Things to explain p2

The seven years old, waited until Garrick left before he went to the same box he saw the knight rummaging in.

He thought it was empty till he noticed one paper sheet and a pen inside.

As he read the paper sheet, Yurei realized it was some sort of a contract, just like the one Garrick and the woman talked about.

Seeing the blank space, without hesitation Yurei wrote Tacito's name using the last name 'Tang' and then wrote his name.

The moment he did, a portal appeared in the center of the room.

A warm beige skintone Witch came out from the portal, dressed in all white, With emerald green eyes and shoulder length chestnut hair.

"Mallory." the witch looked around, it was only after few hopeless attempts to find that someone, when the figure looked down, locking eyes with Yurei.

"A kid?...wait, YOU!"

"Are you a witch too? like that woman Shadow?" Yurei asked, "How did you find this?! I gave this to Mallory seven years ago, I thought she lost it, and what is this place anyways?!" the witch replied with questions of their own.

As if ignoring the witch on purpose, "What is your name Miss? I'm Yurei." Yurei said standing-up while clutching the paper in his hand.

"I feel uncomfortable by how much You've grown child...I'm Yuri and I'm not a Miss or a Mister, but you are correct on the fact that I am a witch, the very one in charge of the contract you're holding." the witch replied pointing at the paper sheet.

"I wrote my name and Tacito's too, what's going to happen now Yuri?"

"You mean you don't know?...*sights* of course you wouldn't know, who am I kidding."

"Can you tell me?"

Leaning to his level, "Listen Yurei, the contract you wrote your name on is a deal to save someone's life...if something bad were to happen to that someone, I the witch would have to save them."

"So does that mean, you're going to save me and Taci if something bad happened?"

"Usually, we only save one person per contract because most contracts that people sign are Solo contract, but the contract you have in your hand is a special one, it's something only someone from the Spencer bloodline could use.

A duo contract allows you to save two people...but it won't work unless you accept to pay the hefty price."

"Price? like money?"

"Not exactly money child, most contracts require paying with something that is really important to you, physically or emotionally."

"Like what?"

"It could range from giving-up an eye to giving-up your precious memories of your loved ones, to even giving-up on magical abilities.

It all depends on what contract you have signed and what you could offer to us, and Because your contract is special, the two names in the contract will have to put a much bigger price than usual." the witch explained.

"To save me and Taci if something bad happened, what do we have to pay?" Yurei asked, "Consider how young you are, I suggest you give-up some years of your childhood.

Nothing less than 7 years, but if you chose to give-up on more years, you might be given advantages or be rewarded with something else by the Jihi...the more you pay, the more you get in this system." the witch explained.

"Jihi? who is Jihi?"

"The highest authority in my workplace, All witches work under them, Although Jihi is going to retire soon, but that is not important now...whomever the New Jihi that is going to be in Charge when something happens, I hope nothing actually happens so you wouldn't end-up meeting them eventually."

"Do I need Taci to sign on the contract too?" Yurei asked, "Normally yes, but you can buy your way out of this problem." the witch replied.

"11 years, I am signing to give-up on our next 11 years, will that be enough?"

"Unfortunately yes, *sights* it is more than enough Yurei." the witch said taking the paper sheet in their hands.

"I hope Tacito forgives me." Yurei said.

Opening a portal for themselves "Forgiveness is easy, forgetting is a harder request was nice seeing you Yurei, again that is."

"Again?" Yurei asked, "The people I know, are dying or disappearing one by one these days, so stay safe you little idiot." The witch spoke one last time before disappearing themselves through the portal.

...[End of Tiny flashback]...

"Is it possible... that the Witch...from that day...was your-"

"My other parent, yeah...I thought about that Taci."

"Did you ask...Jihi if they... knew that witch?" Tacito asked, "I did, but Jihi said that that person no longer works as a witch, apparently there's a privacy policy protecting the employees, so I couldn't get much information." Yurei replied.

"If what you...said was true...our current relatively their job."

"Yeah, Yuri said the past Jihi was retiring, so the Jihi you work for is pretty new...but the laws of times don't apply in the headquarters."

"What a mess...I hope it... doesn't bother you."

"Nah! it doesn't! I'm alright." Yurei said hugging him, "I'm over my parental issues, but if you want to talk about it, we can do it later because today we're supposed to be just happy!

So, should we end this grim discussion and go see everyone else? I bet I left them waiting for too long." he added.

"Yes you did... Muriel seemed so...eager to dance...Until you fainted." Tacito said smiling, "When was that guy ever not eager to dance? It's like he was born on the dance floor." Yurei Replied jokingly as he got-up.

Tacito could tell he was lying when he said he was alright, but Yurei was right about something, today should be a happy day, so the red-eyes omega didn't press on the matter anymore.

Yurei never liked talking about his parents, and he wasn't the type to tell you anything unless you pressed him.

Simply smiling at his Fiancee, the two left the room to go join everyone else, back at the living room.

...Few Moments Later...

