Well this is awkward! p1

"Well this is awkward!" Mallory spoke-up, "It wouldn't be like this if this motherfucker didn't pull a gun on my mom." Jade replied hinting at Thorn who was sitting across from her.

The white haired man gritted his teeth angrily, he was pissed he couldn't talk back to Jade since she spoke facts.

"What's more awkward, is that all of this is happening and I didn't know shit about it." Matilda replied glaring at Thorn, she was inside the house when the drama was unfolding outside, and didn't know what Thorn has done until Jade went inside and told her.

"Awkward is me sitting here confused, while the rest of you have your past memories back." Garrick spoke-up, "Also what the hell were you thinking Thorn?!" he added.

"Just how many times do I have to apologize for you guys to drop the subject!" Thorn said annoyed.

"Why the hell you're apologizing to us, you should do that to Ned." Garrick pointed out.

"This place smells like an Alpha's den, Ew." Jasper said in disgust as he walked in.

"Jaspie!" Jade said standing-up, she quickly went and hugged her brother only for him to shove her away as soon as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Jasper? bro?" Jade was confused, "What's going on?" Garrick asked worriedly, "Jasper, take a deep breath." Yuri said.

"Where were you?" Jasper asked, "Uh? me?! oh...I was with Rickie all day, I came after the ritual to see you but found your room locked and...you seemed to be asleep, so I didn't bother you!" Jade replied smiling nervously.

"She went to the hospital with me, we visited Shadow, her health is getting worse apparently." Garrick spoke-up.

Seeing how agitated Her twin was, "Bro I'm here Now! if there's something bothering you, tell me!" Jade said, "Master maybe you should calm down a little." Aroon said while approaching Jasper.

"Don't, not you Aroon...stay away from me, please." Jasper said, "Oh?!...okay." feeling hurt, Aroon backed away immediately, he threw a glance towards Lucius who just walked in with his mother.

"The atmosphere is...somewhat suffocating, what is happening exactly?" Luciel asked.

"What's happening is that Fernando said I'd feel part of the pain that Faunus felt...and what I felt, was undescribable.

it was worse than anything I have ever experienced in my whole Fuckin Life !and to think...that was just a fraction of what Faunus experienced, is just killing me." Jasper explained.

"I'm sorry bro, if this is about not being by your side during the casting, then you already know I'm particularly useless! I wouldn't have been able to help you." Jade said.

"It's not about you...Ugh, look I'm sorry for pushing you away, I just feel so angry and i don't want anyone touching me." Jasper replied.

"Not Even me?" Jade asked, "Yeah, sorry sis." Jasper replied.

Annoyed, "Aish, This place smells like an Alpha's den." Ned said taking everyone by surprise with his sudden presence.

"Master! welcome back." Aroon said greeting him, "Tch, why are you calling me master? you quitted your job Aroon." Ned asked chuckling.

"Old habits die hard." Aroon replied, he then glanced at the twins and Ned immediately understood something was wrong.

"Jasper, Jade...you two aren't fighting again? C'mon you're grownups now!" Ned said.

Jade turned around to face Ned with a big smile, "We're not fighting!" She Said cheerfully, despite how bad she wanted to cry, she smiled so big while facing Ned.

"We weren't fighting...I'm sorry mom, I just lost it for a moment because I was mad and took it on her for no reason." Jasper said revealing the truth.

"I know you're mad at me for not being around." Jade said looking at her twin, "A little." Jasper replied.

"The most important thing to wonder about now, How are you physically feeling Jasper?" Ned asked, "Like shit...I feel like I got hit by a truck or worse...my whole body is sore." Jasper replied.

"That's only natural, it's hardly anything to worry about, from your side at least." Nana spoke entering the room.

"I just realized, there's so many people here today." Ned pointed out, nearly most of the people involved in his story, are present.

"Ever since we met you, this has been the norms for us, to be gathered in one place." Thorn spoke-up, "Your majesty, I see you've calmed down." Ned replied smiling.

"Why the sudden formalities?" Thorn asked, "Honestly Ned, I'm surprised with your actions so far." Socorro spoke-up.

Raising an eyebrow, "And why is that?" Ned asked.

"So far, you have proven to me, that you're Powerful, and undeniably clever...You managed to even manipulate Fernando to your own desires." Socorro said smirking.

Smirking back, "Ah really? does this makes me now, fit to be king, Miss Belmonte?" Ned asked with a wink.

Her smirk instantly dropped from her face, Socorro glanced at Muriel to find him shaking in his seat, so she tried to speak again, "Mister Valentino... About that I-!" but Ned cut her off.

"Oh dear, no need to...I am no King after all, besides, you're right! my cousin here is definitely fit for the Throne, compared to me, I don't have the patience to deal with an entire country on the expenses of my own life.

So the whole, let's act like we don't know the doctor is the real king so that Muriel may remain one, is unnecessary dear coco." Ned replied.

"Cousin?" Thorn pointed out looking at his Shaking mate, "king...KING?!" Lucius blinked Twice, "What is that thing Youngsters say these days?...Ah right! and the plot thickens!" Luciel said amused.

"Socorro dear...have you done something I should be aware of?" Nana asked.

"What the hell are you talking about now?!" Thorn asked, "Ned is the true heir to Derora's throne, simple as that." Matilda spoke nonchalantly shocking Socorro.

"Hold on, you knew?!" Socorro asked.

Nodding,"That's my bestie we're talking about, of course I knew...we don't keep secrets between us." Matilda said winking.

