An honest mistake. Desire

"LUCIUS!!" Muriel spoke in disbelief.

"I'm really sorry you majesty! I swear it was an honest mistake!...

Sir Delun might not be going to the ceremony after this." Lucius replied.

"I have been sitting here for ages Lucius, waiting for Garrick to help me with my eyeliner! I told you to bring him to me?! I was supposed to tell him myself my dear! to explain it better!" Muriel said.

Somehow, somewhere along the way, Lucius ended up forgetting the exact task he was given by the king, which resulted in him telling Garrick about the heat problem, without mentioning the eyeliner one.

"Your majesty I can assure you I had no intention of disobeying you, I remembered only the first version of the task and completely forgotten about when you asked me to forget about it and just ask for the commander's help."

"Ugh! not worry, I am not mad at you dear, I just hope this will not be causing an issue for poor Neddie!"

"I doubt anything bad will happen to the doctor, Miss Jeanette is personally guarding him...and about your makeup, shall I call for Miss Belmonte instead?" a nervous Lucius asked.

"Yes please...and Lucius..."

"Yes your majesty?"

"I am sorry, I must have been pushing you too much lately, after the ceremony please take few days off...and do not worry about the pay."

"No need to apologize my king, I brought this upon myself." Lucius said with a guilty expression, he then bowed to his king before he existed the room.

The moment he closed the door behind himself, a teardrop of Lucius fell on the floor, "Bloody hell?! why does he has to be kind to me?! I messed up!" Lucius walked away while wiping more tears from his teary face.

The truth is, Lu hates disappointing Muriel more than carrying his strange orders.

....Few minutes later.....

Socorro was back with the ballroom preparations, Clacking her heels everywhere to make sure things were running smoothly, when Lucius bowed to her suddenly, " Miss Belmonte?"

"Ah yes Lucius, you're back from his Majesty's room? Do you need something?"

"Yes...His Majesty...wants your help with his make-up, he initially asked me to bring sir Delun but now he asked for you."

"Ugh the eyeliner isn't it? I keep telling his Majesty that not doing it, isn't going to be the end of the world." Socorro replied, then Her eyes landed on Lucius's face, she realized something wasn't right.

"You messed up something again didn't you...and you're feeling guilty because His majesty let you off the hook again." she asked patting the head of the young servant, Lucius instantly bursted crying, it made the other servants stop what they were doing, "HEY! NO SLACKING! get back to work please." Socorro shouted making everyone hurry back to doing their job.

Socorro then gently led the emotionally damaged servant outside the ballroom, Lucius was crying hysterically, it wasn't uncommon for him to make mistakes, or to cry, in fact many servants were wondering how come his majesty never gotten rid of him yet, he was extra clumsy.

"Lucius, you're a good person and you do your job very well!...At least most of the time.

There is no need for you to beat yourself about this, it's just an eyeliner!" Socorro said while gently rubbing his back.

"Not just the eyeliner I *sobbing* it's not a simple matter and...I still feel really...bad about it." Lucius spoke through his tears.

Handing him a handkerchief "Listen Lu, go to my office and take a nap there, I'm going to help his Majesty with his little problem." Socorro said.

"But what...about the ballroom preparations?"

"Don't worry about it Lu, unless the servants inside have a death wish, they better not stop working, so just do as I say."

"Thank you milady." Lucius bowed to her and walked away, he wasn't done crying but at least he felt better.

"It is quite difficult to believe this sweet sensitive boy is an alpha... unlucky soul, just another hopeless person that falls in love with someone they cannot have...Muriel is leaving behind him such a trail of broken hearts." Aroon stated making Socorro turn her head to him.

"Well hello there! are you practicing for the Days when you're going to be a ghost?! I didn't even see you coming Aroon." Socorro joked.

Smirking, "Oh I am definitely going to haunt you if I ever become a ghost, it is a promise." Aroon replied.

"Then I suppose I can call my Nana then, you may not know her, but she's an exorcist and she specializes in evil spirits like you."

Aroon's smirk vanished into thin air, "listen bird shit! I have made a promise that I will play nice from now on, please do not make me want to change my mind."

"Aha! you, play nice? did goats began flying finally?!"

"Go to hell Socorro."

"Gladly, after you lizard." Socorro replied while sarcastically bowing as usual, she once again received the middle finger from Aroon.

"You get on my nerves...but I have to learn how to tolerate you."

"Well do that away from me, my king needs me at the moment so... goodbye Aroon!" with a smile on her face, Socorro left the other assistant again and went straight to his Majesty's room.

...( Meanwhile)...

"Get in loser." Matilda opened the front door finally, she was kind of expecting Garrick to be shaking hands with the milkman behind the door like Ned was doing, but luckily to her eyes, she found the giant knight curled up like a baby on the ground.

"Aye! did you hear me bone head? I said get in." Matilda repeated herself.

Startled, Garrick clumsily stood up, " I can come in? really?"

"Yeah, and you better keep a distance from him while you're inside, unless he wanted otherwise."

