Good morning is a contradiction of terms p1

"Here...I don't know what you usually drink." Jasper said handing a coffee to Fernando.

"I'm not picky, and're starting to scare me like your mother." Fernando replied taking the cup in his hand.

Suddenly, "Freddie, I figured what the hell is wrong with Yurei."

"You did? I didn't think you would actually try and find out for me Jasper."

"A simple thank you would suffice.

Anyways, i swung by my mom's office before joining you guys earlier, when we talked about Grey...I saw something, That's how I found out." Jasper explained.

"What did you see?" Fernando replied asking.

"I'm surprised you don't know what's wrong with your son, I thought you're the expert on Body crafting Freddie." Jasper said.

"I am, but even experts can miss few's always blurry to me when it's Tacito." Fernando replied.

"I saw a medical document, it's about Tacito.

Although I think it would've been better if Tacito told you himself, I'll honor your request based on the unexpected kindness you've been showing lately." Jasper said.

"Thanks?...Why would it be better if Tacito told me himself?" Fernando asked.

"Because he's pregnant." Jasper answered, "Congratulations, you're a grandparent now." he added before walking away from a dumbfounded Fernando.


"Garrick?" Jade called his name as She went into the kitchen, she couldn't find him or Luna the puppy anywhere in the house.

"MISTRESS JADE!" A petite maid popped out of nowhere shouting, startled "GAH?! oh my scared me shortie." Jade said.

Despite the smiley face the maid had on, "I apologize about that...if you are looking for master's boyfriend, he went on a walk with his adorable little puppy." The maid said in most lifeless tone possible.

"You sound dead, Shortie you okay?" Jade asked, "I might be smiling at the moment, but the light inside of me is dying...this household is driving me crazy, but I can't quit because I need the money, and I'll never find a job that pays this well anywhere else with the zero real-world skills I possess." The maid replied, "So, would you like some coffee mistress?" she added.

Weirded out, "I think you need coffee more than I do shortie, I'll go see where Garrick is... how long since he left?" Jade asked.

"About 10 minutes? he should be nearby, I don't think he left the neighborhood, he seemed less tired and depressed today, thanks to the puppy." The maid replied.

"Thanks...and Shortie, take a day or two off, I don't think you should overwork yourself." Jade said.

But when she decided to leave the kitchen, and before she could even take one step outside, "You found where he is?" Yuri asked right after teleporting into the kitchen.

Terrified of the mage's sudden appearance, "A day off sounds good." the petite maid said nervously and then ran outside.

Watching the maid run away, "What's her deal?" Yuri asked while munching on a cookie.

"You scared her! Yuri I left you in the living room?! couldn't you just walk to here?!" Jade asked.

Hugging the cookie jar, "I got lazy darling." Yuri simply replied, "Do you think your mom would mind if I take the whole cookie jar with me? I like its design." Yuri added.

Sighing, "I don't think mom would like that, the jar is part of an antique set...but instead of taking the jar, eat its content.

All the cookies are yours, so help yourself out with them." Jade replied.

"I guess I'll settle for the cookies then." Yuri replied, slightly smiling.

"Hey Yuri, just a question...I keep thinking about it..." Jade said.

"What is it Jade?"

"Yuri, if neither my brother nor Faunus became The next Jihi... what's gonna happen to you?"

"I'll be forced to stay in my position as a Jihi, until I find a suitable replacement." Yuri replied.

"So only the current Jihi can decide the next one?" Jade asked, "Yes, it's a privilege of ours, like a king chosing which of his children will become the next monarch." Yuri replied.

"For all these years, you seemed fine being Jihi, why the sudden change of heart...why do you wanna quit?" Jade asked.

"If I tell you why...can you promise me something Jade?" Yuri replied.

"Huh? promise you what Yuri?"

"Promise me, you'll keep it a secret."

Jade glanced at Yuri for a second with uneasiness in her eyes, she was never good at hiding secrets, and she didn't want to disappoint Yuri.

However, a part of her badly wanted to know, why.

"I promise...I'll keep it a secret." Jade responded.

"Good... I'm doing this for my mate's sake." Yuri's answer felt like a stab to Jade's heart.

"Mate? you have one?" Jade asked, "Yes, being a Jihi doesn't stop you from being mated, if you're already mated then you're mated, end of tale.

But if you're not mated, you still at least know who's going to be your mate.

For example, Every Jihi becomes aware of their mate, even if they never met them, they know who they are.

In my case, my mate was born shortly after I became a Jihi." Yuri explained, "She's still alive?! is she immortal?" Jade asked curiously.

"She is...the thing is, I don't want her to get hurt anymore... being a Jihi's mate, comes with its consequences." Yuri said.

"What consequences?" Jade questioned, "It's a curse to be a Jihi's mate, you'd be cursed with serious bad luck...For example your life will be in constant danger.

And as Jihi's mate, you'll face many difficult situations from the day you're born, situations that if not kill you, won't make you stronger but rather traumatized." Yuri replied while setting the cookie jar aside.

"I see, poor she okay, you know where she is right? like she didn't get seriously hurt?" Jade said.

