Don't mess with The bilinguals.

"Ned! what are you doing here?!" Garrick asked the dark purple-haired man immediately upon spotting him, "My handkerchief, remember? you took it with you Rick." Ned said gesturing with his hand for Garrick to give back the piece of fabric.

" I thought you said to Return it once I get back, did our plans change?" Garrick Asked, still confused by Ned.

Noticing how the brown eyes of the stalker were particularly bugging at him, Ned decided to do the devil's work and push the stalker's buttons even further.

So smirking, "Okay! you got me baby, I just wanted an excuse to see you one last time before you head to training...20 weeks is too long for me! i wish I wasn't so busy with work so I could see you tomorrow!" Ned said in a playfully sweet tone, he wasn't even sure why the hell did he that, or why he enjoyed doing it so much, he just did.

And that took Garrick by surprise, being called 'baby' all of the sudden...he didn't expect those flirty words to come out of Ned's lips, and make his heart flutter.

But Garrick's heart was now beating fast, and he couldn't control it.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" The stalker guy finally addressed Ned, or more like screamed at him, "And Who are YOU exactly?" Ned Asked back.

"So this is it huh?!... You've already replaced me, AND IT'S WITH THIS MAFIA LOOKING GUY?!" The Stalker guy screamed so suddenly again.

"Freddie calm the fuck down! this is a hospital!" Garrick replied to him, poor guy was so done with this man and everything about him.

"Freddie? is that your name? how unoriginal.

What are you, a teddy bear?" Ned said mockingly at the man.

"My name is fucking Fernando! and you BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU GANGSTA LOOKING DOUCHEBAG!" Fernando screamed again at Ned.

Ned who was planning to just poke fun at the stalker, decided to take things personally instead, "EXCUSE ME ASSHOLE?! you aren't insulting ME now are you? in my own hospital none-the-fucking-less BITCH?!"

"Hey! you guys calm down!" Garrick spoke up, "SHUT UP!" the two short men turned to yell in union at Garrick before turning back to insult each other, it made the new agent realize where Jade got her attitude from.

"What are you doing with MY Rickie? leave him alone! get back to Wherever Pit you crawled out from! Hijo de las mil PUTAS! (Son of a thousand whores)" Fernando fired at Ned while glaring so hard.

"Eh? A QUIEN LLAMAS HIJO DE MIL PUTAS? (who are you calling Son of a thousand whores?!)" Ned replied at him, he was ready to fight in more than one language.

Fernando although startled by the language switch, quickly came back at Ned "¡ESTOY HABLANDO ACERCA DE TI! CABRÓN! (i'm talking about you! Fucker) GET LOST!"

"Unbelievable! *sights* this Mamahuevo! (cocksucker)" Ned mumbled underneath his breath.

"Habla cobarde!(speak up coward!), what the fuck did you just say between your flapping lips?"

"¿Por qué alguien querría ser tu amante Fernando? claramente eres un pedazo de mierda! (why would anyone wants to be your lover Fernando? You're clearly a piece of shit!)"

And That, was the last straw for Fernando, he quickly backed away while moving his hands upwards as if he was pulling something heavy off the floor.

The ground beneath Ned began shaking violently, it split open a little by little, enough for a pair of skeletal hands to come out and start grabbing at Ned's ankles, trying to pull him down into the split with them.

The sudden vibration caused Garrick to almost lose balance, he got so scared that he yelled out "NED NO GET AWAY! FERNANDO STOP IT! LET HIM GO!"

Ned was unfazed by the sudden attack, he simply kneeled to his ankles and started picking out the boney fingers tugging on him, tearing them one by one and counting them out loud, in a calm manner.


Each finger he removed from those hellish boney hands turned into ashes, soon enough The skeletal hands became fingerless, retreating back into the split while screeching inhumanly, before the hole closed off on its own under Ned's feet.

"¡¿QUE DEMONIOS?! ( what the hell?!)" Fernando shouted in disbelief, "Indeed what the hell? why did you have to invite others to the party Freddie? I'm an introvert...I don't like it when people change plans on me, or try to get me involved in shit I didn't sign up for." Ned replied, he was smirking once again.

Now walking towards Fernando in a taunting manner, Fernando found himself backing away more and more as Ned approached him "YOU! I know you! there is no way I'll let y-you have him!" Fernando spoke, there was more than just hate in his eyes, fear and recognition was residing in there as well, visible for Ned to see.

"Normal people trying to get back together with their ex, would get chocolate and gifts and they try to apologize for the shit they done wrong, not make threats to their ex's new little shit.

You're not worthy of Garrick."

"He's not yours Ned... you're not his lover!! I won't lose again."

"Again? he's not mine? Well, he's not yours either Freddie?! Garrick is not a puppet to belong to anybody but if you insist...then let me show you..." Ned spoke grinning from ear to ear, as he walked back to were a shocked Garrick.

And Just in time for Aroon and Jasper to arrive in the Parking lot to see, the two came in a hurry after they saw Fernando attacking Ned through the security footage.