Following the woman, Garrick's senses got hit by a stronger wave of those pheromones he's been smelling for the past few minutes.

He found Ned in his living room, hugging a pillow on the couch like his life depends on it, while still wearing that oversized shirt, but he added an underwear this time.

Matilda went and sat down next to Ned pulling him closer to her chest, while Garrick made sure he was within a good distance away from them, sitting on the floor.

Both Ned and Garrick were staring at each other, their heads were screaming for them to jump on each other, but Matilda's dominating presence, kept them in line.

"So...we're mates now?" Ned uttered slowly, his eyes couldn't focus on anything but Garrick's face, his dark purple eyes landed on the Knight's bloody lower lip, "Only if you accept me, because I have already accepted you Ned." Garrick replied, his eyes were desperately trying to see anything past that pillow that Ned had in his embrace.

"Ah shit! the sexual tension is so can weight it." Matilda said, she was getting irritated by the lack of conversation but she couldn't blame those two, if anything she knew she was cockblocking them right now.

"Only if my heat wasn't so bad like this."

"Ned, my adorable dumbass, your heat is like this because you're a virgin MF! the virgin scent is probably the strongest shit out there to inhale, and some people dropped to their knees on the way I carried you here." Matilda replied making Garrick's eyes widen quickly.

"You're a virgin Ned?" Garrick asked surprised.

Chuckling, "Surprise surprise! I am a virgin Mister spice!

Yeah...and I'm not so proud of it now." Ned answered the question, his face was too red with embarrassment.

"I can't tell you if you should feel proud about it or not, but I feel ashamed now...I played around a little." Garrick stated biting his lips.

"So I'm the only virgin." Ned said.

"Ugh...anyways I checked for a mark on this idiot, congratulations Garrick you're the mate alright, he's got a shield mark on his right butt cheek...guess who was right about the butt thing in the end." Matilda said jokingly.

" MATILDA FUCKING JEANETTE SHUT UP!" Ned shouted, he was dying of embarrassment.

"Don't come at me bro! You've been wanting to get a tattoo for so long, how about getting a sword right above you asshole? would look good right." she joked again.


Matilda bursted laughing at the young doctor, Garrick however was covering his face, he was too consumed by those pheromones, " Oh fuck, I need to get out here, quickly...I can't hold back any longer!" he mumbled standing up.

"No you're not going anywhere Garrick, stay." Ned replied standing up as well.

Matilda quickly stood up as well, still in the mood for joking, " oh shit! is this finally happening?! does that mean my sugar baby is finally getting another Daddy?" Matilda said dramatically.

"Mats...thank you for everything you've done so far, but can you leave us alone?" Ned whispered his words with no hesitation in Matilda's ears.

"You got it, I hope you're realizing what you're getting yourself into...use protection unless you want to be a mother soon, you'll find the shit you need in the bathroom, I bought a bunch earlier, in fact let me get it for you as last favor." she whispered back, and then rushed to the bathroom.

Garrick was pretty much confused on what the hell was going on, until he saw Matilda coming back from the bathroom with something in her hand, she placed it on the coffee table and walked to the door.

" Matilda really leaving us alone?" Garrick innocently enough asked, and Ned turned to face him again.


" Yeah?"

"Ugh...i can't believe I am doing this but, Garrick Delun...I accept you as my mate."


Lucius sat down on the soft sofa while tugging on his bushy black hair, he couldn't bring himself to fall asleep, he was feeling so stupid for embarrassing himself In front of Muriel, that he found some condolences in beating his bishop, right there in the assistant's office.

" I'm just a nobody...Uugh...there is no way his Majesty will will ever Ahh! see me as a man." Somehow Lucius felt secured enough to do it in her office, knowing that no one will come to Socorro's office while she's out, or so he thought.

"Hehehe?Why? because of how cute you are...what a waste of the good face you have!" Aroon spoke playfully, as he walked inside the office, before closing the door behind him.

After enthusiastically watching the young servant taking care of himself through a crack in the door, Aroon came out from the shadows into the light.

Embarrassed as hell for being caught masturbating, Lucius stumbled while trying to stand up, it made Aroon laugh at him like a maniac.

" Ahaha! you are so cute...Lucius right? oh sugar, you do not have to stop in front of me~ I just happened to be as needy as you are at the moment."

" I am sorry sir, you shouldn't have seen that... I will remove myself from the office immediately, please forgive me!" Lucius's face was already soaked in tears as he bowed down.

Reaching to the servant's lowered face, the dark claws hand of the assistant gently lifted the boy's head back up, Aroon was admiring Lucius's black eyes so openly.

"This kingdom have so many cute faces like hurts me to see these ink colored eyes drowning in tears, I bet I can do something about it." Aroon said pushing the boy back on the couch.

"Sir!" Lucius cried out only to have Aroon place a finger on his lips, "Shush, Do not worry cutie pie, you are in my care now...let this be our little secret." Aroon replied winking at the frightened servant as he removed his clothes one by one, slowly.