"Oh dear." Nana whispered, "Didn't expect you to speak so soon Master." Aroon said pushing his glasses up, "Sorry, I saw an opportunity and took it." Ned replied chuckling.

"Wait a minute...Why aren't you surprised as well?!" Lucius said pointing at Garrick.

"Because I know, easy." Garrick replied shrugging his shoulders.

Suddenly, the group was surprised by something else.

Tacito and Yurei teleported into the living room with their cat.

Tacito was visibly upset, he walked to Ned and Bowed to him apologetically, Choco remained in his arms as he did so.

"Taci baby c'mon!!" Yurei cried out, "I'm sorry...on his behalf." Tacito said to Ned.

"Maaaan!" Yurei whined, "Taci, it's fine dear stand-up." Ned said patting the taller boy's Back.

"Why don't you ask Ned to adopt you then! huh Taci?!" Yurei said angrily.

"I'm tired." Tacito replied, "I wanna have...a peaceful life...Yurei...and I know...for a fact...you're not gonna... give it to...me...so maybe Ned...adopting me isn't...a bad idea." he added.

"Okay that was joke, don't take me seriously love!" Yurei replied, "I'm sorry for being this way, old habits die hard." He added.

"Oh yeah?...You keep promising...me to behave...that you will...put me first... What's the meaning...of what you've...done?" Tacito replied angrily.

"Taci! I gave our parents Their memories back ! look at the bright side, our family is back again...almost." Yurei said.

While Tacito and Yurei argued on, Thorn and Muriel looked at each other for a second, then stood-up and walked towards the arguing duo.

Muriel despite still being shaken with Ned's revelation, "Children...earlier I did not have the chance to say this, partially because of Thorn but...I am so proud of you both, now that you've grown-up into Adults." spoke-up.

Tacito and Yurei turned their attention to him, "Mother you have...no idea how...I've missed you." Tacito said, "I know, and I must apologize for what Thorn and I did." Muriel replied while nudging Thorn.

"Y-yeah, we're sorry for...Actually I'm sorry for Thinking badly of you two, especially you Taci, I even thought You're a con artist or something." Thorn said.

"Is that the only thing you're supposed to apologize for Thorn? i got the news that you nearly shot someone!" Yurei replied slightly glaring.

Glaring back at Yurei since he started all of this, "You're right, I should Also apologize again for everyone in this room... Especially to you Ned, for what I did earlier." Thorn stated loudly.

"Quick question, who told you what happened?" Socorro asked, "That would be me." Ned replied, "I informed Tacito of what his fiance did, and the poor thing came to apologize instead of his narcissistic lover." he added.

"I'm a narcissist?!" Yurei said in disbelief, "Oh dear...You are more than that, and I just met you." Nana replied.

"Who the heck is this old lady?!" Yurei said, "My grandma, so watch that tone." Socorro replied.

"Ned's right, shouldn't you also apologize Yurei?" Yuri spoke-up, "Me? why?" Yurei asked.

"Son, you caused this...or do you have a hard time saying sorry like your other parent?" Mallory replied.

"Oh Fuck you! Yuri isn't a narcissist unlike you Mall!" Jade said to Mallory, "Mallory, trash talking me Infront of our child is disgraceful." Yuri added to Jade's words.

"Son, child...Okay wow, there's just so much going on here!" Lucius said, "More royal drama! Still not as shocking as Ned announcing he's the rightful heir to Derora's throne!" He added.

"I'm sorry WHAT?!" Yurei Shouted in disbelief.

...Next morning...

"He Looks like he's having fun in his dream." Yurei said to himself, the sound of Tacito mumbling in his sleep beside him, woke him up minutes ago.

Yurei was also thinking about last night, as Ned explained to him what he was missing, and how come he's family to him.

And now as morning came, everyone was bundled-up together sleeping on the floor of the living room, after moving all the furniture away, and placing mattresses instead.

Only Jasper, Nana and Luciel, slept Away in Jasper's room where Faunus was asleep, to watch over him.

Yurei carefully got-up and teleported within the living room instead of walking, afraid he'd step on anyone.

He smiled a little as he watched the scene before him, he wasn't used to seeing something like this.

Yuri slept between Jade and Mallory, with both Jade and Mallory shoving a hand in each other's faces while they slept.

Garrick and Ned were cuddled-up with Each Other, both shirtless, but Ned's glasses were still on his face, "Hehe, that dumbass!" Yurei whispered giggling.

Thorn had a pillow over his head, possibly because Muriel was snoring too loud beside him, and it was so funny that Yurei had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't burst laughing.

As for Socorro, she was particularly asleep on top of Matilda like the orange haired woman was the mattress herself, and Socorro looked small compared to Matilda, like a plushie sleeping on the bulky women's body.

Aroon and Lucius made-up yesterday all thanks to Ned and Luciel's efforts, so the two were sleeping besides each other with Lucius being the little spoon, cuddled from the back by a sleeping Aroon.

Leaving them behind as his stomach began rumbling, Yurei went to the kitchen and was surprised to find it locked, "Why do i have a feeling I should just go somewhere else to eat?"

Before he could teleport, he heard a weird noise coming from the hallway, it sounded like a cat screeching, "Choco is that you?" he asked following the noise.

The noise led him to find Jasper chasing Faunus who was in his human form, walking around on All four and making that screeching sound, "Faunus, get back here!" Jasper said but Faunus continued meowing and screeching.

"Damn." Yurei whispered before he burtsed laughing.