Not the best approach.

[Disclaimer: suicide attempt.]

While laying on the couch, "I'm just so confused...a part of me is happy, I came from somewhere, but the other is not okay with it being from the Styles." Garrick said to a curious Luna that was sitting on top of his chest.

" too." Matilda replied.

Startled, "Oh My god?!...You're back?!" Garrick asked as Matilda just teleported with Yuri into the living room.

"Yep! I'm glad someone noticed I was gone!" Matilda said smiling, "Where's Miss Belmonte?" Garrick asked.

"We teleported first to Muriel's house and dropped Socorro Jade still here by any chance?" Yuri asked.

"No, she waited to check on me after you left, then she left herself." Garrick replied.

"Without telling me?! I asked her to wait!" Yuri replied, before teleporting away.

"Guess, that leaves only you and me?" Matilda spoke-up chuckling, "And that little adorable thingy!" She added pointing at Luna who curiously watched her.

"Her name is Luna, Stella said someone gave her to me as a gift, but apparently nobody knows who that person is." Garrick said.

"They're definitely irresponsible, to give a pet to a man who's supposedly in the Fbi academy and can't currently take care of a pet." Matilda replied, throwing herself on the couch across from Garrick.

"Is everything alright? you sound off." Garrick asked, "It's about the Style family...what That guy told's still Messing with my head." Matilda replied.

"Me too." Garrick said.

"Honestly man, I thought I don't care who my real parents are...I mean think about it! I'm born and raised in an orphanage.

Normally when someone is in that situation, it's only because their parents died, or abandoned them right? one of two!

To me, thinking that my parents are either six feet under or irresponsible assholes who ditched me...I was just living my life.

If I wanted a family, I can make one! marriage, adoption, chosen family...I mean I have Ned who counts as family himself." Matilda said chuckling.

"I guess I lived the same way...slightly different, but similar...I didn't care where I came from as long as it's not going to interfere with where I'm going.

But the idea that I'm born into a family where anyone could be a greedy murderer, I'd rather If i never knew such an info!" Garrick replied.

"I don't think everyone is a killer in the Style family! I mean come on! we're putting faith in Fernando's words, that man is a real killer!" Matilda said, "I don't think he's lying, discrediting his words would make Mallory a liar too." Garrick said.

"Ugh, even her can be a can't remember it Garrick, but everyone back at Derora's castle, knew the queen as the alpha who abandoned her kingdom the day her child was born!" She said.

Suddenly, "Derora...that name again...sounds like a good place." Garrick said.

"Yeah, Ned and I share some of our best memories there, one of them was your friend group." Matilda replied.

"My friend group?" He asked, "Yeah, thanks to sweet Kim! girls like her deserve the best in the world." Matilda replied.

"You sure like Kimberly, what do you think about the others in my friend group?" Garrick asked.

"Yuuya is funny, a little naughty too, but I kind cringe whenever he flirts with people by calling them some food-based nicknames!" Matilda replied.

Giggling, "Believe me, I tried to make him stop that habit! but you're right he's funny...the comic relief of the group." Garrick said, "What about Stella?" he added asking.

"Stella is like a Karen with good intentions, you know what I mean?" Matilda replied.

"BAHAHA?!" Garrick laughed, "Her user name is actually bisexual Karen, but don't tell anyone I told you that!" he said.

"I thought she was straight, now she's bi?! spill the tea or coffee in your case!" Matilda asked curiously.

"Well, during highschool we went to watch Kimberly in a musical play, Kimberly played a secondary role, but the girl that was the female lead was the kind of girl that would even make the gay guys and supposed straight girls like Stella, question themselves.

We were watching and enjoying the show and all, then suddenly Stella sais about the female lead, 'i'm not gay but she's fucking pretty!' and we kinda laughed at first, told her that she doesn't need to be gay to appreciate another girl's beauty, but she was like, 'You don't understand, I'd fuck her...for real.'

And that's how the possibility of Stella being a bisexual, came to light." Garrick explained.

"Wow Stella!...She's a fun girl when she's not mean." Matilda replied.

"True, Stella is actually pretty cool! If you ever wanna get a tattoo! you should go to her!" Garrick said proudly, "I guess Agu is the mysterious one of the group." Matilda said.

"He's just quiet...Agu isn't the type to be loud but he's a really good friend.

He also likes to make sure everyone is doing well and are safe...maybe too much crime documentaries got him paranoid or something.

He Hosts a true crime podcast with Yuuya btw."

"Him and Yuuya are highschool sweethearts, right?"

"Yeah, I'm so happy they got engaged!" Garrick said.


As she climbed into her car, Henrietta suddenly chuckled, "So your assistant's getting married...with that boy." Henrietta said.

"Well, thanks to Edward...I'm not sure that's gonna happen anymore." Ned replied, the two were about to leave from their visit to Luciel's place, with Grey still asleep in the backseat.

"You should convince them to tie the knot, they shouldn't worry about Edward, you're capable enough to get things in control, you always have." Henrietta replied smiling.

"You said a weird thing to Lu." Ned suddenly asked.

"Oh? the guy with the messy hair and weird smell?" Henrietta said.

"Yeah, you said he smelled familiar." Ned replied.

"It's nothing's just the boy kinda reminded me of someone...I wish I can attend that person's wedding if they're alive."

"Alive? did someone you cared about die Henrietta?"

