Late night show with Mati and Coco episode 3

[ Disclaimer: not an actual chapter]

Socorro: Hello dear beloved Audience! and welcome to another episode of Our late night show! Matilda is running late for some reason, so bear with me a little as I'll be hosting by myself for a while.

Matilda: No you're not! I'm here! I'm here! *Panting* sorry I took my time...I had to stop Ned from killing someone today.

Socorro: Being punctual is a necessity in your Line of work, so how come you're always late Matilda?

Matilda: WHAT are you talking about? I'm always here before everyone, I'm the one greeting everyone first here! it's just that today was a special case, that's all.

Socorro: Just get in your place already.

Matilda: Yes!...Umm, Socorro...?

Socorro: Yes?

Matilda: Do you hate me by any chance?

Socorro: What?! what makes you think that?

Matilda: Everyone says you're the nicest to them, the sweetest even... but with me...

All I get from you is insults and complains, am I that bad of a person to you?

Socorro: Mati, I think you should focus on your job here.

Matilda: I knew you wouldn't answer, why do I bother anymore ...

Socorro: I'm sorry, we will talk about this later but for now please? let's focus here.

Matilda: whatever...go ahead.

Socorro: Thank you, *Clears throat* anyways today we decided to briefly talk about the subject of 'The normal world' where the supernaturals and magic are not a normal occurrence, and most inhabiting that world believe these things don't exist at all!

We will also talk about how this world is connected to ours, and it's relationship to us having technology although be it outdated, Such as Telephones, radios and TVs!

Matilda: .....

Socorro: Umm, well As said before, magic exists in our world as a normal thing.

thought the number of Magic users is low currently, our world used to have so much people that can use magic but back in the far past, that Until a war happened Causing a significant drop in the number of people with magic abilities.

When we say Magic users, we're not talking about Werewolves and vampires, those are supernatural creatures, what we mean by Magic users or witches, is any person that uses magic, it could be human or beast.

Back to the subject, one of types of magic that is quite rare today yet played a fundamental role in the development of the technologic era in our world, is the dimensional teleportation magic! Basically teleporting from a world to another.

Matilda: ...

Socorro: *Sighing* I suppose it's up to me to explain everything this time.

As I was saying, dimensional teleportation magic allows its user to travel to other worlds, where different beings and creations exist.

in the past, some wizards were able to obtain technologies from another world they dubbed as the 'the normal world', via this magic we have now many new things that made life easier without the use of magic like inventions, knowledge and even ideologies.

it was a step forward to our world, people have relied on magic for so long that when it became a rare occurrence, people were just lost on what to do!

Matilda: ...

Socorro: unfortunately, dimensional teleportation magic is a rare occurrence and it's a difficult magic to use, plus These mages work for Governments rather than The people, so it takes years to bring something new from the another world and to spread it across ours.

Matilda: *sights* so that is why, some of you may consider that many of the countries and kingdoms in our world are outdated or left behind.

Socorro: *Smiles* Yes.

But aside from lack of magic and owning strange Technology, I was actually shocked to know that 'the normal world' doesn't Omegas and alphas and everyone is the same as a beta, like me!

Actually, Alphas and omegas do exist there in the normal world,

and they say they they made it to the normal world through another world, but that's not the point that's bothering me.

Apparently, all the Omegas and alphas in the normal world live in secrecy, hiding their secondary-genders from the normal people, some male omegas pretend to be Beta woman, some alpha woman pretend to be men and so on.

Matilda: it's definitely a place I wouldn't want to live in, I don't want to hide who I am.

Socorro: I'd say I'm the opposite, do you think we might be able to visit such place someday?

Matilda: Who knows, maybe in the future, we'll all go on an adventure and teleport there, though I'm not looking forward to it.

Socorro: I would definitely be ready for such adventure!

Matilda: *Smiles* can I ever stay mad at you?

Socorro: huh? did you say something Matilda?

Matilda: Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Socorro: Anyways! we don't want to bore you anymore with these type of information, so thank you for joining us again!

Matilda: we will be back again next time with more informations of course.

Socorro: Stay tuned! and do not forget to smile to yourselves in the mirror... in the meantime enjoying the characters list we prepared, it special this time.

And make sure that you Have a good time!

Matilda: bye bye!

Socorro: Goodbye!


Characters list p3:

[ Matilda Jeannette ] she/her, Alpha

-Age: 25

-Occupation : the king's personal messenger.

(physical features)

- Eye type/ color: Almond eyes, orange eye color, short eyelashes.

