Paying the price p3

"Aside from Madame Shanice Moving on, what made you cry like that?

I know you were good friends with Shan, but the way you cried, it felt like you were mourning somebody else." Jade asked.

All of them were now comfortably sitting in the living room, that includes Garrick.

"Because Shadow is dying...Madame Shanice said she'll take care of her when she crosses over, she said she can feel her funeral coming." Ned replied.

"That can't be true! Isn't there something we can do?!" Jade said standing-up.

Irritated, "WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU TWO! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR HER! SHE LIVED A LONG LIFE AND THIS IS WHAT SHE WANTED!" Jasper screamed at them startling poor bystander Garrick, "But Jasper!" Jade protested.

Taking a deep breath, "She lived for 60 whole years with us! we ate together, drank together, laughed together, cried together, enjoyed our time together." Jasper replied, "We gave her most of the memories she holds dear...

We should be happy that we gave her the life she wanted! if she didn't want to die, Shadow wouldn't have given-up on her immortality.

Shadow wanted this!" he added.

"But I don't want her to die!" Jade protested, "Neither do I! but we should take responsibility for making a relationship with a mortal...

We were the ones who included her in our lives, knowing damn well that we are dealing with a mortal being that's gonna die quicker than us.

And none of you two dares to grief so soon, she's still alive! she has some time left and even if she doesn't remember us, we should make her happy in her last days instead of moping around." Jasper spoke again.

"But brother!"

"There is nothing you can do! we can't save her sister! what's wrong with you huh? why none of you two know how to give-up, you act as if the solution is gonna come right at you if you don't give-up!

We can't save everybody!"

"Says the guy who can't give-up on Aroon!" Jade replied Back.

Angry, "HUH? YOU THINK SAYING THAT WAS CLEVER YOU THICKHEAD!" Jasper screamed At her face.

"HEY! YOU TWO STOP! STOP IT! you're not fighting over this, and Jade your brother is right." Ned said pulling them back to sit down, "There isn't too much we can do other than making her happy in her remaining days, we knew she was gonna die eventually, the fact that Shadow made it to 80 is a miracle by itself!

Although she can't remember us now, I hope when she crosses over, she comes back one day and remember us, I wouldn't mind waiting for her to reincarnate." Ned added, then glanced over at Garrick who watched them silently.

"She can be reincarnated?" Jade asked immediately, "Jihi said so, they recently explained to me that there's a lot of other situations where reincarnation can happen, lots of those who worked for Jihi will be reincarnated again.

As for the trap-party situation, it's a special situation, because the victims reincarnation guarantees them to come back with the same faces, names and even General description." Ned explained, "Does that mean Shadow might not be back with the same face and name?" Jasper asked.

"It's a possibility we might never recognize her, if she did come back we just have to count on her side, maybe Shadow will recognize us instead." Ned answered him.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye even if there's a chance she's gonna come back." Jade said frowning, "C'mon stop it...let's close this discussion, I feel the tears coming back and I don't want to cry again." Ned said, "Now you have to explain to me Jade, why did you barge into my office and with Garrick?" Ned asked.

"The trap-party you mentioned, could it be where I died?" Garrick finally spoke-up.

Gasping, "Jade just how much you've told him?!" Jasper said inquiring.

Shaking her hands, "Okay you got to be kidding me! I didn't tell him this, this is the first time I hear him mention it?

I didn't know this is why he asked to get to your office!" Jade replied defending herself.

"It's my friend who told me, Yuuya found a book, there was this story about a party that multiple people died in.

Surprisingly enough, this book has a picture of you." Garrick said showing him the picture.

"They're gonna drive me crazy, the Kizami family, they don't shut-up!" Ned said cursing underneath his breaths.

"I don't get it, why such book is here and how the hell your friend found it anyway?!" Jasper asked, "His family helped him...according to the book, multiple people died in that party but there was three survivals who vanished completely after the event.

And among those survivors was one considered the suspect behind all of this...the court physician."

"Ah shit!" Jade said giving An angry Ned a nervous smile.

Ned rolled his eyes at his daughter, "Uh-huh, let me guess...the people who wrote this book about the Derora tragedy, must have painted me as a vicious murderer.

What a small price to pay for the shit that happened to my father afterwards." Ned replied directing his attention to a confused Garrick.

"Is there a reason why people Thought you killed for the throne?" Garrick asked, "Wait before that! you mentioned our shitty grandpa...what happened to him exactly?" Jade asked.

"Recently Jihi started opening-up more, they told me about some stuff they previously hid away from me." Ned spoke-up, "What stuff? is it about Derora?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah, they gave me some insights on what happened after our tragedy...apparently the people did suspect me to be the one who murdered everyone that night since they didn't find my body.

