It's beginning to look Alot like Trouble p1

"Mallory what a surprise!"

"Yurei...were you guys out again? wait, you alone here aren't you, if so...why hasn't Tacito opened the door yet?!"

"Taci should still be in the shower, that's why he didn't hear you, plus I have the key so even if he did hear something, he knows it wasn't me knocking, And he probably got spooked by you...

As for me, I was out to get some fresh air, it's been a long day." Yurei lied.

"Out for some fresh air, after coming back from a Christmas party?" Mallory asked.

"Yep." Yurei simply said, "Okay...even though I can tell you're bluffing, I'll say I believe ya." Mallory replied.

"How did you Know we're staying here?"

"Jihi told me themself, seems like Tacito has to report to his supervisor even when he's staying at a hotel."

Scratch his head, "I've completely forgotten about, wanna get inside or go somewhere else?" Yurei asked.

"Let's go inside." Mallory replied.

"Okay!" Yurei replied pulling out his key.


"It's nice that Ned asked us to stay for the night! I'm too tired to drive home in this late hour." Lucius spoke while removing his tie in the kitchen.

"But you aren't tired to want someone spanking your Ass." Aroon pointed out, "Muriel told me, you and Thorn did something intimate...he didn't specify exactly what thing." he added while watching Lucius turning to face him with a flushed face.

"Oh!...he said that!" Lucius mumbled, "Can you tell me what happened?" Aroon asked.

"W-We had a one-night-stand when we first met...back in the UK." Lucius replied.

Suddenly, Muriel and Thorn walked in, "It's so late! we should go to our room!" Thorn begged Muriel while wrapping his arm around his omega's waist.

"You just want to watch me get naked." Muriel replied knowingly, "I do, no lie." Thorn replied smirking.

The two finally noticed that they walked in on Aroon and a blushing Lucius, "You guys are here too?" Thorn asked.

Slightly smirking, "Did we interrupt anything?" Muriel asked then winked.

"No no! we weren't doing anything sus...yet." Lucius replied still blushing, "Why not, Aroon looks so tasty right now, I would take a bite if you would not." Muriel said licking his lips in a seductive manner, causing Thorn's eyes to go wide open, and Lucius's blush to intensify.

Clearing his throat, "Lu told me he and Thorn had a one-night-stand the first time they met." Aroon spoke-up, "Oh Right! Socorro was the one who told me about it first." Muriel replied.

Then both omegas turned to face their alphas, "Spill it...every detail!" Muriel said, "What details?" Lucius asked.

"We want you to tell us what happened." Aroon replied, "You mean How we ended-up having a one-night-stand?" Thorn asked skeptically.

"Exactly?! What happened during the one-night-stand!" Both Muriel and Aroon said in union.

"WHAT! we can't do that!" Lucius said embarrassed, "No way." Thorn replied firmly.

"Well THEN too bad! i suppose I am going to sleep in your room tonight Aroon... Lucius and Thorn can share a room together, since I do not want to be with Thorn tonight." Muriel said faking a sad tone, "I'm okay with that, I don't want Lucius to touch me tonight either." Aroon replied.

"What! you can't be serious!" Lucius and Thorn said together.

Ignoring them, The two omegas turned around and started walking away slowly.

"BLOODY HELL! I'll tell you...just don't leave me tonight." Lucius said in despair, "We'll talk, just came back already!" A reluctant Thorn added making the two omegas smirk at each other in Victory.

...[Tiny flashback]...

"You're drunk Thorn."

"You too Lu."

"Not as much as you obviously, you can't stand straight, can you?"

"Does your anxiety evaporates with alcohol? you got bolder dude." Thorn asked as he sat down on the couch in Lucius's living room.

" you always cry about that 'Muriel' whenever you get drunk? you didn't stop talking about him in the car...I nearly dropped you back to the pub." Lucius with a flushed face, replied to Thorn while looking him up and down.

"Are you jealous Lu?"

"Well, If the guy I worked so hard to pickup from the bar tonight, brought him all the way here to my house, but he can't stop talking and crying about some omega who doesn't return his feeling while I'm trying to have some late night fun with him...I'll definitely be bothered." Lucius replied running his hand through his bushy black hair.

"Sorry about that, I really like that guy."

"Hmm I can tell Thorn, but right now, this is about you and you know what to do?"

Chuckling, "I've never done it with another Alpha before Lu."

"Then why did you agree? I asked you before we even started drinking."

Chuckling again, "Didn't I just say it? I never done it before."

"Is it because I'm small and not bulky compared to you?...well, you wouldn't be the first, people get often surprised when they find out I'm an Alpha."

"It's not really about your size...I usually don't go out of my comfort zone, especially not with whom I'm sleeping with...but, I got curious! back at the bar, a bunch of people flirted with you, it got me wondering."

"I slept with some of those people before, they were looking for a second chance, but I made it clear that I wanted to take you home." Lucius replied while unbuttoning his shirt.

"That's what I thought...I wondered what's so special about this young shy Alpha with the sleepy black eyes? why is there people of all genders throwing themselves at his feet left and right?" Thorn said watching Lucius take off his shirt.

