A Chance encounter p1

"Aren't you going to answer me?" Garrick asked again, "Please, I told you to wait until Matilda arrives, I think you both deserve to hear this together." Ned replied.

Just then, Matilda walked into Garrick's hospital room, "What the hell happened Ned, you seemed desperate in your text." Matilda spoke-up.

"Come in and close the door, there's something I think you two should know." Ned replied.

"Ok?" Matilda nodded while doing so, then she walked further into the room and stood nearby Garrick's hospital bed.

"So?" Garrick said with a tone of both eagerness and desperation.

"Yeah, Henrietta is you father Garrick." Ned said making Garrick take in a deep shakey breath, while Matilda was so confused "What the fuck?" she said.

"You're also concerned Matilda, because she's also your father...your Garrick's older half sibling." Ned spoke again.

...Few minutes later...

With her hands in her pocket, Fighting her own tears as she Leaned on the nearest wall to the bed, Matilda watched Garrick's desperate and broken expression.

She was shocked as well, Ned just confirmed to her and Garrick what they already suspected, that they were members of the Style family, and also werewolves in hibernation.

He spoke about how the two were taken away as kids, from Their cribs.

He explained how he believes Henrietta might not be what Fernando made her out to be, and Matilda felt depressed knowing all of these things, but when Ned told her that her own mother abandoned her, And that she might be alive and well somewhere, Matilda didn't really feel sad about it.

What made her Orange eyes water instantly, was when Ned told Garrick that his mother was dead all this time.

The Orange-haired woman felt like she got the best out of two outcomes, on why she ended-up in an orphanage, compared to Garrick.

It made her tear-up, to watch him struggle to take in everything Ned told him.

"Can you at least tell me how she died?" Garrick asked, "Do you really want to know? I don't know all details, but...it will hurt you." Ned asked back.

Nodding slowing, "Yeah...no matter how traumatizing it could be, if you know then tell me Ned...I want to know, please." Garrick replied.

Taking a deep lengthy breath, Ned grabbed Garrick's hands in his, gently caressing them as he spoke, "According to Henrietta...Rapunzel *gulps* Your mother was found dead, apparently she committed suicide somehow...she was almost due at the time, and they had to birth you at the spot, or you would've died right away, with her." Ned explained.

"Oh my god, why?!" Matilda whispered to herself, she let her head drop to hide her face and bit her lips to hold herself back from crying.

With his eyes now watering too, "Are you sure...that's the truth?" Garrick asked.

"I looked into Henrietta's eyes...it turned out, most of what she said is true." Ned replied.


"My ability isn't perfect Garrick, I can't see completely everything and it's kind of fast...but from what I saw, Henrietta is possibly a victim."

"Why would my mom kill herself...is it because of me?" Garrick asked, his tears finally started falling down slowly, painting two continuous streaks on his cheeks.

"Oh my...don't say that Rickie!" Ned replied letting go of his mate's hands and wiping his tears away gently.

"Why...why does these things happen to me! I didn't do anything wrong! why does these things happen to me, tell me Ned why me?!" Garrick said.

"No one knows why some people are chosen to suffer, but I know that's it's not your fault, and you don't have to suffer alone Garrick...I'm with you, I'm here and I'll stay here with you until the end." Ned replied.

"I can't do this anymore...I'm choking I need to breathe." Matilda said rushing out of the room.


"I think it is absolutely unnecessary for me to be out of my office at the moment, I have lots of things to work on." Lady Orange spoke as she walked through the portal into the parking lot, with Socorro besides her.

"I told you, if you want me as a student, you have to come with me and do me this one favor!" Socorro replied.

Feeling a bit angry, "Miss Belmonte, Just because I wish for you to join my academy, does not give you the justification to act like this!

You have crossed a line! back at the office you rambled about insane things, and you asked me a set of personal questions and I have turned a blind eye to that.

But Blackmailing me because I wanted you as a student, is far beyond acceptable. " Lady Orange said.

"Have some Faith in me, would you?!" Socorro replied.

"Fine Just this once, This is the last thing you would request that I will accept doing.

You still have yet not told me what is it that you wish of me to do here?" Lady Orange questioned.

Before Socorro could even answer her, she heard a weird noise from a distance, she then realized her heart was in pain.

"She's here!" Socorro said surprised, "Who is here?" Lady Orange asked.

"What's wrong with her?" Socorro said putting a hand on her pained chest, "What is wrong with who?" Lady Orange asked again.

"My mate! She's here somewhere! but I think she's hurt!" Socorro said worriedly, "If you think so, then we should find her." Lady Orange said and the two women began walking around, searching.

It took Socorro's eyes a minute to spot A crying Matilda, making her way into the parking lot.

"MATILDA!" She called out her name loud enough so she can hear it, and she did.

Lifting her head up, Matilda's saw Socorro and rushed towards her, wrapping her arms around her as soon as she reached her.

"What happened pumpkin?! why are you crying?" Socorro asked, "It hurts...I can't...take it." Matilda replied.

