The Crackheads Group-Chat.

[Disclaimer: Mild mentioning of sensitive subjects and traumatic experience, Such as serial killers and sexual assaults.]

"I can't believe he'll be gone for 20 weeks! I want my bestie back!" Yuuya whined.

"Sugar chill! it's been days already so stop whining, you can still call him and text him.

This ain't the dark ages no more, and we can still visit him you know?" Agu replied.

"But babyyyyy, he's not responding to the group chat! what if something bad has happened to him?!"

"No baby no butts, we really need to work on our episode, we still have lot of research to do...besides He's in a very secured place, I doubt that he's hurt in any way! Also FBI academy is no joke, Rick is prolly too busy or something to text with us."

Those words did nothing to liven up an already so-down Yuuya, He Laid sulking on the carpeted floor of their living room, still regretting it from when a week ago He missed on going to Garrick's apartment to give him a final goodbye before he left, because Yuuya's alarm that he didn't set to begin with, didn't go off.

After coming back home from celebrating Garrick's approval, Yuuya ended up staying up so late recording for the true crime podcast he and Agu were the hosts of.

By the end of it, he was so tired he fell asleep right away and forgot to even set an alarm for himself, and Agu who was equally exhausted as him, didn't wake up or set an alarm as well.

Tired of seeing his boyfriend not being his usual cheerful self, Agu placed the PC that was on his lap away on the coffee table, "YuYu? is something else bothering you?" Agu asked, he was now too concerned about his whinny boyfriend to keep working on anything.

"I don't feel alright...I'm Sorry for being a lazy's just that Garrick has nobody but us in this world, all of us have parents And family, even if some aren't supportive, expect for Rickie, he has no family...but us!

Even Stella got a husband that she'll burn the whole world for! You and me got each other since we were teenagers... and Kimberly is a superstar, she's got so many people supporting her and rooting for her success."

"I know YuYu, I feel guilty too sometimes, although we shouldn't cuz we're not the reason why his life is this way, all we can do is be there for Garrick when he's feeling lonely, like you said we're all he's got."

"But it's so unfair! why does he has to be born into this suffering?! Rickie is like the sweetest and most selfless guy we ever met!

the biggest evidence would be his relationship with that shitty Ass Fernando...I would've killed him or killed myself if I had to deal with Fernando myself.

Who would date someone because they begged them but Rickie?"

"Yuuya...*sighting* come here Boobae." Agu said patting his lap.

Taking His boyfriend up on the invitation, Yuuya crawled to Agu's lap and rested his head on him.

Gently and slowly, Agu began caressing Yuuya's head as he spoke "How about a trip? since we're talking about parents...what about my parents house?"

"Sounds good to me hun...your parents are so nice...nicer than mine anyways." Yuuya replied.

"Your parents aren't that bad Boobae, I'm sure they'll get used to us being together soon."

"Soon? it's been forever! I mean how long will it take them to come around? we've been together since highschool, and we're not getting younger!

My parents act like normal with me but they completely ignore you Agu, whenever we visit it's like they're treating you as if you're invisible...I get it we're a same sex couple and my parents are typical Asian parents.

but we're Normal just like any other couple! we are in love and we are living a normal happy life together!"

Chuckling,"Hehe happy indeed...Your parents are funny sometimes with Their homophobia and racism, I remember when our relationship was a secret at first, and you was testing the waters one time to see if they'd accept us, so you said to them that you're dating a Black person, without telling them the Black person was me, a man.

Haha! I can't stop laughing thinking how they nearly shit their pants cuz they wanted a white or Asian daughter-in-law instead, and wanted you to break-up with the imaginary Black girl!" Agu Said laughing, then he stopped stroking Yuuya who got-up to sit next to him.

"Yeah! haha!" Yuuya instantly laughed at the memory while wrapping Agu in a hug, "I guess being an only child, might be the reason why they were in disagreement with our relationship for so long."

"Maybe, but anyways like I told you, my family is your family, if your folks ain't welcoming of us, you know my mine are...btw we seriously need to get back to work, you can't escape working this time Yuuya." Agu said pushing Yuuya away gently so he can reach his PC again.

"Okay! only if you kiss me though."

Sighting in defeat, a half smiling Agu pulled his happy go lucky boyfriend in for a quick kiss.

Merely a second, and Yuuya's phone started buzzing, forcing them to stop.

"Oh, Garrick must've replied finally! YAY!" Yuuya cheered checking the notification, "Ugh that loud ass cockblocker." Agu replied unhappy that Yuuya stopped kissing him.

"Get in the group chat Boo, he's sending pictures!...HOLLY SHITTU!! THAT'S JADE WITH HIM!"

"Huh? the girl who busted his face the other day?!" Agu quickly grabbed his phone, opening the Sistagram app.

(The crackheads group chat)

-[FBI_OPEN_UP (Garrick)]: 'FBI_OPEN_UP sent an attachment'

-[Bisexual_Karen (Stella)]: Wtf is this picture?! ಠ_ಠ ain't dat the Jade girl that used you like a punching bag?!

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom ( Yuuya)]: Ikr (☉。☉)!how did you take a pic with her? she's at the academy?

-[cereal_killer (Agu)]: hmmm interesting.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll (Kimberly)]: oh wow (・o・)! Jade looks pretty even when she's pissed off!