"Not die...vanished, although they could be dead...I don't know, only god does."

"Ah...okay, no need to tell me more."

"Actually...Ned?...can I tell you something?" she asked, closing the door of the driver seat.

Sitting in the passenger seat, "Ok...?" Ned replied unsure, "Did you know about the disappearance case in my family?" Henrietta asked.

"Disappearance? someone is missing in your family?"

"Not just one, Three people...there were kids at the time, I think they should be like 24, 23, 21 each by now, that's if...they're Alive.

They went missing 21 years Ago, or more like taken." She replied.

Surprised, "Taken, all 3 from your family?" Ned said.

"Yeah...funny thing, all three have Three different mothers." Henrietta replied.

Knitting his eyebrows together, "Only different mothers?" Ned questioned.

"Yeah, because they actually all had the same Alpha as a father." Henrietta responded.

"Holy...shit, their dad must be one charming Alpha!" Ned said astonished.

"Not really, just good-looking, naive and maybe too irresponsible." Henrietta replied chuckling.

"Henrietta...why are you telling me this again?" Ned asked.

"I guess I got emotional, That kid we just left his place, he's getting married...he's the same age as the youngest missing kid." Henrietta replied.

"You have no idea how much trouble Lucius went through to finally get married, and my paranoid assistant wants to cancel plans." Ned replied back agitated.

"I'm envious of his mother, I never got to see a child of mine get married yet...but the person I'm most envious of, is you Ned." Henrietta.

"Me? why?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, I'm envious of got to raise your twins so close to you, watched them grow and it's obvious they love you to of them even found a mate.

Faunus talked fondly of your relationship with your kids...Fau being orphaned twice was ecstatic to be Jasper's mate, he started calling you mother right away." Henrietta replied chuckling.

Seeing the hint of tears glistening in Henrietta's eyes, "You're really getting emotional...What's gotten into you? tell me." Ned asked.

"I feel like a useless piece of shit, I failed those close to me, I feel so ashamed and heartbroken at the same time, I wanna die.

I'm so jealous of you Because aside from Leonard...I didn't get the chance to watch those three grow-up at poor kids, those three missing kids were mine!

Maude, Garrett and Luke...with Leonard, i should've had four adult kids by now!" Henrietta replied with tears flowing from her eyes.

While Henrietta bursted crying, Ned held his breaths, he wasn't sure what to do in this moment.

His thoughts raced back and forth, it didn't seem that she was lying, but if what Henrietta said was true, that could only mean one thing.

Without a word, Ned climbed out of the car and ran back all the way to Luciel's place.

The moment he made it there, he rang the bell like crazy, over and over Until Aroon opened the door.

"Ned?! what's going on?!" Aroon asked but Ned pushed past him, "LUCIEL, GET OUT! SHOW YOURSELF!" Ned shouted.

Hearing the commotion, "What's going on?!" Lucius came out in a hurry, with nothing but a towel around his hips, still wet and steaming from his shower.


Before long, Luciel came out pushing his own wheelchair while cautiously approaching Ned.

"Why are you Yelling?!" Luciel asked, "I need to ask you something." Ned replied.


"Lucius just answer me, is it her? Henrietta...the children, are Henrietta's right?"

"What, you..." Luciel said horrified.

"It's obvious, she's the big bad wolf in your story...but to be the father of all three?! you made me promise not to tell Lucius! when you knew Henrietta wasn't just his father only, but Matilda and Garrick too!" Ned replied.

"I'm sorry what?!" Aroon asked surprised, "What are you talking about?!" Lucius asked.

Bursting into tears, "Please! this isn't how I want Lucius to know!" Luciel begged.

"If Henrietta was just Lucius's father, I wouldn't mind keeping it a secret! but what about Matilda and Garrick?! my best friend and my mate!

This makes them half-siblings for fuck's sake!" Ned said.

"Matilda and Garrick?! I have siblings?! I have a father..." Lucius spoke in disbelief.

"Ned! please stop! I'll kill myself, I swear!" Luciel pleaded.

"Why did you take them?! why did you run away?! tell me the truth?! Are the Styles really murderers?! did you take the children to save them or not?! ANSWER ME NOW?!" Ned shouted again.

Without a warning, Luciel pulled something that was hidden inside his sleeve, it was a tiny vial that he quickly opened and drank.

"HEY?! what are you doing mother?!" Aroon asked terrified as he rushed to Luciel who dropped the vial, while throwing his head back.

"Mom?! Mom?!" Lucius called but Luciel's eyes were beginning to unfocus, "Oh my... that's poison, isn't it?! Ned he drank poison?!" Aroon said to an undershock Ned.

The doctor was frozen in his place, "I made him do it...I pushed him..." Ned mumbled.

"Mother! Mother speak to me!" Aroon and Lucius begged but it didn't take long for either of them to notice, how empty Luciel's eyes were getting, whatever he drank was working really fast.

"He's not dead yet! Please Ned do something?!" Aroon begged.

"Do something?... That's right, I should do something!" Ned said rushing to pull his pocket watch, he hastily set the time and clicked.

...Few minutes ago...

"Maude, Garrett and Luke... with Leonard, i should've had four adult kids now!" Henrietta replied with tears flowing from her eyes.

"Oh my goodness..." Ned breathed a sigh of relief, still shaking from what happened, he wasn't even sure if he made it in time.