Hot Sexy Christmas.

As the bell kept ringing, "HEY? Can Nobody hear the bell?...Wait, I forgot we sent away all servants today!" An Annoyed Jasper said while he opened the door.

"WOOHOO! Merry Christmas Nerd! you look cute in that cat sweater!" Jade cheered while bursting through the entrance, "Jade? you're back home! oh right, It's Christmas Eve! Did they give you a vacation?" Jasper Said.

"Yeah! and guess who decided to celebrate with us!" Jade said dragging someone else with her.

"Da- I mean Garrick hi!" Jasper greeted him.

"Hi Jasper! You can call me dad once I get my memories back...btw is Ned here?" Garrick asked with a big smile while staring at all the bright and glitzy Christmas decorations around the house.

"When we first met at the hospital, I thought I'll have to wait for months to see you again Garrick." Ned spoke-up as he walked towards them, Both Jade and Garrick had their jaws dropped at the sight of a well-dressed Ned.

Ned was confidently walking towards them while wearing a dazzling form fitting dark-purple suit, with a half unbuttoned light-violet dress shirt, and his hair was cut short again just like it was back in Derora.

But most importantly his usual pair of glasses, were gone.

"Mom! Are you wearing contact lenses?!" Jade exclaimed happily, "Yeah, like my new look?" Ned said with a wink.

"Wǒ hěn xǐhuān! ( I like it Alot!)" Jade replied grinning.

"You look...Stunning, freaking stunning!" Garrick said feeling his heart skip a beat, "You look cute too, handsome." Ned replied with another wink.

"Ha-Handsome?!" Garrick stuttered, he didn't expect Ned to say such a thing, "Do you prefer I call you horse face again?" Ned joked while holding Garrick's hand.

With Ned leading them to the living room, The group passed Faunus halfway in, "Oh! hello there!" Faunus greeted them immediately.

"Fau!" Garrick said before he got wrapped into a hug, "Marry Christmas!" Faunus said with a smile as big as Garrick's.

"Bruh that outfit is fire though! Faunus I might have to steal you from Jasper, we can go shopping together!" Jade said admiring the elegant silky feminine white suit Faunus wore, "What are those! so cool!" she added as she noticed his red bottom heels.

"You too Sister! your outfit is so beautiful!" Faunus said to Jade, "Bruhh, what do mean?! I'm literally wearing a mini Santa dress and a Santa hat!" Jade replied laughing.

"You make everything you wear look like it is straight out of a fashion magazine." Faunus said complimenting her.

Gasping, "That's it! I'm taking you back with me to the academy, you damn precious thing!" Jade stated hugging Faunus, swaying him left and right.

Her motion put some pressure on Faunus's ankle hurting him, "AH-AH! wait!" Faunus yelped in pain.

"Jade! be careful?!" Jasper called out, "Faunus, couldn't you ditch the high heels?! I told you, you need to be more careful with your ankle! it's not fully healed yet!" he added scolding Faunus.

"Sorry! I didn't know he was injured!" Jade said apologizing, "It is fine, it happened like two weeks ago." Faunus replied reassuring her.

"You still need to be careful, Fau." Jasper repeated his advice, making Faunus smile.

Taking the opportunity, "BTW this cat sweater Jasper is wearing is a gift from Faunus." Ned spoke-up, "It's cute, looks like someone enjoys having a boyfriend." Jihi said popping out of nowhere in front of them.

"AHHHHH?!" everyone got startled by the sudden entrance of the mage.

"What? got scared of dark Santa? BOO! Hohoho!" Jihi said chuckling, they were wearing an all black santa costume with a wig, dark shades and a fake black beard instead of a face mask.

"Since when you celebrate Christmas Jihi?" Ned asked, "Since when you celebrate Anything?" Jihi asked back.

Narrowing his eyes, "Sometimes you scare Me." Ned said, "Same." Jihi replied before going somewhere in the house.

"By the way...where's Aroon? He would usually greet us by now." Jade asked, "Oh, he went to Muriel's house...Muriel, Socorro and Aroon said they were coming together." Ned answered.

"Why? Sounds sus." she asked, "They want to surprise their Alphas apparently, they asked me to join in but I said I'd rather do it on my own...Some other time." Ned replied, "Do what?" Garrick asked.

"The door again!" Jasper said hearing the Doorbell ring, "I got it!" Faunus said enthusiastically rushing to the door.

In a minute Faunus was back with, Matilda, Thorn and Lucius all dressed-up in suits.

Matilda in all orange, Thorn's was crimson red and Lucius wore a Normal black suit.

"Was there a dress code I didn't know about? why is everyone in suits?" Jade said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not wearing a suit!" Jasper said, true to his words, he was wearing a pair of boyfriend Jeans and that knitted cat sweater, "Me too!" Garrick said feeling embarrassed, he too wore a Christmas sweater and a pair of tight jeans.

"There's no dress code, everyone is welcomed to wear whatever they like." Ned reassured him.

"I only wear suits on special occasion, I actually hate this stuff." Thorn commented, "I'm the other way around, I'm sexiest when I'm suited-up." Matilda spoke flashing a smile.

"Is Aroon not here yet?" Lucius asked nervously.

Suddenly the bell rang again, "I think you might get your answers real soon!" Faunus said hurrying back to the door, "Careful Faunus!" Jasper warned his boyfriend before guiding everyone else to the living room to sit down.

When Faunus came into the living room, his face was visibly red and he didn't utter a word as he walked-up to a sitting Jasper.

