Love can be harmful.

"Yuuya's stable...for now, but still unconscious." Ned said, "Jesus...what the hell was that all about?!" Jade asked.

"Just like Garrick said, it doesn't seem to have a medical explanation to it...but coming to think of it, Yuuya did get extremely sick right before the whole party thing." Ned pointed out.

"What party thing?" Kimberly was quick to ask.

"Kim! you're here." Jade said with slight enthusiasm, "It's my friend of Course I'm here." Kimberly replied with a worried expression.

"Umm, you good sis?" Jade asked, "I'm worried about Yuuya...this gut feeling thing, it's killing him!" Kimberly replied.

"No, we're the ones killing him." Agu said joining them, "Dude don't say that!" Garrick replied.

"What else I'm supposed to say bro?! haven't you noticed that his condition got worse ever since he met us?!

Why do you think his parents were against him hanging out with us, or him dating me in the first place! gotta be a reason for that." Agu said.

"You're taking it too far, there's no way it has anything to do with us!" Stella butted in.

"That's right! his parents are brainwashing you into leaving him! please don't listen to them, you have to stay by his side, Yuuya is more of a dead man if you ever leave him Agu!" Kimberly added.

"Yuuya's ability can kill him?" Jade was confused, "Yes, it would." an elderly looking Asian woman with long black hair answered, she walked-up to them clutching the hand of an Asian older man.

"Yuuya's parents...You're here too." Kimberly said with a mix of surprise and displease.

"I know that all of you disapprove of our behavior." Yuuya's mother said, "No shit Sherlock!" Garrick replied earning a slight glare from the older Woman.

"We know that it might seem like we were controlling every bit of his life, but we were trying to protect Yuuya.

We looked for any solution that could possibly get him rid of this ability, but to no avail.

We figured that the best way is to distance him from everyone else, even ourselves... we admit that we were not the best nor the kindest parents on Earth, but we really cared about him." Yuuya's father spoke-up.

"That's some cheap ass excuse for your behavior in the last years! do you know how many times you've made Yuuya cry and wanna kill himself?!" Garrick said in Anger, "Please Rick, remember what I asked you." Stella reminded him.

"How do you expect me to say calm?! He's my Bestfriend! can you hear these two's bullshit!

They're literally trying to blame us for what happened to Yuuya, and on top of that! they have the audacity to say that the purpose behind their actions is to save their son!

What's the point of being alive if you can't do what you want! life is about freedom and being able to decide for yourself." Garrick replied fuming.

Suddenly, "Is there a possibility, that the more emotionally attached Yuuya is to the subject of the bad omen, the riskier it is for his life?

let's say for example, he started getting sick because a dear Friend of his was about to die.

Will Yuuya also die once that bad omen occurs?" Ned asked Yuuya's parents casually.

"And Who are you?...hold on! I've seen you before?!" Yuuya's mother said in astonishment, especially when Ned bowed to her as he introduced himself to her in Japanese, "Hai, watashi wa Neddo barentīno, madamu kizamidesu. (yes, i am Ned Valentino, madam Kizami.)"

"Sekai de nandesuka? ( what in the world?!)" Yuuya's father spoke again, "Anata ga kiita koto subete o shinjinaide kudasai, kizami-san. ( don't believe everything you hear, mister Kizami.)" Ned replied.

"Nani o shinjimasu ka? (believe what?)" Yuuya's mother asked, "Watashi ni tsuite kiita uwasa o shinjinaide kudasai. ( Please don't believe the rumors you hear about me.)" Ned replied.

"Just how many languages can he speak?" Garrick said in awe, "A lot, idk where he got the dedication though." Jade replied.

...Few Minutes Later...

Everyone was gathered at Ned's office, without Aroon around to act as Ned's assistant, Jade took his place temporarily, serving everyone tea or coffee to relax.

"Thank you dear." Yuuya's mother said with a smile as she accepted her cup of tea from Jade, the Kizami parents have been giving a special treatment to Jade for few minutes now.

Agu just like the rest, was visibly uncomfortable by Their behavior towards Jade, so the Alpha girl decided to help him, "Listen old hags, I Know you two are looking for a wife for Yuuya, but I'm not interested in a gay man who already has A fiance, and sorry I have my own Japanese shawty to like.

Plus, I'm an alpha Woman so...better luck next time!" Jade replied winking.

Her statement made the Kizami parents obviously embarrassed, "Get'em, that's my girl!" Garrick said whispering.

Clearing his throat, "Since I am very much aware of your son's condition, and considering his current situation...I suggest that leaving Yuuya in my care would be the best option to take." Ned spoke-up.

"No doctor can help him...why would you be any different?" Yuuya's father said in despair.

"Having him over here, will enable me to study his case very well.

to others, it might seem like death is this boy's only destiny no matter how you see it." Ned explained, his words made everyone in the room tense-up, "But I don't see it that way...I know for a fact that there must be a way out for him." Ned added.

Relaxing a bit, "I think we should trust the doctor, Ned's been good to us since we met him...and to be honest, even if he doesn't have the solution now, he's still more capable to help my fiance than all of us combined." Agu spoke-up.

