Acting out of character p1

"Grey?! what...why are you covered in blood?! what happened to you?" Jasper who was standing at the door, Couldn't believe what he saw when he opened it.

Standing at The same height as Jasper and right outside His house's front door, was a man with a sickly pale skintone, with Grey to almost white colored hair and a red pair of eyes.

The seemingly thin man dressed in a black dress pants, white dress shirt and a black jacket on top, had an emotionless expression plastered on his face as he stood covered in blood splatter from head to toe.

"Good evening Jasper...I see recognized me... Although this is...the very first..time we meet...Personally.

May I have...your permission to...enter the house?" Grey said politely, "And as for...the blood I...hope I did...not worry you.

I just run into...a small little... problem on my...way to you...Nothing of concern." Grey added.

"In this day and age, there is something called pictures.

Faunus showed me plenty of pictures, enough to recognized you...and I don't know if it's the right thing to ask, but are you asking for my permission because you're a vampire?" Jasper asked.

"Yes...i cannot physically...enter A house... without a permission...from the owner...or at least...someone of their...blood.

Oh And I...apologize for the...inconvenience of visiting...without a previous...notice as well." Grey replied.

"Well I didn't expect your old fashioned type of vampires to still must be a pure blood.

Anyways, *Sighing* I apologize Grey, but I'm not sure that giving you permission, would be the correct decision to make.

Now if you were to look at a mirror, you would even scare yourself, you look like a killer." Jasper said nervously.

"I do not...see why you...are scared

I can I harm...not that I...can harm any way." Grey responded.

"I'm human and you're a vampire! you can do the math right? so what do you mean you can't hurt me?"

"You have an...ability...a deadly ability...I can"

"WOW! you sure are gifted, Not even Faunus knows about my ability, well at least he never brought the subject." Jasper said smiling.

"I appreciate you...not pretending to...not know what...I am talking...about.

I hate it...when people beat...around the bush...or pretend clueless for...too long."

"I guess you already know Faunus's not okay? huh."

"Unfortunately I do...because I was...the one who...caused the possession."

"I had a feeling Leonard wouldn't be responsible...Faunus is a pretty careful guy, for him to get attacked this way, it must've been someone he wouldn't expect to harm him.

The question is why would you do that to my mate? do you have any idea what he went through to survive?...what I went through as well." Jasper said, although he was smiling, his expression was definitely dark and unwelcoming.

"I apologize beforehand...I did what...I had can explain...things better inside.

I may also...if you with your... generosity...request a change...of clothes seems and I...share the same...physique." Grey replied still speaking politely and quietly to Jasper.

"Grey, are you always this polite? or you only treat people you're scared of this way?" Jasper asked, "I am always...polite...I was raised...this way actually...because a not as...barbaric as a...werewolf is." Grey replied.

Smiling, "Well in that case, welcome inside!" Jasper replied cheerfully.

"You do not...have to put...on a for me.

In any case...Thank you Jasper...for your understanding." Grey said walking inside the house.

Dropping his smile, "And here I thought I'm gonna have a normal day...I guess the party next door gonna have to wait." Jasper said following him.

...Earlier this day...

"I'm not invited to his birthday which is obviously I'm gonna waste the day away, somewhere else." Fernando announced.

"You're telling me as if I care, but do you." Jasper replied while sitting on the couch with Choco in his arms.

"You really don't care? not the least bit curious?"

"Honestly? I am curious Freddie, but I'd rather keep my dignity to myself and not ask where you're going, simply to fill this curiosity." Jasper replied while caressing Choco who purred happily with each stroke.

shrugging his shoulders, "Humph, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna tell you anyways!

I'm gonna go see my twin since he's at Luciel's place now, Luciel are Nana are still working hard trying to get him back to I'm gonna see if I can help them." Fernando said, "I'll update you on his condition when I get there." he added.

"Okay whatever, I can ask Luciel or go there Don't bother yourself." Jasper replied.

"I know you're worried about Faunus, and the distance between you two is making you feel depressed...but cheer-up, this is probably the first time you've been free of Faunus since the day you met him...I know how clingy he is, it's almost suffocating." Fernando said.

"Niiiice...shit talking about your brother? *Sighing* why do I bother talking to you.

Wait! I'm not talking to you, you're the one forcing the talk on me." Jasper said with no emotions in his voice but pure boredom.

"I really don't like you in this mood...You look like you're about to kill someone, or kill yourself."

"'re a genius Freddie, how did you know that I wanna kill you?"

"Stop the sarcasms...i need you to do me something, a favor." Fernando said.

"What now Freddie." Jasper said uninterested, "Can you find out for me, why Yurei is acting strange...I heard that he's been acting weird all of the sudden." Fernando said.

"I'll see what I can do." Jasper said dismissively.

"Thanks...see ya I guess." Fernando said before teleporting away.

"Ugh...I really wanna kill myself." Jasper whispered, he grabbed his phone and caught a glimpse of himself through the turned off screen.

He was tired looking, with dark circles under his eyes, "They could've tried to treat him here...why do they have to move him Away." He mumbled and unlocked his phone.