In a swift move, Ned pulled the taller man Down to his level with one hand, kissing Garrick's lips while giving Fernando the middle finger with the other free hand.

It was a shallow kiss meant to insult Fernando, but it bothered more than just the stalker, "Oh shit, Jade is not gonna like this." Jasper whispered to himself at the sight of his mother kissing Garrick, meanwhile Aroon watched Fernando pull on his hair like his whole world just crumbled.

Aroon's eyes went wide open too when he realized, he just might know who Fernando is.

"AAAAAH!" Screeching like a mad man, The angry stalker furiously waved with his hands around causing a circle made of flames to surround him, and in a second he was gone.

"Where did he go?!" Jasper spoke in shock, "He teleported using 'Hellpass'... It is a high-class teleportation spell, only the elite dark magic users can use it, one mistake and that circle of fire will kill you instead of teleporting you." Aroon replied explaining.

Finally letting go of the wide Violet-eyed agent, Ned turned to look at where Fernando was standing before he teleported, " He'll be back I'm sure of it, that demon will be back for me." Ned spoke a little annoyed.

Meanwhile, Garrick was too stunned to speak, he was still dealing with the fact that Ned kissed him.

" Aroon." Ned called out, "Yes?" Aroon immediately replied, "Get one of our cars out."

"Right away sir."

"As for you Jasper...go with Aroon and give the driver Garrick's address, tell them to give him a ride back home." Ned spoke firmly.

"What about his motorcycle sir?" Aroon asked.

"Transport it to his house, make sure it'll be there by early morning." Ned replied.

Slightly bowing as usual, Aroon went to do as told, followed by a skeptical and worried Jasper who didn't want to leave the pair alone after what just happened.

As soon as those two were out of sight, Ned Turned his attention back to Garrick, "Ugh, seriously... I'm sorry I lied about us being together, your ex was such a pain in th-!"

Ned got cut off by a familiar sensation, Garrick's warm lips hitting his.

Closing his eye at the impact...for Ned, it felt like deja-Vu, All Over Again.

This familiar coffee breath, it wasn't the first time, Ned knew he did this before, from the way he immediately kissed Garrick back.

Few seconds in, and he was already breathless from having their lips pressed together.

The way their lips moved in sync, how Ned quickly lost control and ended up wrapping himself around the alpha.

Ned's heart was beating so loudly, it felt like it was going to burst out of his chest at any moment, making him easily surrender into the moment, And allowing the other man's tongue to slip in with no protest.

Why didn't this nagging feeling of familiarity hit Ned as hard as it's doing right now? it didn't feel like this when he kissed Garrick the first time just to annoy Fernando.

Their feet kept pacing around until they made it to a wall, where Garrick immediately pinned the soft omega's back to it, then he picked Ned up against that wall, lifting him to reach his lips better.

Garrick couldn't believe what he was doing, he didn't know why he felt the need to do this.

He felt unsure of everything but the the fact that he badly needed this kiss, he wanted it, he longed for it.

Garrick just met Ned, he literally just met him today, so why?

Why did it feel like a reunion? the way he memorized what to do to make this omega wrap himself around him, That weird deep urge to make him beg for air, where did all of this come from?

The Alpha never felt like this before, even when he was being intimate with his ex, his body never reacted so naturally and so intensely like it's doing with Ned.

This felt dangerous.

His relationship with Fernando although consensual, wasn't based on love until the day they broke up.

Garrick dated him but he never once, was in love with Fernando since day one, and if Fernando didn't literally beg to be with Garrick, Garrick wouldn't even think about dating him.

In all of his past flings too, his many one night stands and unsatisfying broken relationships he had after Fernando, Garrick never desired anyone else's body, like he's craving to taste more of the man he's clinging to right now.

Warmth kept on blooming and blossoming within their chests, And Ned who was almost stripped from every thought in his mind at the moment, badly wanted to look Garrick in his eyes, he wanted to use his ability.

He wanted to know if this man pushing him against the wall, pressing his lips on his like crazy, was the man he lost once upon a time.

Ned didn't think about this back in the office, he Couldn't bring himself to do it again, after staring at so many pairs of eyes without any luck.

He was scared.

Scared Garrick wasn't the One and he'd feel miserable all over again.

Ned gave up on the idea of searching for his mate long ago, he won't chase after love anymore, he told himself.

He'd let love chase after him.

However, Ned was waiting for this moment for years, the moment where his mind was begging him to use his abilities.

With each moment, he was getting sure it was him, but still couldn't bring himself to open his eyes and confirm it.

Ned was completely under the alpha's control, he wanted nothing to do with the visual world, embracing the darkness of his closed eyes and trusting the sensations his body was experiencing because of this man.

Only if Garrick didn't pull away so soon...

Taking a deep breath, "What...the...fuck...just...happened?" Garrick whispered panting, he just broke the kiss but his body was already pushing him to go back exploring.

"Whatever...the...Fuck it was...Let it...happen again." Ned responded between his own heavy breaths, he felt like he could faint at any moment from the heat that was engulfing his body.