The good doctor.

"Ain't no party like a pizza party!" Matilda cheered, " isn't that right guys!" she added.

"You're absolutely right! btw these three haven't introduced themselves fully yet to you Neddie!" Garrick said pointing at the female knight Stella and the two guys sitting next to her, one of them was the Sassy cheerful knight who thought Ned was cute, while the other one was the Annoyed gloomy knight who thought Ned is too loud.

"I'm Stella Steel, an Alpha...waddup." Stella spoke first, with absolutely no enthusiasm in her voice, she was still mad at Ned since the first thing he mentioned when they met, is that he didn't expect her to be half the hight of her husband, since she's an Alpha.

"Ohhhhh Stella isn't so happy~ that's so cute! Anyways I'm Yuuya Kizami! just call me Yuuya though, And this cute piece of dark chocolate I'm hugging, is my boyfriend and our teammate Agu Francis.

Calling him Agu should be fine too, we're both betas btw!" Yuuya the cheerful sassy knight said, while pointing at Agu the visibly Annoyed gloomy knight who was wrapped up in Yuuya's arms.

Since Yuuya introduced him, Agu remained silent and just judged everyone and everything with his eyes, put occasionally spoke only to complain how loud this place was.

"Ned is everything alright?" Garrick asked when he noticed that Ned was a little sweaty, "Oh no are you doing okay?" Matilda asked as well, she knew how severe his anxiety can get, this pizzeria was buzzing with people.

Ned reassured them that he was fine, "I'm okay so far, sorry for making you guys worry for nothing, it's been a while since I've been around so many people." he said.

"If you're unable to handle a little crowd, how did you became a doctor?" Stella made a comment, her attempt at mocking the introverted doctor.

So Angry, Garrick glared at her real hard, And Stella immediately tensed up, Garrick doesn't do that kind of stuff with his friends, so she must've been too rude.

And that made her feel obligated to apologize "Sorry Ned, shitty question I know, forget about it."

Hearing that, Garrick's glares died down, "So Kimberly, the star of our night." Yuuya spoke, "Have you decided on your new name? you gotta pick something grandiose fitting for a future movie star like yourself!"

"I'm still picking names, though I'm thinking about 'Norma Kelly', it was my grandmother's name before she married and became a Clarkson." Kimberly replied.

"That's good one, it's a fun name that the media can get used to!" Ned stated to which Matilda nodded to, it made Kimberly smile brightly, "So Norma Kelly it is then! that's going to be my new name."

"Goodbye Kimberly, Hellooo Norma!" Yuuya cheered loudly annoying Agu who rolled his eyes at them then looked away, hiding the slight smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Okay before we get our pizza! we need to give Kimberly the gifts we got!

Quick! place everything on the table, right now!" Matilda spoke enthusiastically, it's her love language to give gifts, so she got excited.

Gasping "You guys are unbelievable! I thought this party itself was my gift!" Kimberly said, not expecting to receive anything.

Everyone pulled out their gifts, one by one each of them placed what they got on the table in front of Kimberly.

Agu and Yuuya got Kim a dress, "We've seen you stare at this one a week ago, so we thought we should get it for you." Yuuya explained "I hope you like it." Agu added.

Stella placed a shoe box, "I went shopping together with these two love birds, and got you a pair of shoes that goes well with the dress." she said.

"And it seems like I made the right choice! with this, the outfit is complete, drum roll please!...A HAT!" Matilda spoke with so much excitement as she handed the hat she picked to Kimberly.

Kim's Hazel eyes welled up with tears of joy "You guys... I'm so happy I can die in peace now!"

"Okay nobody's dying! at least not before you see my gift!" Garrick said jokingly as he placed a heavy little makeup bag on the table, it was full of all sort of beauty products, and Kimberly squealed with Joy.

"And there's is a little more...from none other than the king himself! King Muriel's own Gift!

I passed by his Majesty's office to drop the news, and he immediately gave me this box to give it to you." he added putting a little jewelry box next to the make-up bag.

Kimberly opened the jewelry box to reveal a bird necklace, with a note attached to it that says ' A symbol for your freedom Kimmy, Muriel Spencer.'

"OMG!!!" Kimberly jumped on Garrick hugging him like he's going to run away "Thank you so much Rickie! and his Majesty too! this is so AMAZING?!"

Suddenly, Ned cleared his throat, "Wait a little to be amazed Kim!

Although I just met you today, my ego wouldn't let me come empty handed, congratulations future Star Norma Kelly." Ned was the last to place his gifts on the table , he placed the jewelry box that contains the earrings he got earlier.

"Oh so pretty!" Kimberly spoke admiring them, " Ha! not so fast soldier! there's still one more gift, and this one you better appreciate it, because it took me a lot of balls to give it to you! it's a personal treasure of mine." Ned said pulling out a book.

Everyone was confused about the book Especially Matilda, but Ned was pretty confident in his gift.

He gave the book to Kimberly, placing it gently in the ex-Knight's hands, " A story of success...By Marla Moreau." Kimberly read the title slowly, those pair of hazel eyes went wide open.

" Marla Moreau?? you mean the famous actress Marla Moreau from the Hollis kingdom?! her movies are a hit everywhere, especially in our kingdom!!" Stella shouted in disbelief.