There was nothing special waiting for him, barely any notifications on his social medias or any new news about the many fandoms he's following.

But Jasper scrolled aimlessly nonetheless, Until he noticed that Choco has fallen asleep in his arms.

So he rested the feline on the couch and got-up, and in seconds he was outside the house.

He decided to go to Faunus's house, where Tacito and Yurei were busy with the help of Muriel, Lucius and Aroon, preparing for Thorn's birthday party.

Jasper wasn't interested in helping them, and that time he organized Tacito's birthday was only because he felt bad for Tacito.

But he didn't really care about Thorn, he may have before but after The Spell casting, Jasper's attitude changed quite a bit and he was aware of it mostly.

He rang the bell few time before anyone Opened it, "Jasper! sorry I took long! I thought you would come over." Muriel said.

"It's my mate's place, I just came to check if you guys didn't destroy last time." Jasper replied.

"Oh!...Umm no, Tacito is strangely relaxed today, it is a good thing however." Muriel said.

Jasper hummed his nod and walked inside, he noticed how everyone was busy decorating everywhere, it gave him Deja Vus about Tacito's party.

"Jasper." Yurei walked-up to him when he noticed the Violet-eyes Omega in the room.

"What's your deal Yur...You've been quiet, how unusual." Jasper said.

"You don't look happy." Yurei replied.

"You're smart."

"Jasper...Can we start over, you and I are family now, we shouldn't fight."

"I don't get tied by blood Yurei, if you have a good relationship with me, it means you have a good relationship with me...I'm ready to cut off my own mother if he ever done me wrong."

"That's a grim perspective."

"Says the guy who tried to get his mate's birth mother shot."

"I get it, your mood is bad."

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Everything's alright?...Welcome are you?" Tacito asked joining them, "Fine, until now." Jasper reply walking past them.

"Oh Jasper! hello dude!" Lucius greeted him with a fist bump that Jasper surprisingly returned, "Hey Lu." Jasper said.

"Young Master." Aroon spoke-up, "You never learn, do you." Jasper replied, "Old habits really die hard for you Aroon." he added.

"Thorn is calling me! I am going outside!" Muriel announced then hurriedly exited the House.

"Is Choco asleep? I've noticed you don't leave her side unless she is." Yurei's asked.

"I don't leave her side, because her parents chose to abandon her for some reason." Jasper replied sourly.

"We didn't abandon...her...It's just we...are constantly take care...of her as...usual." Tacito replied.

"Sure, whatever...Anyways I'm leaving, I just came to make sure everything is okay." Jasper replied before walking towards the door.

"I feel bad for him, he reminds me of how I was when you disappeared for that week period." Yurei whispered, "Having a a...double edged sword...I feel bad...for him too." Tacito whispered.

"HEY! come by this evening for the party! your parents are gonna be here anyways." Yurei said to Jasper.

"Yeah, I'll try." Jasper replied and went through the door.

As Jasper walked outside, he saw that Muriel was still talking on the phone with Thorn, making-up a believable lie so that Thorn wouldn't realized he's currently working on throwing him a surprise party.

Jasper continued walking away, Until he made it to His front door.

He wanted to go back in, but then took a step back, "I forgot...we're surprisingly out of ice cream." Jasper thought out loud, "Choco should be fine alone for a while." he said and turned around again, walking towards the neighborhood's exist.

Muriel was just done with his call and noticed Jasper, "Are you going somewhere?" He asked, "Ice cream.. i'm gonna get some." Jasper replied.

"Oh! can I ask you to get me some things on your way?" Muriel asked.

Jasper wanted to say no but couldn't bring himself to do it, "Sure, what do you need?" he replied.

...An hour later...

"There you go." Jasper said handing Muriel shopping bags.

"Thank you! and sorry for bothering you all of the sudden." Muriel replied with a big smile.

"Don't mention it...and Muri."


"You look extra beautiful today."

Muriel's smile grew bigger, "Thank you!" he said cheerfully.

Leaving the blonde behind, Jasper walked back to his home, he went inside sighing.

He headed to his room but not before checking on Choco that was still asleep on the couch.

Jasper stored the ice cream in his fridge then left his room, heading back to the living room, where he found that Choco was missing.

"Where did she go?" Jasper sighed, then out of nowhere "Yuri." he called out.

"Sorry, did I scare you Jasper?" Yuri appeared from the shadows, caressing a still asleep Choco in their arms.

"Hardly...I'm used to your sudden entrances."

"Speaking of things we're used to...I'm not used to you being this gloomy jasper."

"Yuri, put Choco down, I would prefer if she stays asleep."

"Even you should have noticed, that you're acting out of character Jasper." Yuri said putting Choco back on the couch.

"I'm just tired." Jasper replied, "You resemble your teenage self...You're getting weak." Yuri replied.


"You're losing your grip."

"Says the person who suddenly decided the drop the cloak."

"I decided not to hide, but you must stay hidden."

"I'm not violent, Yuri."

"Not yet darling."