-hair type / color: straight short apricot orange hair, medium rounded eyebrows.

-body description : towering hight, Buff build, Ultra fair skin tone.

-other physical/ visible features:

Her hairstyle choice is a bob cut.

Matilda's muscles can be seen from miles away, often wears customized suits since her size is not very much available in clothing items, and her outfit must have something orange in it.

she's a tomboy when it comes to her casual outfits, but she loves to wear makeup and high heels in special occasions like weddings.

Matilda's has a tattoo that says 'Live for Love' on the top of her Left arm.

she's a hat person but never wears a hat on the job.

( personality features)

-personality type: Entertainer/


- a rising Extrovert, a tiny bit of an introvert sometimes. ever heard of 'life is never boring around them' type of people? that's Matilda Jeannette.

-Spontaneous and energetic and free spirited, Matilda may not be the one doing the tedious job of organizing the party but she knows how to make it fun, and she loves getting invited for some good vibes only social interactions.

- her biggest source of joy is making the crowd entertained.

-Open minded and generous, always learning to accept other's opinions and see things from their point of view.

- Driven by emotional, Matilda gives her heart the right to make decisions even if that means she's going to get hurt in the process.

- she doesn't like to think much of anything, she isn't the leader type nor the mastermind, she just lives the moment and follows orders.

-Optimistic, She believes that everything bad happening means something good will follow.

- A little self doubtful, Matilda is not immune to stress and countless of moments of self hatred.

-Growing up receiving little love from the world but giving so much in return, she is starving for affection and attention.

- General Likes: Cooking, working out, hanging out with Ned, anything orange, Kids, being romantic, comedy, women with beautiful smiles, buying gifts for others ( she doesn't mind spoiling Ned), being invited or included in others social plans, Hiking, music, writing mostly romantic poems.

- General Dislikes: humid weather, people being mean to her without explaining the reason, wearing leather, wasting food, doing any activity outside without having someone by her side, Being judged based on her body, being left in the dark on important matters.


[ Socorro Belmonte ] she/her, Beta

-Age: 24

-Occupation : the king's personal assistant.

(Physical features)

- Eye type/ color: downturn eyes, reddish brown eye color, long eyelashes.

-Hair type / color: very long wavy Dark reddish brown hair, thick gradual eyebrows.

-Body description: somewhat tall without heels, slim build, Ivory skin tone.

-Other physical/ visible features:

Simple, doesn't like to stand out a lot, often wearing dresses and skirts especially on the job, her dress must have pockets as she doesn't like carrying bags.

Socorro loves to match her outfits with nature, often styles herself in earthly colors.

her favorite of Accessories is gloves, she loves wearing gloves even when it's not the cold season, she matches her gloves with the shoes she wears.

she doesn't tie her hair much, but likes to braid it from time to time and uses ribbons to tie it.

her wooden comb is always in her pocket no matter what the occasion is.

-left handed.

( personality features)

-personality type: Architect/


- Muriel sees her as a free spirit woman, but she's shackled from every corner.

- introverted, Despite being the king's assistant, someone who does social work on the regular, She Doesn't like to socialize beyond the necessary, Socorro is someone who you would need to win her trust first before she lets you in her life.

- open minded and extremely curious despite her social anxiety, she will try her best to gain the informations she needs.

- just like Ned, she's on the brain side while making decisions, Socorro ends up being rational rather than emotional and has a hard time understanding other's emotions and her own, so while most people remember her as nice and polite, some will remember her as mean.

- Absolutely perfectionist, independent and doesn't like asking for help or people questioning her methods, highly organized and strategic, she has a plan B for the plan B.

- insecure both physically and mentally and thinks she doesn't deserve others love and time, that's why she often tells people to smile at the mirror and be nice to themselves.

- to strangers, Socorro is good in politics thanks to her shapeshifting persona, and manipulation skills.

-she sees herself as a lonesome villain, often plagued by dark thoughts of hurting herself.

-General Likes: earthly colors, Nature, night sky, animals especially large birds like eagles, teaching and playing with kids, gloves, hairdressing, pockets, her job ( despite it's tiresome and empties her social battery quickly), being successful and making a name for herself, reading story books at night, Academia vibes, classical music, sleeping, hanging around Matilda.

-General Dislikes: Her family especially her siblings, unnecessary social interactions, Muddy grounds, crowded areas, The board of Royals, anyone who's mean to Muriel, legend of the destined mates, herself.


bye bye!