The apple doesn't fall too far.

"Mother, can you keep watch on my house while it is getting furnished and taken care of?"

"Why? is something going on Faunus?" Ned asked, "Yes...i must inform you that starting tomorrow, I will be out of reach for a while." Faunus said as he was getting ready to leave.

"Out of reach all of the sudden? are you going somewhere?" Jasper asked, "My cousin Grey fell ill again, I am the only one he allows near him when he is in this condition...seems like he does not like the fact that I left the house so suddenly." Faunus replied.

"Oh I remembered, you do healing magic right?" Jasper said to which Faunus nodded to.

"Grey, the vampire cousin who Leonard seemed fed-up with? the way he spoke of him, it was almost as Leonard hates Grey." Ned commented.

Nodding again, "Leonard, does not like Grey mostly because of the attention he gets especially when he's sick, and also because Grey actually loves being with the Styles."

"Do you like the Styles?" Jasper asked, "I have a neutral point of view when it comes to them." Faunus replied with a blank expression.

"Usually half-vampires are the ones who have lots of health issues." Ned spoke-up, "Yes, Grey being a vampire is the reason he is sick, he cannot even walk in the sun without an umbrella, drink blood properly without gets worse with time.

He was bed-ridden and pampered most of his childhood...And as the quirky kid that I was, I stayed indoors Alot as well and so did Leonard because he got grounded a lot.

So the three of us since we didn't get along so well with the rest of the family as kids, we were like best friends growing-up." Faunus replied smiling.

"But I guess that friendship fell apart at some point." Jasper said eyeing him, "It did, as we grew-up, our point of views changed especially towards the family and each other, we stopped seeing the world from heart shaped glasses.

It did not help that growing-up mentally came with our Bodies growing-up as well...I am not sure how that happened but the friendship turned into a love triangle, and I rejected them both eventually." Faunus said.

" were Leonard's first love? maybe that's why he went after Muriel, you guys have similarities." Ned said, "It Could be." Faunus simply replied, "And Grey? does he still have feelings for you?" Jasper asked.

"YA! You're so noisy!" Ned said scolding Jasper, "The apple doesn't fall Too far from the tree! you just asked him like a million questions mom!" Jasper replied earning a slap to the back of his head.

Chuckling at them, "It is fine, both Grey and Leonard still consider me as their closest friend, but Their friendship together is ruined...Mainly because of me." Faunus replied before walking to the door.

"BTW...Faunus." Jasper awkwardly said, "When will you come back?" he asked while avoiding eye-contact with Faunus.

"The moment Grey's health gets better, it will take no more than few days, hopefully.

Meanwhile, let us think of a way to help Thorn and Muriel get their memories back, if I came-up with anything, I shall tell you." Faunus replied.

"I hope you don't hate me or something." Jasper said, "Hate you? why would I?" Faunus asked while putting on his shoes, "Because...I was being mean to you these days, I just never had a boyfriend before, or know how to act like one.

I know this is supposed to be a transactional thing, but I may have been harsh on you with my...rules." Jasper said.

Beaming at him, "Nae salang nal geogjeonghae? (My love are you worried about me?)" Faunus asked him in Korean.

Pretending to be offended, "Nugu? Na? Jeonhyeo! (who? me? not at all.)" Jasper replied, "Geunyang ppalli tteona! ( just hurry up and leave.)" he added.

"Okay! I will go to my home to pack-up for the trip!" Faunus said giving him a thumbs-up, "Annyeong nae salang! (goodbye my love.)" He added waving before walking outside.

"What a crappy boyfriend! you should've walked him to his home at least!" Ned said after closing the door behind Faunus.

"He literally lives next door!" Jasper said, "Tch, this disrespectful generation!" Ned mumbled before he started walking away.

"YA! EOMMA!" Jasper shouted after Ned scaring him.

"WAE SOLILEUL JILEUNEUNGEOYA?! (why are you screaming)" Ned asked shouting back.

"Salanghae nae deulama yeowang! (Love you my Drama queen.)" Jasper sheepishly said before running away, "I SAEKKI?! (You fucker.)" Ned replied chasing after him with his slippers.

Seeing the unassuming Yurei walking their way, Jasper ran towards him before hiding behind the confused chestnut-haired young man.

"Hey?! What's going on? who are you running away from?!" Yurei asked before he got hit with a flying slipper to his face.

With Yurei being taken down, Jasper ran away again laughing.

Checking on the guy his son just used as a human shield, "Shit! sorry Yurei that slipper was meant for Jasper." Ned said before retrieving the shoe and went back to chasing his son around.

...Time Skip... About a week Later...

"Any news from Faunus?" Ned asked as he worked on his laptop, "He texts me some random shit mostly but that's about it...I just realized it's been almost a week, since last I saw him in person." Jasper who was laying at the sofa by the wall, replied while checking his phone again.

"A week, I wonder if Grey's health is that bad?" Ned said sighing, "What day are we again?" he added asking.

"Sunday?" Jasper replied confused.

"I know it's Sunday you little brat...I mean like the date?"

"You know it's Sunday but don't know it's 6 December."

"I'm getting tired ok! look at me! it's a weekend and I'm busting my Ass with these documents!"

"But Why did you need the date?"

"I just remembered that December...well, Thorn is born in this month." Ned said while rubbing his eyes behind his glasses.

"Really? what day?" Jasper asked.

"29 December."

"Wow! his birthday comes between Christmas and new year's day."