" Aaaand open the front page Kim, what do you see?" Kimberly followed Ned's instructions and Opened the book, the bean stood up in complete shock screaming "OMG OMG OMG IT'S HER HANDWRITING! THIS IS THE LEGENDARY FIRST PUBLISHED BOOK OF HER SUCCESS STORY! SHE WROTE THIS BY HAND!"

Kimberly burtsed in tears hugging the book tightly out of pure joy, " Doctor Valentino I'll never forget *hiccups* This! thank you so Muuuch!"

"Holy moly Neds! I thought you said you'd die before any other person places their hand on that book!" Matilda was as surprised as everyone else, if not more.

Ned glanced at Garrick, and Garrick noticed that and winked at him.

Flustered, " I just got here but i guess someone already infected me with their sense of kindness, it must be that handkerchief." Ned replied, making Garrick Smile bigger.

....An hour or so later.....

"It's 11 pm already...we need to go back so Kimberly can continue packing for the big day tomorrow." Garrick said looking at his watch, then he took a sip from his coffee, as everyone walked the street together side by side, with drinks and sweets in hand.

Matilda was still enjoying more food as she bought a whole box of donuts for Each person and herself as well, and the doctor had to watch in horror as Matilda shoved two of those donuts together inside of her mouth in one go.

"I can't believe you sometime Mats, no wonder girls like you, with a a mouth like that who wouldn't." Ned said causing Garrick who heard him to get surprised and spit coffee from his mouth.

Ned hurried to his side and gave him the handkerchief from earlier, " Are you Alright? what the hell is wrong with you?"

Matilda was laughing her ass off at Garrick in the background, while Garrick took the handkerchief and started wiping his face, "Thanks ...yeah I'm okay! good thing my clothes didn't get stained."

"Hey! Stop laughing you dumbass! you still have donuts in your mouth, you're going to choke!" Ned hissed at Matilda, her laughter grew only louder until she was actually choking.

"Mats you freaking idiot I told you!" Ned hissed again.

Thankfully Kimberly gave the Orange-haired woman a bottle of water, Matilda accepted the offer chugging the whole bottle down, before going to laugh again like a maniac.

"Fucking mouth of a beast!!" Ned said, "Ahaha! Says the guy who can fit a whole popsicle all the way down to his throat, Ahahaha!" Matilda replied to him and earned a middle finger.

Poor Garrick who thought it was safe to go back to drinking his coffee, thought wrong as he ended up spitting his coffee again when he heard what Matilda said about Ned.

This time, Garrick's clothes weren't so lucky in avoiding the coffee stains.

"I'm okay! I'm okay!" Garrick spoke wiping himself again as he saw Ned's face turn as red as a tomato.

"Everyone knows about Matilda being a little freaky~... But I thought our new doctor is gonna be a little more innocent.

hmph, I guess birds of a feather flock together." Yuuya playfully spoke, and Agu rolled his eyes again at his boyfriend.

" Jokes aside, this is the best day of my entire life." Kimberly stated, " AWW!" Yuuya pulled the little bean into a tight hug.

"Let kim go Yuuya, humans need air to breathe." Agu said, " I'm going to Miss you little bean! you're the youngest in our group, yet you grew up so fast! and There you are leaving the nest!" he added dramatically.

Agu rolled his eyes again, but he was barely able to hold back his smile this time.

"OKAY! GROUP HUG!" inspired, Matilda shouted pulling everyone into a Big Bear hug, with an ecstatic Kimberly in the center.

The hug lasted for a good minute before she freed everyone, " Yay I can breathe!" Stella sarcastically cheered, "Oh right! Stella did you bring your camera like I asked?" Garrick said to which she nodded to, Stella pulled out her camera from her bag.

"I can take a picture for you guys." Ned said volunteering.

" No! I want you to be included in the picture doctor!" Kimberly replied insisting, " I want to remember this moment for the rest of My life, and pictures last longer." Kim added.

So Garrick asked a passerbys to help take a group picture, A sassy random girl agreed and asked everyone to line up together to pose for the picture.

"Everyone is doing perfect! except you shortie with the glasses, you're out of the frame! stick yourself a little to the coffee stained guy." the sassy random girl said to Ned.

Ned was confused he didn't know where to stand, he never took a picture with this many people before.

Garrick pulled Ned closer to him, the two were basically hugging, " Perfect! everyone get ready!....1...2...3... everyone Say Money!" The sassy girl said.

"Oh that's definitely something that can make Ned smile so naturally!" Matilda joked, and everyone bursted laughing so hard even Ned himself, The random girl took the chance and snapped their picture meanwhile.

What A strange Farewell that was, A bunch of people got together, some were lifetime friends and some were strangers that have met today.

But all of them smiled till their jaws hurt, cried tears of joy and ate pizza together.

That was indeed a memorable day, and that photograph is now the evidence that It was a happy moment for seven different people all at once.

Funny thing is that for some of those seven people, this was the happiest moment in their entire life.

Especially A certain someone, who was completely dazed by the doctor smiling so big while in his arms.

As their bodies touched innocently, Garrick wondered whether Ned felt what he was feeling.

That feeling when you're completely under the spell of someone's charms, you can't help but feel like you're losing the ability to think.