The funny part here is that my father, Lord Raud Valentino despite everything still tried to claim the throne for himself, when that stupid war between the nobles over the throne began, even though I, his son was accused of murder.

And because of this party scandal, he eventually ended-up losing everything instead.

So not only that my father was not given the Throne, but they suspected that he and I worked together to kill all those people and take the throne for ourselves.

Karma got him bad, and he paid the price for all the abuse that I suffered on his hands, and even got his beloved Noble title taken away from him...

My father became the number one thing he hated the most, a commoner." Ned explained.

"HOLY SHIT! why didn't you tell us this! this is worth partying over!" Jade cheered, "I didn't tell you, possibly because you run your mouth, you little brat." Ned said, "I love you too mom." Jade sheepishly replied.

"I don't see why this is party-worthy, it has tainted your name Mom!...why would the people even suspect you?" Jasper asked, "Like I said it's a small price to pay besides, the people got suspicious because father must've used his secret weapon to try and claim the throne Even though I was supposedly a runaway criminal.

He used that secret to try and be the king, since both me and mother have disappeared, there was a possibility that my father could become king.

Because in reality, if I stayed in Derora after the tragedy and cleared my name, I should've been the king." Ned explained.

"What do you mean you should've been King? and where did grandma disappear to? you said before that she left grandpa when she found her mate?" Jasper asked again, "Yeah! it's enough crazy that people actually thought you wanted the throne for yourself? what do you have to do with it anyways?" Jade added.

"A noble like my dad could've claimed the throne for himself because of his status but also as my father...he could have claimed the throne successfully if the tragedy didn't badly affect his reputation." Ned replied.

"Should I be listening to This?" Garrick asked, "You're gonna be involved one way or sit down and be quiet." the twins replied, "Okay." Garrick nervously replied.

Clapping his hands together, Ned began explaining more, "Yurei isn't the only one who's eligible to take the throne, in wasn't his to begin with.

According to the law, Derora's monarchs can have harems, and Although it was a rare occurrence for any Derora monarch to actually form a harem since nobody did that for generations in the Spencer family.

But someone eventually did, and it was none other than Muriel's grandfather, he had a harem of his own and my grandmother was included into that harem."

"Wait Muriel and Yurei?! are we talking about the Muriel and Yurei that we know? like teleportation guy and Blondie?" Garrick said to which Ned nodded, "What the hell, is everyone here reincarnated?" Garrick mumbled.

"You're fucking kidding me right! you're not telling me we are royalty or something?" Jade asked,"Doesn't that mean that there was others? other than your grandma in the harem? what happened to that harem anyways?" Jasper curiously asked.

"The harem was established before the king of Derora got married to Muriel's grandmother, so it got dissolved after." Ned replied, "Why though?" the twins asked together.

"Out of equality by law...if for example the king wanted a harem despite having a spouse, his spouse should also form a harem of their own as well, and it seemed like neither of them liked the idea of the other having a harem so they agreed on both not having one.

And since The king apparently had only one child born from that harem, which is my mother who was born around the time he got married.

My mother's existence was hidden at Muriel's grandmother's only those involved in this story knew she existed.

They gave my grandma and mother new names, a noble status and a fortune to shut them up." Ned explained.

"Wow! I feel like I'm listening to a historical drama story!" Jade said with sparkling eyes, "Ok, get back to explaining how you would be the king." Jasper said.

"The kingdom's inheritance rule is that any old enough child of the current Monarch's blood, even if the child was born from someone within the harem, can become next On the throne if anything were to happen to the previous monarch, and like I said usually the eldest rules first.

Royal Children are acknowledged since the day they are born, and so are their children after them, which secures the throne to anyone who is from the Spencer's family, even if they don't carry the name, they need to be blood related at least.

These children are considered royalty as well, and they can take the throne if nobody else can take mother was born from that relationship between my grandmother and Muriel's grandfather, but she was hidden Away."

"That means you're kinda like Muriel's half cousin, and at the time when Mallory and Muriel lost their parents, your mother should've been the queen! our grandmother!" Jade said enthusiastically.

"True to say the least, and if the tragedy didn't happen or my name was at least cleared, if we were to go back to Derora to claim the throne, we can do it!

But it would be me who sits on the throne, and that's not my thing, so if we did go back, I'll probably just give it to Yurei." Ned casually said.

"I can't believe I'm a princess!" Jade said, still lost in the Royal dream,"Bitch is that all you think about?! do you have any idea what being a royalty means?!" Jasper said Annoyed.

"Don't call your sister names, and You two better not start fighting again!" Ned threatened.

"I can't believe this, I knew I was royal blood I mean look at me, I'm fucking gorgeous!" Jade said touching her face with both hands.

"Here we go again!" Ned rolled his eyes.