"I Wonder if Muriel is going to do something special for him, Thorn doesn't celebrate occasion like these...his parents don't come around anymore either."

"How old is he gonna be? I mean Thorn."

"29 years old I think." Ned replied, "Wow?! 29 on 29 December?! imagine if this was year 2029! would've been a cool coincidence!" Jasper said enthusiastically, "Wait, but then the month should also be 29 which is impossible so nevermind." he added losing interest pretty quickly.

"You're a lot more cheerful lately, do you enjoy texting Faunus that much?" Ned asked.

"Aside from the random stuff he sends, We talk about stuff like kpop and kdrama, I'm sending him my 'to watch list' right now." Jasper replied.

"Uh-huh." Ned said Knowingly with a smile, "I know what you're insinuating mom!

It's been only a week since we started dating, so don't exaggerate." Jasper replied frowning.

"Really? it seems like you're quickly catching feelings for him Jaspie."

"Look at you trying to sound trendy, You're weird Mom."

"You came out of my body, that makes you weirder." Ned said, "Tch, whatever I'm hungry." Jasper replied while sending a text.

-[itsMeJaspie]: Are you coming back yet


-[itsMeFau]: Are you worried about me Oppa!

-[itsMeJaspie]: I miss you...

-[itsMeFau]: REALLY?! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

-[itsMeJaspie]: haha just kidding!

-[itsMeFau]: ohh (╥﹏╥)

-[itsMeJaspie]: Just kidding again...I do miss you...but just a little bit ( ತ_ʖತ)

-[itsMeFau]: AWW (≧▽≦) well I guess I have some good news to you, I am going to come back tomorrow's morning!

-[itsMeJaspie]: Cool I guess, I'll tell mom.

-[itsMeFau]: Tell Mother I said hi!

-[itsMeJaspie]: Did you watch the serie I recommended to you?

-[itsMeFau]: the one about the love story of a con-artist and a mermaid who travels across the ocean to find him?

-[itsMeJaspie]: you could've just said the kdrama's title but yeah! seems like you watched it already.

-[itsMeFau]: I am halfway through! Grey was watching with me as well, he liked it.

-[itsMeJaspie]: Ya! why are you watching it with him! ur supposed to watch it alone!

-[itsMeFau]: but I like watching with people!

-[itsMeFau]: Or...are you perhaps jealous of Grey? hehe! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

-[itsMeJaspie]: stop getting weird ideas again! I'm off bye!

-[itsMeFau]: hehe bye!

"UGHHHH!" Jasper whined loudly, "The hell is wrong with you?" Ned asked, "Nothing...oh right, Faunus was saying Hi to you." Jasper replied.

"Oh really, did he say anything else?"

"He's coming back tomorrow."

"Good I guess, you guys should go on a date when he comes back." Ned said.



"Madame Shan-Shan? we met her during the 80s...she's a ghost who was brought back to finish her unresolved business, and mom tried helping her ever since."

"How come she's a ghost? aren't ghosts supposed to like be See-through and go through walls, and be scary and stuff?!" Garrick asked.

"Not all ghosts are similar in their constitution, from what I've seen so usually depends on your unresolved business.

Madame was more life-like, because she wanted to find a person that would take care of her shop for her...And I know It's weird that Matilda never met Madame Shanice before despite being friends with mom." Jade explained while eating her food.

"Then I have two questions, first question is how come Shanice was close friends with Ned but Matilda never met her? that doesn't make sense.

And two, how the hell didn't any of us become ghosts? like how come we get reincarnated and brought back, giving us a second shot at life and Madam Shanice not?" Garrick asked.

"Boy you must be thinking I'm some sorta supernatural encyclopedia cuz I ain't Motherfucker!

Idk shit about ghosts!" Jade replied, "Okay then, what about Matilda? how come she never met her, like she's literally a big part of Ned's life?!" Garrick asked again.

"As far as I know, Madame Shanice rarely ever leaves her shop, unless she's about to warn mom from something." Jade answered.

"Were all of you helping Her resolve her unresolved business or just Ned?"

"I wasn't helping, just mom was trying to help madame Shanice...and knowing Matilda, she could've easily not known about the shop, Maybe mom didn't see a reason to tell her about madame Shanice.

I think that's where Kimberly fits into the story, Maybe mom thought Kimberly would be a perfect replacement but madam Shanice didn't think so.

But despite that, madame Shan-Shan continued talking to Kimberly and encouraging her, Meanwhile Kimberly brought her most of her customers ever since they met each other." Jade explained.

"Maybe Ned knew that Matilda was the perfect pick, but he made sure that the two women never met?

I mean could it be that he stopped Shanice and Matilda from meeting so Shanice wouldn't move on?" Garrick asked, "Well it kinda makes sense, mom has a bad tendency to play chess with people's lives, and hold on to people...I guess for me, the Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, when it comes to the last one." Jade replied.

"I think it's a good thing if the Apple doesn't fall far away from the tree in your're a good kid Jade, You might not believe it when I say that, but I think you turned out fine.

Like if this is 100% reality and you're without a doubt my child, I can say that I'm proud of you." Garrick said flashing her a big smile.

"I've never seen a man before, proud of a child like me? especially a child that calls him a Motherfucker and punches him in the face...but thanks I guess." Jade said smiling back, "Btw, you're done with your food? Can I take Your egg?" she said.

Chuckling, Garrick picked-up the boiled egg and gave it to her, watching her smile get bigger as she received it.