"Physically, she's okay...on the inside, she's in shambles.

I do know where she is, and how she's living...i kept an eye on her and it pains me that she's going through so much and doesn't even know that the bad luck she experienced, is all my fault." Yuri replied.

"How's that your fault?" Jade asked, "Every Jihi stands to gain a tremendous amount of power the moment they sit on the chair, lots of Jihies enjoy this power, even me

But sitting at the top, it's a lonely place,'s dangerous for a Jihi to have a partner, the origins of this curse is unknown, what's known is that it's a side effects of the great power Jihies gain, which makes lots of them decided not to chase love.

Being mated means your partner will suffer those side effects alone, the bad luck from being your lover will haunt them on a daily basis." Yuri said.

"But Jasper is mated? will Faunus deal with the same bad luck if Jasper became the next Jihi?" Jade asked.

"Yes, But there's a way to stop the side effects...when you are a Jihi." Yuri said.

"What is it? shouldn't you be doing something to help your girl?" Jade said.

"Aren't you even sad I'm talking about my mate?" Yuri replied.

"Huh?...It doesn't matter how I feel, you said there's a way, what is it?" Jade asked.

Sighing, "There's two actually, first is if the two got mated Normally, Jihi's mate will be safe from the bad luck if they remain inside the Jihi's building, I mean the you already know, it's well enchanted especially my office, so it's secure.

If they live there with the Jihi they are mated to, they'll be completely safe from anything, plus they'll be immortal and have everyone working there as their servant.

It's like living like royals, but behind bars, the mate won't be able to leave for their safety...and knowing my mate, she wouldn't settle for that, not in the long-run at least." Yuri explained.

"That does sound bad, what about the second solution?" Jade asked.

Sighing again, "If the Jihi finds out who Their mate is, they can temporarily block them." Yuri said.

"Block? like they stop them from being their mate?" Jade asked confused.

"Yes, remember when I told you that Jihies are aware of their mate's existence from day one? it's for a reason, to avoid that physical contact that would make their Mating marks surface.

If that was avoided successfully, then once your mate makes it to the age of 25...A Jihi can protect their mates by Forcing the mating bond to become invisible for the Jihi through a spell.

However...the spell is not perfect and the moment that a contact happens between the Jihi and their mate, it'll cause the spell to fall apart slowly.

Eventually making the attraction that was supposed to happen between the Jihi and their mate in the First place, build-uo at an alarming speed." Yuri explained.

"So you've met her personally and touched her too...That's why you want to quit, so you can protect her, because if you remained a Jihi, she might die." jade said.

Nodding, "Yeah, being immortal isn't going to save her, and as a Jihi I'm not allowed to interfere much to protect her, the spell was the best thing I could I have no choice but to quit...I know I sound selfish trying to make your brother take my place.

When I first wanted Jasper to become Jihi, he didn't have Faunus and didn't seem like he was going to date at all...I thought he was perfect.

Same with Faunus in the past." Yuri replied.

"I know Few people who would do crazy selfish things for their mates, take Yurei for example? that apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Jade said putting on a disappointed face.

"I was right to assume your brother was the smart sibling." Yuri said in a quiet voice.

"Did you say anything?" Jade asked, "I said I hope you keep what we talked about a secret." Yuri lied.

"Oh, right! hey...if you need help, with your mate, I'd be happy to help you two.

Also, I'm Sorry for pursuing you, I hope you don't tell her about our kiss, that'll be awkward." Jade said chuckling nervously.

"She knows." Yuri said casually.

Terrified, "Eh?! HUH! did you tell her? did she get angry at you?" Jade questioned.

But instead of responding, Yuri smiled to themselves and continued eating the cookies.


"Lu, YOU GOTTA WAKE UP WE HAVE AN APPOINTMENT TO GO TO! LU!" Aroon called Lucius loudly from the bathroom, he was busy having a shower while Lucius was still laying in bed.

Suddenly the doorbell began ringing in a continuous manner, "Lu, could you check who's ringing our doorbell like that? it could be something urgent." Aroon spoke again.

Although he heard something, "Huh?...ugh, five more minutes mum." Lucius however wasn't going to wake-up that easily, he just sunk deeper into the bed and hugged the pillow.

Losing hope, "LU?!...He definitely ignored me, seriously this man." Aroon said sighing.

Turning off the shower, Aroon grabbed a towel and rolled his wet hair in it, then wore his bathrobe quickly.

As he passed by the bed room, he grabbed his glasses off his bedside table and rolled his eyes at the happily sleeping Lucius.

The doorbell was still ringing when Aroon's hand reached the front door knob, and the moment that door was open, something heavy fell on Aroon.

Or more like someone heavy fell unconscious, in Aroon's arms.

"Edward?!" Aroon was surprised to see an unwelcomed figure from his past, in such bizarre circumstances.

But putting his Hate aside, "Edward can you hear me?" He called the name of the man laying in his arms to check on him, but got no response.

Finally, "LUCIUS WAKE-UP! I NEED YOUR HELP!" Aroon screamed loud enough to frighten Lucius, waking him up this time.