Faunus seemed so surprised, he nearly tripped again but thankfully Jasper caught him.

"Fau? are you alright?" Jasper asked, but he soon realized why Faunus was a blushing mess.

Aroon, Muriel and Socorro walked inside the living room, each one of them three, wearing a sexy-virgin-killer-sweater dress that matched their hair's color, and a color matching pair of heels to go with it.

Garrick who remembered the 'they asked me to join but I said I'd rather do it on my own' statement that Ned gave earlier, looked at his mate with wide eyes, "You're kidding me? You were going to wear this?" he asked whispering to Ned.

"You Don't like it?" Ned replied smirking, "You want another child?" Garrick said causing Ned to blink and blush.

"I've lived long enough to see Aroon in a dress." Jade said grinning from ear to ear, she turned To her twin brother and his boyfriend to see them both holding onto each other, flustered and speechless.

"Did I die again?...Am I in heaven? somebody tell me I'm hallucinating!...ohhhhh it's getting hot in here!" Matilda spoke-up, she was drooling over the sight of Socorro in that sexy dress.

She never saw this woman bare a shoulder before, but now she can see half of her chest and her back exposed, with no bra on top of it.

One look at Aroon in that outfit with his long pink braided hair, was enough for Lucius, "Mum was right, dreams do come true if you Ask God earnestly for them... Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!" Lucius spoke holding his cross necklace in his hands, genuinely praying with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Oh I'm getting fucked tonight!" Thorn blurred out, quickly putting one of the couch pillows over his lap to hide his embarrassing excitement.

"Hello there sugar~" Muriel said in a low seductive voice, "Step on me I mean hi baby!" Thorn said making everyone else burst out laughing.

"These cookies are good...what are you guys laughing at? " Jihi asked as they came back from the kitchen carrying a plate of cat shaped cookies.

The Santa mage paused for a minute to look at the virgin sweater trio, "Oh FUCK ME! DID I DIE?!" Jihi Shouted causing everyone else to erupt into laughter again.

Before the virgin sweater trio could even sit down, Yurei and Tacito teleported into the living room.

"Hi everyone." An unamused Yurei said, he still didn't resolve his beef with Jasper and Faunus yet, but he came since Tacito and Ned pressured him into it, so he dressed-up in a white turtleneck and black suit pants, styling his hair into a low ponytail.

While Tacito was unfazed, Yurei took notice of the virgin sweater trio and his whole face turned red, "What the fuck." he whispered to himself, "Sweet home Alabama." Faunus whispered-sang for Yurei to hear, "Jerk." Yurei whispered back.

"Taci...OMG that robe!" Jade said, "Can you walk for us in that, I wanna see!" she added.

Tacito walked over to her, elegantly dragging the brown Rich-wife robe he wore over his dark faux-leather jumpsuit, And As he got closer Jade gasped at his ankle-strap snake heels.

"All of you, I'll never forgive you for making me feel highly underdressed." Jade said envious of everyone's outfits.

Sighing, "Girl what should I say? I literally live here and I'm underdressed." Jasper replied.

"I guess everyone is here then!" Garrick said, but suddenly the door bell rang again, "What now?!" Jasper said annoyed.

Clearing his throat, "I will go check." a shy Aroon said standing-up, he pulled his dress down a little as he walked over to check the door, "I'll come with you!" Lucius said hastily Following him.

The two walked to the door and Aroon openes it, A delivery guy was waiting for them.

The poor guy lost his ability to speak properly as soon as his eyes landed at Aroon in that dress, "A d-delivery f-for t-the V-Valentinos!" the guy stuttered at each word, "Ah right! Master did order a cake." Aroon said.

"M-Master?!" The delivery guy was bugging, "Don't get the wrong idea mate." Lucius said nervously to the guy, "And I understand what you're going through right now." he added whispering.

"Can you please go over the the kitchen and place the cake on the table?" Aroon asked, "S-Sure!" the guy said carrying the cake with Lucius's help, both praying to not trip as Aroon walked before them to guide them to the kitchen.

When they made it there, they were surprised that Socorro was in the kitchen, the delivery guy nearly fell seeing her matching dress, "Socorro is everything alright?" Aroon asked.

"Yes, I wanted to make some tea." she responded while carrying a big tea kettle with her gloved hands, "Let me help you." Aroon said joining her.

"What's going on in this place?" the delivery guy whispered to himself, he hurriedly exited The kitchen and on his way out he somewhere tripped, Landing right at Muriel's feet.

Muriel who was curious to see what was going on, has left the living room only to have a man thrown by gravity at his feet.

"Oh My! are you Alright dear?!" Muriel asked offering his hand to help the stranger get-up.

One look at his dress that matched the other two, was enough to get the delivery guy up and running away.

"MAMA!" the guy screamed before he exited the house.

"What just happened?" Muriel tilted his head.

"Did he Leave?!" Lucius said as he met Muriel, "Who was that guy?" Muriel asked, "The delivery guy...I think he got shy." Lucius replied nervously.

"Did we over do it with the dresses?"

"No! absolutely not!...please don't tell Aroon I said this, but I never felt like I needed someone to walk all over me, call me degrading names and spank my ass, as much as I felt it the moment I saw you three walk in with these dresses." Lucius said with a red face.

"Oh My Lu!" Muriel blushed as well, "I guess you're gonna be degrading and spanking somebody's Ass tonight Aroon." Socorro's voice came from behind Lucius scaring him.

"I suppose I will Coco." Aroon said pushing his glasses up.

"Roonie baby you're here!" Lucius nervously said while loosening his tie.