Deja Vu.

"Oh?" As he watched, Aroon kept his hands busy playing with his long braided hair.

It was so late at this uneventful night, but Aroon found a little bit of fun in watching the gorgeous man standing few feet away from him, that man came into the hospital a while ago, and was seemingly waiting for someone.

With his towering hight, pretty hair, bronze complexion and handsome looks, he stood out from the crowd, easily.

"He's definitely Master's type!" Aroon whispered to himself, but something about that man was so familiar to Aroon himself, it frightened him a little.

The pinkette couldn't place his fingers on what exactly was the reason that he felt like this stranger and him, have met before.

Garrick once again, didn't wear his glamour, so his hair and eyes were their natural violet color, he figured there's no point in hiding them, it would be confusing to change his appearance when Jasper has already seen him as he is right now.

Aroon on the other hand had his Glamoured necklace on, it turned both his Pink hair and Lime green eyes to a Jet black color, the change didn't make him any less captivating, Aroon is a pretty heartbreaker.

But pretty or not, It took the dark shaded man a little bit more of courage, before he decided to ask the Handsome outsider what was he doing here at the hospital, "Sir? are you perhaps here for a family member? did you ask the reception for help?" Aroon asked The man, grabbing his attention.

A shy Garrick scratched his head a little, he was charmed by Aroon's beauty, it made him feel a bit embarrassed to talk to him, "No, honestly I was told by someone to meet up here...kinda strange to meet at a hospital I know."

"May I know who that person is sir?"

"That would be me Aroon! I'm sorry I took my time Mr. Delun! I had to make sure big brother has the time to meet up with you before I take you to him." Jasper said as he walked towards them.

"Oh Master Jasper!" Aroon slightly bowed, "You've been my mentor for years, yet you still call me master? Just my name Aroon *chuckles* use just my name, it would be enough." Jasper spoke patting Aroon's shoulder.

Remembering the awkwardly standing Garrick, " Oh right! Come with me, this Way please!" Jasper spoke leading the way.

Leaving Aroon behind, the two tall men walked together towards the big brother's office, without speaking a single extra word.

And As the two paced the floor, Garrick let his eyes wander, and he noticed how he and Jasper were taller than most people they passed by, Although Jasper was way more softer and skinner in build compared to him, he was even skinner looking than his twin Jade.

Soft spoken, well mannered, and dressed comfortably in casual oversized fashion, Unlike his twin sister who had that domineering wild vibe surrounding her, Jasper's vibe was more of a calm, peaceful but serious one.

"He's inside, I won't be with you in there for long, I'll just introduce you guys quickly then leave...usually Jade does the social work not me, but I volunteered as tribute because it's for the best if you two don't meet-up again." Jasper explained as he opened the huge office doors in front of him.

Walking behind Jasper inside the spacious room, Garrick's eyes instantly fell on someone whose hair color matched Jasper's, "Definitely the big brother." he whispered to himself.

Dressed In an oversized t-shirt with glasses on, the big brother he was meeting, was even way smaller compared to Garrick or even Jasper.

It's not unusual for older siblings to be of smaller builds compared to their younger siblings, Garrick thought.

The big brother had his whole body and soul, focused on the documents in front of him on the desk, it didn't seem like he noticed them there.

Unlike the ponytail Jasper wore, the big brother's growing hair was untied, left resting and often falling off his shoulders as he moved his head around.

It's not ideal to leave your hair untied when you're working on something important, Garrick thought.

Getting closer, The gonna-be agent also took notice of the man's visible tattoos, the big brother had two different written small tattoos around both of his wrists, Garrick couldn't focus on them enough to read them, since the man working on the documents kept moving his hands around too.

"Big brother?"

"Uhuh?" the man responded without lifting his head.

"This is the guy...*clears throat*...that Jade attacked the other day... Sir Garrick Delun." Jasper said pointing with an open hand at Garrick.

The big brother immediately lifted his head up, His dark purple eyes hiding behind the frame of his glasses met with Garrick's pair of Violet eyes.

Ned was surprised when he realized that the eyes he was looking at, were not Jasper's but Garrick's, he instantly felt a deja Vu feeling invading his heart.

"Garrick, this my big brother, Ned Valentino." Jasper spoke again introducing his big brother, he felt a little confused as he watched Garrick and Ned staring at each other's eyes without saying a word.

Jasper felt even more confused when he looked at Delun, and An unusual idea crept inside his head, "Well, I'll let you guys handle the rest, if you need me... just text me." Jasper said before quickly making an exit, leaving Ned and Garrick alone together in the office.

"Have we met before?!" Both Ned and Garrick asked as soon as they heard the door close shut behind Jasper, there was another awkward pause between them after that question.

Garrick's eyes were moving slowly up and down, tracing the figure before him, he found the lip to ear chain piercing that goes from Ned's left ear to his lower lip, too attractive.

He even noticed through Ned's messy hair, what seemed like a third small tattoo.

