Seriously serious subject p2

"Okay, so let's talk about something other than Matilda's mother, since we don't have much information about her anyways." Ned said while taking notes.

"Oh...You're using 'Matilda' instead of 'Maude'..." Henrietta pointed out quietly.

"Because she is Matilda now, her birth name doesn't matter anymore, currently she is Matilda Jeannette." Ned replied.

"Oh...ok." Henrietta Nodded then smiled, "You seem happy." Ned said.

"My daughter is alive, of course I'm happy." Henrietta replied chuckling.

Raising an eyebrow, "About Garrick's mother...what do you know about her?" Ned asked.

"I believe she's the one I truly loved out of all my relationships...we agreed to get married after she gave birth." Henrietta replied.

"You two were engaged? who was she?"

"I...well...she was..."

"Henrietta...if you really want my help to reunite with your kids, you better speak-up."

"If I say what I'll say next... it'll make you hate me more...I know you're a big figure in the hidden community, you're the one protecting it."

"I would hate you more? I doubt already exceeded my expectations."

"Ned I'm being serious!"

"Are we talking about the hunters labs that you're working with?" Ned said.

Henrietta held her breath, She blinked for a second then spoke again "How...did you know?"

"A source...I had my eyes on you for a while.

Remember earlier when you said 'you act as if you're sitting in the car with a murderer'? because I believe I was actually." Ned replied.

"No! I didn't kill anyone! I did work with the hunters but I was just representing my parents, they forced me to work with them...but when my kids were taken and my parents died, I cut all ties with them...I swear!" Henrietta said.

"Whether you cut ties or not, it won't wipe your record clean Henrietta! your name alone makes some people's faces twist in disgust and anger." Ned replied, "Now focus! Garrick's Mother...what about her?" he added asking.

Sighing, "She was an experiment...she killed herself when she found herself at a dead end of a situation." Henrietta replied.

Ned who was taking notes, stopped in surprise, "I don't said you were going to marry, now you say she was an experiment? like a test subject?" He asked.

"Yeah...I was going to break her out of the lab, and run away with her, away from the hunters and my parents." Henrietta replied.

"What was her name?" Ned asked.

"Most people were brought into the lab when they were kids or teenagers, when I met her she was an adult which meant she's been there for many years.

The labs forbid test subjects from using their real names, and give them nicknames instead.

When I met Garrick's mom, her nickname was 'Rapunzel'...She promised me that once we get out of that hell hole we were in, she'll tell me her real name." Henrietta replied.


"You going somewhere? i thought you're gonna wait for Ned in his room." Matilda asked as she bumped into Garrick who was hastily putting on his jacket, "Yeah! Agu asked me to go meet him." Garrick replied.

"Is Yuuya okay?" she asked, "He didn't anything about Yuuya, but since it's Agu, I'll assume it's serious." he replied.

"Ah...ok...but like, Aren't you curious what Ned and that troublemaker are talking about?" Matilda asked, "I doubt Ned will tell me." Garrick replied.

"You think Ned will hide whatever's going on there from us?" Matilda asked, "I don't know if Ned would hide anything from you, you're his best friend, but I won't be surprised if he won't tell me." Garrick replied.

"And you're okay with that? You two should sit down and talk, like discuss this Seriously serious subject."

"What serious subject Matilda?"

"Man c'mon! you two have to communicate normally! sit down and start talking about what's it like being together.

It's hasn't been long since you've mated, but you really need to talk about your relationship."

Chuckling, "You're one to talk? I take it that you and Coco have resolved your All of your problems?" Garrick said sarcastically before he walked away from Matilda.


"I hope being in the kitchen didn't bother you."

"I have no issues sitting in the kitchen, worry not Miss Belmonte..."

"Please just call me Socorro."

"Very well, Socoro! can I ask you a bit of an odd question?"

"Yes ma'am, go ahead."

"If there's is one thing you can do right now that You are absolutely willing to risk everything to do...what would that be?" Lady Orange asked.

"To stop a certain something from happening." Socorro replied without hesitation, "A certain something? " Lady Orange questioned.

"It's a chapter in my life were everything went down hill from there...I lost so much that fateful night." Socorro replied.

"I see...traveling back in time...many people wish they could just do it, but it comes with so much risks.

Even moving a small stone, could cause accidents." Lady Orange replied.

"I'm aware of such possiblity...if I have to choose another answer to your question, I'd say that if there was a way to go back at least to that place, even if it's a different timeline...I'd take it." Socorro said smiling.

"Interesting, and why do that Socorro?"

"Because I miss home."

Smiling, "Your Nana has told me to expect you to be quite the woman...and to be fairly speaking, you are a very gifted witch, yet you lack something." Lady Orange said.