"Oh mon dieu! I honestly thought you died there Yurei!" Muriel said in relief at the sight of Tacito and Yurei.

"It takes Alot more than a hot shower to kill me." Yurei replied in full confidence.

"Thanks for giving us a good scare kid." Thorn said, " Aww! Were you worried about me? how cute!" Yurei replied to him sarcastically.

Suddenly, the lights went dim in the room and a catchy song started playing, "I guess we're... already dancing!" Tacito said.

"WHOA! YEAH BABY! that's the spirit!" Jade said getting-up on her feet, she then grabbed a reluctant Jasper forcing him to dance with her.

Yurei instantly wrapped his arms around Tacito's hips, "Now the real party is starting!" he said cheering loudly.

"So? wanna dance?" Garrick said to Ned, "Are you ready to get embarrassed? I'm not a good dancer." Ned replied getting-up as well.

Muriel giggled as he watched Matilda try to get a shy Socorro to leave her seat, he then glanced in front of him to find Thorn looking at him, "Want to dance with me?"

"As if I got someone else to dance with, get over here." Thorn replied pulling him in by his hips.

"Btw, Thank you for your help today sugar."

"Next time, before you call me an angel Muriel, look in the mirror to see one."

"Oh you are sooooo cheesy Thorn!"

Aroon smiled as he saw everyone enjoying each other's company and dancing to the music, but when he looked around, he noticed that Lucius was no where to be seen.

Although he was sure that inky-eyes was nearby just a minute ago.

Worried he couldn't find Lucius in any of the corners of the room, Aroon went and peaked outside the living room, he was surprised to find Lucius hiding and sitting in the corridor.

"Lu? Lu are you alright Dear?" he asked walking to him, but he got no response from the sitting alpha.

"Lu." he knelt down to the ground, "I'm sorry, I'm only used to dancing in my tiny room, even though I'm comfortable with you guys, I can't bring myself to be more sociable." Lucius said softly.

Gently smiling "Oh dear, you don't have to dance if that's your source of anxiety." Aroon replied to him.

"I don't want to ruin anyone's mood."

"Lu, everyone inside is busy doing their own thing, they probably wouldn't notice or care what you're doing."

"I bet you want to dance, Aroon." Lucius said pouting.

Chuckling "I'm not a good dancer to be honest, I wouldn't mind hiding here with you." Aroon said holding his hand, he gently helped Lucius off the ground and onto his feet.

"I will give you a solution, since you seem lost." Aroon spoke, "What Solution?" Lucius asked.

"We can dance here, you and I outside in the corridor, you can hear the music loud and clear from here, and it will be a while before anyone realizes we're missing."

"Aroon you don't have to be nice to me."

"Of course I have to be nice! i don't mind being nice to you Lu."

" Seriously? you're going to dance with me here, just you and I?"

"Yes!" Aroon replied happily, it was a perfect moment as the music changed to something slower and more romantic.

Jokingly, Lucius bowed to Aroon while extending his hand, "May I have this dance then?" he said charmingly, it made an already excited Aroon giggle at his actions.

"With pleasure." Aroon said slightly bowing before giving him his hand.

In a second, Their two bodies were tangled together as they danced to the music.

But Few seconds in and for some reason, Aroon's giggles mixed with the sounds of the music and their steps as they stepped loudly on the floor, put Lucius in a trance-like state.

Everything felt like a daydream, but Also like a memory he had already lived, like he has been here before.

Lucius wasn't the only one who suddenly stopped dancing, Aroon on the other hand had let go of Lucius as well, standing still, staring at Lucius's inky eyes.

Suddenly, the two of them started hearing voices inside of their heads.

Memories flashed before their eyes, making them slowly remembering who they really were.



"You're back, my love you're back! it's really you!" Aroon said trying to reach Lucius, but the Alpha backed away, as he was terrified of Aroon.

"Don't touch me!"

"Lucius!" Aroon tried to reach him again, but "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME!" Lucius shouted at a confused Aroon, his eyes were filled with a weird mix of emotions.

"Lucius this is me, ME! AROON?!"

"Why... Why did you organize that party?!"

"Lu, what are you talking about?"

"Everyone that is dancing right now inside this living room, once died because of you! INCLUDING YOU AND ME! WHY?" Lucius shouted.


"You are a disgusting murderer." Lucius said backing away more, his words felt like knives cutting through Aroon's heart, he was genuinely confused by his lover's accusations.

"I'm not a murderer! I never killed someone! I was killed!" Aroon replied trying to get to Lucius.

"You fooled me once Aroon, I won't let you get to me a second...mother and I did nothing but treat you with love and respect yet you destroyed so many lives at once, and to think I signed a contract to save you."

"Please Lucius just listen to me, this has to be a misunderstanding?! I did not kill anyone I am telling you that I was killed! Fernando killed me!...he took my body and killed me!" Aroon said bursting into tears.

Lucius turned to look at him, "What the hell are you talking about?!"