I suppose I can convince her to take a day off.

I'll keep your request in mind your majesty." Socorro anxiously replied, she quickly made an escape outside the office.

Her unexpected shift in demeanor didn't resonate well with the king, "What in the world happened to her? the moment I mentioned Matilda's sickness, she became absolutely weird."


The chase between Ned and Garrick came to an end a while ago, as the physically inactive doctor couldn't keep up with the The athletic knight at all.

Ned threw himself on the grass outside, panting and gasping for air, unable to move a muscle from exhaustion.

Hovering over the doctor, "Seems like you don't work out so much, huh? doctor lovely." Garrick teased him with a smirk.

"Ah! *gasping* I'm...gonna...g-get you one" Ned barely spoke few words, before his vision began spinning again.

He was never this tired in his life before, "Maybe you should start joining the knights for morning jogs, Doc!" One of the knights from before spoke as they approached Ned and Garrick.

"Oh *gasping* it's you! the soon to be trans knight from earlier, with Shitty old fashioned parents." Ned said as soon as he noticed who addressed him.

This knight had a calming smile on their friendly chubby face and welcoming hazel eyes, Ned instantly felt like this person was a good person, "Yes! my name is Kimberly Clarkson by the way, I apologize on behalf of the others in the unit for not introducing ourselves earlier." Kimberly replied.

Ned finally managed to pull himself up, "No problem Kim, quick question? what pronouns do you use so I can address you properly."

"You can use he/ him for now, until I finally transition.

Anyways, I decided to listen to a certain person and by that I mean you and my friends from I am leaving soon, I will come visit once I recover from surgery.

Then, you'll probably get to call me by my new pronouns!" the knight replied smiling.

Realizing what his friend said, "You're doing it finally kim! congratulations!" Garrick said hugging his friend, "When will you go through with it?" he added asking.

"I still haven't scheduled the surgery yet.

but I'm leaving tomorrow though! if I don't do this now, I don't think I'll ever muster up the courage for it again.

I'm also not coming back here, at least not as a knight." The hazel-eyes knight replied nervously.

"You're Leaving the knights, as in permanently?" Garrick's face dropped at the news, Kimberly is like a younger sibling to him, of course he's going to miss the little bean.

"I'm sorry Rickie... if I made you sad with my decision, I would love it if you'd lend me your support on this one." Kimberly said, his puppy eyes is something Garrick can never say no to.

"I suppose I can take care of your resignation procedures with Socorro.

I'll handle the paperwork myself so you can focus on yourself from now on." Garrick replied Smiling a Little, "Thanks...i really appreciate it! I know how you hate paperwork, that means a lot to me." Kimberly replied happily.

"Oh wait? why not come back here as a Dame (female knight) then Kimberly?" Ned asked, the doctor's curious side was showing.

" I don't think so, I never aimed to be a knight in the first place! I was forced by my parents to be one.

But My dream is different! since movies are a new thing in our kingdom after all the development that happened, and the fact that there aren't many people that can be considered actors that are available, I want to try my luck to become a movie star!

I have a distance relative who is a student at that Art academy, the one that got re-named after his Majesty Muriel.

And my cousin is a New students, so you have no idea how much she wants me to join in with her! she's been begging me for weeks now to come and sign up there with her." Kimberly explained excitedly.

"it's true that the movie-making industry is quite new here, And early bird gets food first I guess...but you will still have lots of competition there, You know how rough it is to get the spotlight." Ned said.

"Sure, I'm aware that I'm not as pretty or as talented as all the actors and actresses that made it out there, nor I have support from my family or someone with experience and Money behind my back.

I've seen how all the rich kids, always take the best things for themselves in this world before us common folks.

And although I'm on my own with the least amount of chances, I'm confident I can do well as myself and by myself, I'm not rushing for fame, I wanna learn first, and have fun." Kimberly stated proudly.

And Garrick smiled grew bigger, he couldn't be more proud of his friend, "Lucky you, your stars aligned perfectly today kim!

Then it's settled, We will go out, all of us tonight and give you a little farewell party." he said.

"No need to bother yourselves with my departure! wishing me good luck is far more than enough Rickie." Kimberly said feeling shy.

"Nonsense Kim! I'll find the others in our unit and tell them our plans, And btw Ned do you want to join us?" Garrick asked with hopeful eyes.

Ned hesitated for a moment, the introvert in him did not like the idea of going out, at least not with strangers, yet he was genuinely happy for Kimberly and wanted to do something nice, plus Kimberly wasn't the only one who can pull the puppy eyes move, Garrick was a professional.

So Ned gave up, "I'm not into social events especially not goodbyes, but since I was the inspiration behind this glorious moment, I will make an exception! So count me in." Ned replied.

A big smile found it's way all across Kimberly and Garrick's face, "Thank you guys! especially you Garrick, the whole unit is like my chosen family." Kimberly said.

"I'm happy you think of us as your family Kim.

Now, we'll meet here tonight, I'll check if I have nothing else holding me back then call the others.