"What do you think I'm missing?" Socorro asked, "Closure...dearie, you need a chance to move on from whatever has happened to you.

I know what it is to have a past that haunts you like a dog...I was once foolish and did something that to this day I regret, and to be honest I have yet not moved on from my own tragedy." Lady orange replied.

"So 'Ladiesworth' academy didn't provide you with the closure you were seeking?" Socorro asked, "No...but I do love my job as headmistress.

Also, I get to help others in my situation to find peace, while strengthening and polishing Their abilities...I was not able to find happiness for myself, so I will help someone else find it and hope that Karma would notice that!" Lady Orange replied chuckling.

"You might be the most lighthearted laid-back Headmaster I've ever met." Socorro replied.

"Well I suppose I should be! I run a school full of female students who need a good role model, and believe me...A witch or not? a woman will always face more difficult situations then her male counterpart out there.

It is a pretty cold world we live in, and an attitude like mine is necessary to overcome said situations." Lady orange replied.

"Well why an all female? were secondary genders put in perspective when the school system was designed?" Socorro asked.

"Oh my? most of the girls I interviewed were just eager to join in and rarely ever asked such thorough questions!

I must say that I love your character Socorro." Lady orange said complimenting Socorro who smiled at her and nodded.

"I would say, that the reason why our academy chose an all female system was to create an environment where while getting educated, these women would feel safe, heard and above all understood.

Girls, they come in all shapes, types and even secondary genders *Chuckling* yet in the end, Girls are that one song says, 'Girls just wanna have fun'

Considering that secondary genders are a taboo and a subject hidden from normal does not matter if She is an Alpha, beta or an Omega.

At some point, all these women suffered from being women regardless." Lady Orange explained.

"Although I don't think I will accept your offer to become a student, I admire your academy now that I Know a bit about it." Socorro replied.

Slightly frowning, "Why would you turn such an offer...with all due respect, I am offering you a scholarship, to study for only one year since you have already mastered most of what we teach in the academy, and a work position after graduation so you can become a part of the school system.

In my opinion, this offer is immune against refusal, and your grandmother assured me that you would agree." Lady orange questioned.

"It's an amazing offer, which is part of the reason I'll turning it down...i think you're investing in the wrong person, I already flunked so many good jobs and opportunities.

Also, I have no interest in going back to school life...I hated school which is why I never went to college after highschool despite being the valedictorian, and being offered several scholarships.

And to be honest, I'm in the middle of a personal situation where I can't just get-up and leave...I never thought I'd say this about myself, but there's people who need me to be around." Socorro said.

"Your friend who is snoring like an engine in the living room? Perhaps?" Lady Orange asked chuckling, "Him, and others." Socorro replied.

With slightly wide eyes, "That is a boy? the One sleeping over there?" Lady Orange asked, surprised.

"Yes, hehe...He is a beautiful man and being that I'd like to remain by his side, because he is more than a roommate...he's also my very kind extroverted boss, and the only person in the world I consider as a brother." Socorro replied smiling.

"How mentioned other people? such as?" Lady Orange asked, "Well there is some friends I met in and out of work, but the most important would be my mate." Socorro replied.

"You have a mate? how wonderful! congratulations, I wish you two a long life together."

"That's one way to congratulate, *Chuckling* You made me feel as if I just told you I got married."

"Being mated is like being in an arranged marriage, it is a reason to be congratulated." Lady orange replied.

"I suppose...when my mark first appeared on my hand, I didn't see it in a good light at first...I saw it as a prison, I even tried to find a way to get rid of my bond." Socorro said.

"Oh goodness!...did you try to get rid of your mark perhaps?" Lady orange asked.

"How did you know? since my mark was on my hand, I was going to cut it off." Socorro replied.

With horror in her expression, "Oh my! we had a student once who did such a thing...She found her mate within the academy, it turned out the two girls hated each other before the bond, so when Their bond was new and unstable, one of them carved out her own eye was where her mark resided." Lady Orange replied.

"A mark on her eye? as in her actually eye, not eyelid?"

"Yes! unfortunately...we managed to stop her at first but...she refused to accept her mate and later committed suicide.

It became a tragedy in our academy, so in order to prevent similar incidents, we created a team of therapist to help students with these situation, they offer free sessions to help new mates adjust to each other, and accept their bond.

Now that I know of your incident, I must add that if you do decide to join the academy, you will be assigned to a therapist...And your mate might have to attend those sessions with you when needed." Lady Orange explained.

"Therapy...i see.

Although I'm certain that I'll refuse the offer I have time to think about it?" Socorro asked.

"Unlike normal schools, my academy's academic year begins officially a week after new year's until then, feel free to think about my offer.

I will need a reply before or on the night before the school begins officially, but not after." Lady orange replied.