"Who asked for your opinion?" Yuuya's mother replied glaring at him.

"You did not just say that!" Garrick replied, he was about to stand-up but Stella held on to him, "It seems that you've given-up on your son long ago Mrs and Mr Kizami.

You're most certain that Yuuya is going to die, which explains why you're desperate to find him a wife.

As the biological Beta male he is, he can efficiently procreate with a beta woman, that's why you disliked Agu, for his biological gender." Ned said while slightly smirking as he watched the expressions on Yuuya's parents faces sour.

"Exactly! that's what I thought too! they are treating Yuuya's like he's dead, they only care about their family name's survival." Garrick spoke-up, "Wait, all of the pain that Yuuya had to go through, is because they wanted a grandchild?!" Kimberly asked.

"I bet these two fuckers didn't even consider the possibility that Yuuya may not want children, they definitely did a good job on distancing themselves from their child." Garrick replied sarcastically.

Angry, "Who doesn't want children! who doesn't want their family's name to keep going!" Yuuya's mother spoke-up, "There's plenty people in the world that Don't want children Mrs and Mr Kizami.

here at the hospital only, I get so many patients every single day, they are healthy young and can have as many children as they want...but they come here asking for sterilizations and I respect their choices.

I am a mother and when I knew about my pregnancy, I was actually going for an abortion, and my partner at the time even asked me if I was going for an abortion because he knew I didn't want kids, despite that he wanted them so bad, he wanted me to make a choice.

And although I'm proud of my children, and I'd would cry blood if anything were to happen to them now...if I can go back in time, I'll probably be more careful with getting pregnant." Ned said with a kind smile.

"Saying such thing in front of your child!" Yuuya's mother said horrified, "It doesn't bother me, he's not saying that I'm a mistake, but rather the circumstances which my twin and I were conceived in, were the mistake.

And personally I agree with my mom, you can't force someone to have a child just because you want to." Jade replied.

Garrick stared in awe at the Valentinos, his previous anger faded a little, "Please stop thinking about having grandchildren... children can be made at any time and in many different ways...but nothing will ever replace Yuuya for you.

It's ironic to think that loving your child too much, could be the very reason they get harmed." Ned said.

"Mrs and Mr Kizami, For the past years we befriended Yuuya in, he was and still is the light of the group... Always smiling, laughing and finding ways to make us feel better." Stella spoke-up.

"Yuuya is the funniest human being I have ever met, he cares deeply about each one of us, and we care about him in return." Kimberly said, "He's my best friend and the guy who never stopped believing in me or any of us, since we met." Garrick added.

"And he's the guy that taught me to love, He's one of the few people I can be myself around." Agu said, "I knew from day one that he had his issues, but I never gave-up on him because he knew I had issues myself, So he never gave-up on me too." he added.

"So please, let us help him!" the group spoke in union.

The Kizami parents had their eyes wide open, "Uh, well... that's..." both fumbled over a response.

"I know it's a hard moment to accept in life as parents, but we need to realize that someday our child won't be in need of their parents help forever, and that the person they need the most, could be an outsider to us.

Mrs and Mr Kizami, your son is in capable and caring hands, there's nothing to hesitate over." Ned spoke-up.

Sighing, "I suppose you're right...but I want to clear something out." Yuuya's mother said in defeat.

"What is it?" Ned asked, "We never truly hated Yuuya's friends, nor Agu for that matter, just like you said...we wanted our family to continue.

Things could've gone differently if only, the circumstances were different." She responded.

"Mrs Kizami, I understand your point of view...and I also would like to apologize for my outburst that happened at your home, I did my best to respect you as my partner's parents...until that very moment, I lost my shit and said some hurtful things myself." Agu said.

"Agu, we would also like to apologize too...we have humiliated you over something you can't control.

If only the circumstances were different, we would've being very welcoming of you, son." Yuuya's father replied.

The whole friend group had their eyes wide open, "You called me... Son." Agu said in disbelief.

...Some Time later...

"Boobae! how are you feeling." Agu asked lovingly as he sat down next to Yuuya, "Better now that I saw you babe." Yuuya replied.

"Get a room!" Stella said jokingly, "We are in a room." Agu replied, "And you're intruding." he added.

Chuckling, "I'm sorry I worried you guys." Yuuya said, "Don't apologize, it's not your fault." Kimberly replied smiling.

"Where are My parents?" Yuuya asked, "Mother and father came, but left as soon as they made sure you're ok." Agu replied.

"Hold on babe, did you just call my parents, Mother and Father?!" Yuuya asked unable to believe.

Just then Ned walked in with Garrick, the FBI trainee was about to ask Yuuya how's he feeling, when he noticed Yuuya was blushing, "What happened?" he asked.

"True love, nothing can beat that shit." Stella replied, "Okay, I'm glad to see everyone smiling again." Ned spoke-up.

"It's all thanks to you doc." Kimberly replied.

"I'm glad I was of help." Ned said, he smiled as Garrick intertwined their hands together, "Anything for my handsome." Ned added.