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ]: She's pissed cuz she got assigned as my training buddy (⊙﹏⊙) I took this pic when we went out for coffee.

-[Bisexual_Karen]: I would've been mad if I was in Ur place Rick ಠಿ_ಠ

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: Rickie's heart is too pure to stay mad at her(•‿•)

-[cereal_killer]: something's off about Jade though, I feel like I've seen her earrings somewhere.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: (・o・) wdym?!

-[cereal_killer]: I think I've seen her grandpa was a cop in the 70.

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: are we talking about the Pretty boys serial killer case you told me about? you said we aren't going to cover that story in our podcast.

-[cereal_killer]: I told you we can't cover that story cuz for some reason everyone is pretending like it never happened even my own grandpa.

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ]: then how did you know about it?

-[Bisexual_Karen]: yeah?! if ppl died it's not shit you can just pretend it never happened!

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: so a huge cover-up happened? either the killer is high profile or maybe someone amongst the victims is.

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ]: yeah that could very well be it.

-[cereal_killer]: both actually, the killer was high profile and so his last victim whom miraculously survived thanks to the unbelievable intuition of his twin was back when we were in highschool that my grandpa told me about the case, after I found that picture by accident.

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: yeah the picture! Agu pressured grandpa into telling him what was the picture for, his grandpa and everyone else involved for some reason were told to keep the story undercover.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: wait that sounds exciting! what did you exactly see?

-[Bisexual_Karen]: don't tell me?! you saw one punch girl? in the picture?! is she a vamp?

-[cereal_killer]: the girl in the picture seemed younger then her like a teenager maybe, it was taken after the brave twin girl saved her brother who was held a hostage at the killer's house...her actions provided the evidence the police needed, since they couldn't get a search warrant to go into his house because the killer like I said was high profile with connections, the girl in a fit of rage busted and broke into the house, she found her brother inside.

-[Bisexual_Karen]: This is probably the longest text you ever wrote Agu.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: whomever she is! she's definitely a badass!

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ]: what makes you so sure it was Jade?

-[cereal_killer]: aside from her being a literal twin, I'm sure it was Jade or at least someone related to her because of how similar the facial features are, and those pair of earrings the girl in the picture wore, same pair as the ones in Garrick's picture with Jade...those earnings were said to be custom made.

-[Bisexual_Karen]: Now that's some evidence!

-[cereal_killer]: I don't have the photo to show it to you guys, it's literally the only prof of Jade's involvement in the case, the picture itself was taken in secret... now I'm sure she's the girl who caused the arrest of that killer.

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: wait wasn't there another older woman who helped the teenage girl?! what was her name?

-[cereal_killer]: idk but my grandpa said that the teenage girl called the woman with her 'Shadow'


-[cereal_killer]: what what?

-[Bisexual_Karen]: what's wrong?

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ]: it's jade 100% sure of it.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: huh?! but wouldn't it make her way older than she looks?!

-[Bisexual_Karen]: no way?! so she's a vampire or something?

-[cereal_killer]: vampires aren't the only creatures that possess immortality.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: but it seems like the logical explanation!

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: No not necessarily, there is spirits, ghosts, elves, demonic creatures, so many that can be immortals.

-[cereal_killer]: correct, but what's bothering me is this, if they really are immortals or maybe some supernatural beings, how weak are they that they got mingled with a serial killer?!

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ] : that's because they are human immortals.

-[cereal_killer]: if there is anything in the world that's 100% mortal, it's a freaking human.

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ] : Not the Valentinos though...listen I gotta go now, so talk to you later guys.

-[Bisexual_Karen]: where the fuck do you think you're going?! we haven't heard from you in days!

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: I'll try visiting you soon!

-[cereal_killer]: unfortunately Stella is right, I know you're busy but at least respond whenever you can... I'm tired of Yuuya crying about it as if he's your boyfriend and not mine.

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: HEY I WASN'T CRYING!

-[FBI_OPEN_UP ] : ok! I'll try! but seriously bye now!

-[ ItsNotAPhaseMom]: bye bye (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

-[Bisexual_Karen]: see ya bubble butt.

-[cereal_killer]: take care.

-[KimKim_The_Cinnamon_Roll]: ( ˘ ³˘) kisses!

(Logging out)

" At least you're smiling now." Agu said putting his phone away, " But I'm curious now...I didn't know there was such a thing as human immortals." Yuuya replied casting his phone away as well.

" I'm not sure what that means, but there is no doubt that Jade isn't just a normal human."

"is it magic? does the use of magic grant you such ability?"

" I don't know YuYu, what I know is that when we go to my parents house, I'm going to ask my mom to help me find the picture grandpa had."

"From a victim's family to becoming an FBI agent...wait doesn't that mean that dude, Jasper!" Yuya said, his smile instantly vanished.

"Was the surviving victim? pretty much so."

Yuuya's voice wavered in distress, " That piece of shit was more than a killer! said he sexually assaulted and tortured those teenage boys before he killed them right?" Yuuya spoke frowning, "Ugh, although we covered so many cases so far in the podcast... I can never get used to the atrocities of any of the criminals we came across." he added.

"And that's why we're doing our podcast YuYu! to raise awareness, and fix wrong opinions.

We help clearing the images of the victims that always get victim-blamed in situations like this, and help people to be more cautious about their friendly next door neighbor." Agu replied while picking back his PC.