"Socorro, What is going on?" Lady Orange Asked she approached them, but her face become more and more pale the shorter the distance between her and the couple grew.

When she noticed her, Matilda glanced at the woman confused and broke the hug, "Were you with her?" She asked Socorro.

Socorro nodded, "I totally forgot about her." She replied.

"Who is she?" Matilda asked.

Suddenly, "I should go, I realized this is a huge mistake." Lady Orange said attempting to Walk away.

"No, you Can't leave! I haven't even begin to explain who she is, yet you're already running away!

You've given me the proof I needed." Socorro spoke, "Miss Belmonte, consider the offer officially off the table." Lady Orange replied angrily before she attempted again to flea the scene.

"Lady Orange!" Socorro followed her, "Lady Orange?" Matilda repeated the name in her mouth while watching Socorro Run after the other woman.

"Miss Belmonte stop following me or I will resort to violence!" Lady Orange spoke while she walked away.

Behind her, "You recognize her, don't you?" Socorro said.

Then out of nowhere, "ARE YOU MY MOTHER?!" Matilda screamed, it made Lady Orange stop dead in her tracks.

"Did you hear that? did you hear what she asked you?" Socorro said.

"Miss Belmonte, why are you doing this?!" Lady Orange asked with tears in her eyes.

"I knew from the moment I saw you, that you two were something! I tried to hold it in but when Norma spoke of Derora, it reminded me of when I told you I wanted to stop bad things from happening again.

I actually wanted you to meet someone else other than Matilda, He could use Your knowledge and help.

But now I see that you're running away the moment you laid eyes on her! add in the fact that Matilda just screamed asking if You're her mother!

My first suspicion was not a suspicion after all...and with it, my objective has changed." Socorro replied.

"What objective?! to humiliate me?! You have absolutely no right to do this to me!" Lady Orange replied back.

"Listen you pretentious Sorry ASS excuse of a mother!" Socorro said, "Excuse me?! how dare you!" Lady Orange replied offended.

"I know a bad mother when I see one! I got one back home!

I will not let you go! I won't just sit and watch Matilda get hurt again when I know I could've done something!

In my past life I couldn't protect neither my boss nor my mate, nor make them feel less lonely and unwanted.

And to think that Matilda had to grow-up alone once again...to be my mate again?! I'm a shitty person and she deserves better than me!

When I regained my past life memories, we made a promise to be kind, understanding and supportive to Each Other, to do our best and try to love Each Other better.

And just this morning, Matilda showed a true example of her fulfilling her side of the promise.

She came with me to my parents house and the moment the door was open, she slapped my abusive mother across the face, then she punched my dad and brothers when they tried intervening.

I watched her Yell in anger with tears streaming down her face at them, calling them out and cursing them for making me go through all the pain I went through!

And she Said she will replace all the hate and the scars my mother made on my body, with her love." Socorro replied removing her gloves, and showing her charred hands to Lady Orange who stared at her hands in horror.

"You see These hands?! my mother did this to me! and Matilda she just looked at them and kissed them without hesitation.

She says I'm beautiful, I'm gorgeous! but I'm covered in ugly scars, yet she kissed every last one of them." Socorro replied, her vision was getting blurry from tears filling-up her eyes.

Meanwhile Matilda approached them slowly, "Tell me is she your daughter? why did my kind loving mate grew-up in an orphanage when her mother was very much alive, why did she feel the need to act all happy when she isn't?! why does she has to go through this?! WHY IS SHE CRYING NOW!" Socorro asked, "ANSWER HER DAMN QUESTION!"

As Socorro's screams echoed in the parking lot, Lady Orange finally looked-up, her eyes met Matilda's who was now standing behind Socorro, "I was... just told that you abandoned me." Matilda spoke-up.

Surprised, "Just told? Who told you that?" Socorro asked turning to Matilda, "Ned...he said that my mother abandoned me because I was an obstacle in her way.

Right after giving birth to me, she gave me to my father...Henrietta Style." Matilda explained while looking at Lady Orange.

"Henrietta?! your father is Henrietta?" Socorro said in disbelief and then turned her attention back to lady Orange who had her eyes wide open after hearing that name.

"Is it her?! Why aren't you saying anything?!" Socorro asked again frustrated.

As a tear fell off one of her eyes, "Nearly 25 years Ago, I was just appointed as the newest headmaster of 'Ladiesworth' academy...as a former student of the academy and also a professor, I was surprised but overjoyed, so happy I was to become the headmaster of my beloved academy.

I had a perfect record, a respectable reputation and a dreamy relationship with my Spouse at the time.

That day I went back home to tell my spouse the news, only to discover...I was being cheated on...right there on my bed.

After confronting my spouse I ran out on impulse, crying...I teleported somewhere random, and walked the very first bar I spotted.

And Then I met her, Henrietta...it all happened too fast, I guess I wanted a quick revenge." Lady Orange replied.

Tearing-up again, "Was keeping me and giving birth to me...part of that revenge?" Matilda asked.