Moving his hands to his own pants, "I see...then I'll give you a special treatment tonight, since you're so curious." Lucius said slightly smirking, "I'll let you top me." He added letting his pants drop on the floor.

Thorn stared shamelessly at Lucius who stood few steps away from him with messy hair, wearing nothing but his underwear and showing no intention of taking it off on his own.

"You're looking at my boxers like you've seen an enemy of yours, Thorn."

"Why you'd keep it on Lu? I was enjoying the show."

"Says the man who's fully clothed on my sofa...if you want a strip show, hit a club or something."

"I like it when you're suddenly mean, This ain't your first time as a bottom, is it lu?" Thorn pointed out, "Of course it's not, I've topped and been topped live and you learn they say." Lucius replied slyly, before he started walking away.

Surprised, "Where are you going?" Thorn asked, "To my room...if you want to take this underwear off of me so bad, follow me there Thorn.

If you changed your mind about this, you can leave, no hard feelings." Lucius replied before he went upstairs.

Biting his lips, Thorn wondered what to do next.

It's true, he agreed to this but Lucius gave him the freedom to call it quits if he doesn't want it anymore.

But he did want it, "Shit! he got one hell of an ass too." Thorn said Getting-up quickly, he found himself climbing upstairs in a hurry.

And before Lucius could even go over to his bed, he felt Thorn's body sticking to his back, "You're fast to give-up." Lucius said blushing.

"You're an alpha, yet you got me acting-up somehow." Thorn replied, resting his head on Lucius's shoulder from the back.

"You made this alpha sing for you earlier, now make him scream." Lucius said in a husky voice.

"Oh man..." Thorn whispered almost breathless.

...[End of Tiny flashback]...

"I'm stopping here." Lucius said blushing, "Noooo please tell us more!" Muriel whined, "Was mother-in-law out of the house that night? last time you and I got caught almost immediately." Aroon asked.

Still blushing, Lucius nodded, "Mum was in the hospital at the time, I wanted to stay with him but he told me to stay in the house and make sure I clean it every day."

"My poor Cinderella." Aroon replied giggling, "This story would have been ten times more exciting if Lucius was the top." Muriel said.

"Ah?! you can't be serious?" Thorn said in horror, "Why? do you think I can't do it?! I topped a man that's three times your size!" Lucius replied slightly offended.

"What the hell have you been doing?! How come the shiest of the group can do stuff like that?!" Thorn said, "What's the problem?! I deserve to have sex with a willing person as much as you do!" Lucius replied.

"Tehehehe, the two of you are so funny!" Muriel said giggling, but he was suddenly taken by surprise when Aroon smashed their lips together.

"What the..." Thorn and Lucius's brains paused for a moment as they watched Muriel kiss Aroon back.

The two omegas started moaning and touching each other in all the right places, right in front of their Alphas.

"So, we're having a foursome now? In Ned's kitchen." Lucius asked swallowing, "Oh fuck're not the person I expected myself to kiss first this Christmas, but fuck it." Thorn said pulling Lucius into a kiss.


"Did you come here just to tell me that Mallory? do I look like I care that you remember your past life now? you know that you being here is pissing me off?" Yurei said scoffing at her.

"I remembered everything after I removed Jihi's mask, I should've known something was not right when they came to me.

Did you know, that Jihi is your mother?" Mallory said.

Tacito immediately felt anxious, he knew what she was talking about and it was something that Mallory instantly noticed, as she eyed Tacito Carefully.

"And? what if Jihi is my other parent? do I give a shit? I don't! so get lost already." Yurei replied angrily.

"You're seriously not bothered by it?! they have hidden their identity from you all this time." Mallory asked surprised, "I'm bothered by you being here and trash talking about them.

At least Jihi tried looking after me in their own way...what did you do other than running away?" Yurei replied

"Who told you I ran away!"

"It's what I heard, that's what all of your family, Royal subjects and people thought when their QUEEN was a no show after her child's birth!"

"You definitely inherited Yuri's Attitude." Mallory said, "Seems like I inherited your incompetence too." Yurei replied standing-up, he walked to the door opening it.

Standing-up as well, "Listen, I just came here to make peace." Mallory said.

Gesturing at her to get out with his hand, "The only thing you'll be making here is a new enemy, so get lost!" Yurei replied.

"Fine, it's obvious you're not in your right mind...I'll come back another time." Mallory said walking towards the door.

"Please don't keep in touch and Merry Christmas!" Yurei said coldly, he waited until she passed through the door and slammed it shut behind her.

"Good riddance." whispered to himself as he leaned against the closes door, "Love?" Tacito said approaching him.

"I know you know, when she said that Jihi was my weren't surprised, you were scared Taci." Yurei said.

"I'm sorry love...I never harm hiding the...truth...I had no...choice." Tacito said hugging him.

"It's okay, I can tell you had good intentions...besides, I had my doubts so far...there was some things that Jihi said that were odd to me." Yurei replied hugging him back.

"What you're do now... Yurei?"

"First of all! I'm not that mad!...And second, I'm going to eat you like the delicious 3 course meal that you are...then, we'll sleep and cuddle like we planned before." Yurei replied lifting Tacito in his arms.