Unable to handle the sudden awkwardness from staring at each other in silence, Ned stood up from his chair with hesitancy, he walked toward Garrick with a smile, trying to break the ice.

Seeing his smile, "Wait! I think I remember you!" Garrick spoke, "But how? when i met you, you were looking the same as now, it's like you never aged a minute...are you a vampire or something?" He added surprised.

"I see now! you're the 8 years old with The Dark-Ages kinda name I met that day in that orphanage, that unholy place where the supernatural kids with no families were kept at...more like hidden at.

I went there for a charity event, I remember handing over so many expensive Glamours to the kids, especially the one that had that stupid" Ned replied unamused to meet someone from his past, especially someone who grew up and was now way taller than him, and good looking too.

Garrick found himself snickering at the memory, "You still have a grudge against my hair? I took better care of it over the years, see?"

Frowning at the nagging feeling of familiarity in his head, "BOIIII! your hairstyle made me believe there Was such a thing as an ugly kid! I have to admit though, you grew up to be quite the heartbreaker." Ned replied complimenting him.

Smiling, The new FBI agent felt extremely flattered by the compliment, "You still look the same as ever, although you hair grew in still look the same." Garrick said while eyeing Ned's wrist tattoos.

"Interested? you like tattoos?" Ned Asked flaunting his tattoos to Garrick, " I do, piercings too, you can see my ear's fully pierced.

Also, my whole back is tattooed...what do yours say btw? I mean the tattoos." Garrick asked.

"This one on my right wrist says 'Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend' and on my left it say 'stop calling people who Self-Harm, Attention Seekers'...this one especially is my favorite." Ned said removing his hair away so Garrick can see the Word 'Shadow' tattooed on his neck vertically right under his right ear.

"What does 'Shadow' represent?" Garrick asked, for some reason the name did ring a bell to him but he wasn't sure of it, " A dear friend of mine...I might have to say goodbye to her soon." Ned replied smiling although his heart was sinking deeper everyday at that thought.

The woman who helped him raise his kids wasn't getting any healthier at the age of 80, she was a step closer to death with every single day.

"Isn't it a ground rule in the tattoos Community, to not get someone's name tattooed just in case you'd have beef with them in the future? tattoos are permeant and are supposed to be something with a meaning, one that lasts forever." Garrick said teasingly.

"Speak for yourself! I bet my three tiny tattoos have more meaning that your fully tattooed back." Ned replied visibly annoyed, "I wouldn't mind showing you my tattooed Back to make comparison...but I'd have to strip to do that, unless that's what you want me to do~" Garrick responded smirking, for some reason he was fighting the urge within him to call Ned 'lovely'.

"Tch, whatever! can sit you know, stop standing like a Greek god statue." Ned spoke turning away from him, a successful attempt to hide his blushing face.

Garrick feeling obliged, took a seat as Ned returned to his chair behind the desk, "Now, let's get serious."

"Anytime you want, doctor."

"Just because I own a hospital, doesn't mean I'm a doctor...but you ain't wrong, I am a doctor."

"Wait? you own this place?"

"Yeah... Anyways, Garrick right? my daugh-...shit!

You know, I don't think lying to you would be necessary anymore." Ned spoke nervously, even he wasn't used to pretending his kids were his siblings.

"You're a vampire right? no need to hide it from me!" Garrick said, him being an alpha male, was involved a lot in the hidden community, he personally knew that there are creatures that don't age or grow old like vampires.

"Maybe something like that Garrick...but that's not what I wanted to say...

Btw, I can tell you're an alpha, human probably but you're still an alpha."

"How can you tell?!" Garrick spoke in disbelief, "I'm an Omega myself, I can smell your scent, I bet you can smell mine to... though it's faint." Ned replied.

"Oh! I actually thought this smell was just perfume or something, wait! isn't this the hospital that's secretly helping out the hidden community?

Somehow all my friends ended up visiting this place at some point, expect myself...back when me and my friends graduated highschool, my friend Kimberly had a gender reassignment surgery, it was paid for in a charity event that was held here."

"Kimberly? you mean the now famous Norma Kelly? I remember that event, I held it for underprivileged LGBTQ+ teenagers." Ned replied smiling at the memory of meeting the sweet Kimberly.

He didn't expect to see her or anyone else other than those who died in the tragedy, and when he asked Jihi about it, the cloaked figure didn't provide answers.

"You know Kimberly personally?"

"Aside from taking care of the surgery costs, I was the one who helped her find her fame name, we had a nice talk together about our favorite Hollywood actors and You're friends with a rising superstar?"

"Yeah, we've been best friends since highschool, there Are others in our group too...

Now that I think about it! no one is straight in our group." Garrick said chuckling.

"You're not straight Garrick?"

"Straight as a wet spaghetti if you know what I mean! I'm a limited edition, exclusive to men only."

Ned unintentionally bursted laughing at that joke, the sound of his unexpectedly hilarious windshield laugh, made Garrick himself start laughing so hard.