You Neddie, can get Matilda with you, she likes this sorta things." Garrick said.

"Okay but for the records Delun, since it's your idea you're paying, I'm not spending a penny I don't own." Ned stated then hurried away to find Matilda.

Somehow Ned's energy has been restored, it made Garrick smile witnessing the young doctor doing his own acts of kindness.

"Look at him hopping away like a bunny! he's a funny man that doctor!" Yurei said Popping out of nowhere again behind the knights.

Startled, Garrick fell on his butt absolutely petrified, "YOU! OH MY GOODNESS MY HEART! I think it stopped for a second! *whining* Yurei PLEEEEEASE stop scaring me this way!" Garrick begged.

"You're such a coward! you're supposed to protect mother, but you get scared so easily and you can't even defeat mother in a duel, what a shame!" the boy replied sticking his tongue out.

But when He noticed Kimberly, "Oh hello kimmy!" Yurei sheepishly smiled, greeting the Sweet knight.

"Hello your highness!" Kimberly replied bowing down for Yurei.

"I can't feel my legs for real." Garrick whined again, he was so done with Yurei's habit of scaring him.

"Let me help you up." Kimberly said offering a hand, Garrick took the offer pulling himself up, "Thanks Kim, you can go get yourself ready, I'll come to get you when it's time to go."

Nodding, Kimberley took off, and Garrick was now alone with the boy who has a smug face on.

"Why are you here Yurei?" Garrick Asked eyeing the boy with Annoyance,"Brother Tacito is having a fit of rage by himself, he kept messing up with his music until he got so angry." Yurei explained.

It always baffled Garrick how irregular the seven years old Yurei sounded for a child, he sounds more like an adult.

"And before you think about it Garrick, don't tell Mother.

Let Tacito deal with it on his own, I left the room to give him some space." the young prince explained further why he was outside.

"Ah-huh, are you done painting?" Garrick asked.

"Nope sir."

"What a shame Yurei, the painting looks amazing so far."

"I Know, I made it."

" Tch! a little arrogant aren't you?"

"I'm a prince before being an artist, Sir! I need to be confident."

The knight was speechless, when Muriel is around,Yurei pretends to be a cute little boy with a happy face.

The moment the young prince is alone with Garrick, his persona changes.

The 7 years old sounds like a fully grown adult, Almost as of he's pretending on purpose.

"You know something, Yurei." Garrick said.


Garrick wanted to comment about his behavior but held back, afraid he might say something that would backfire, "Nothing, nevermind chestnut."

" that a new nickname for me? it's funny I admit." Yurei replied smiling the same way he always does, however his eyes were completely empty of emotions this time.

Whispering, "How did you learn to fake a smile at such a young age!" Garrick said to himself and Yurei lifted his head up, "Mommy says smiling is better than frowning.

Even when you want to smash someone's face, smile at them! that is scarier!" Yurei replied.

"Like son like mother...I guess nothing skips your ears." Garrick said.

Yurei simply replied with another smile before he began walking away from the young knight, when he suddenly remembered something that made him stop.

"Ah Garrick! about your promise of taking me and my brother to play outside..."

"What about it little guy?"

"I heard mommy's assistant saying someone is coming tomorrow! you'll probably be too busy to play with us."

Garrick raised an eyebrow, "Who's coming?"

"Why would I know? I'm just a kid! go find out yourself! goodbye!" Yurei replied smugly then made a cute escape by hopping away like a bunny.

Garrick sighed watching him leave, "kids, they have no filter." He said.


Walking back inside, Ned began searching for Matilda.

He recalled spotting her when he was busy chasing after Garrick earlier, "Wait wasn't she with the king's assistant? I need to ask her." he said to himself.

Luckily for him, Socorro's firm voice can be heard from across the country, as she was loudly giving orders around to servants to prepare for tomorrow's ceremony.

"Belmonte right?" Ned said approaching her.

"Doctor Valentino! pleasure to see you finally." She replied.

"Thanks?... Anyways, what are you doing?" Ned asked, his curiosity took the best of him.

"Oh right, we still haven't announced that yet."

"Announced what?"

"His majesty has decided to hold a ceremony tomorrow, we will be having a visitor from a Northern neighboring Kingdom."

"Wait isn't that the kingdom with the funny name...Junglaya kingdom right?" Ned said.

"Yes, His Majesty king Thorn will be arriving tomorrow." Socorro replied.

"Shit, you must be overworked right now."

"Good can I help you doctor?"

"Right! I forgot!" Ned said, " I'm looking for Matilda, I saw her with you earlier and thought that if she's not with you, you would at least know where I can find her.

So can you show me where she is? because seriously, I've been looking for that buffoon for a while now and I need her."

"Buffoon?" Socorro chuckled at the nickname, "Matilda said earlier that she was going to her place, I'll ask someone to guide you there."

In a second, a maid approached the young doctor to guide him where Matilda is.

...Few Minutes Later...

"Thank you, you can go now." The doctor said, sending the maid away as he stood outside Matilda's door.