Truthful tears, Deceitful smiles.

"Freddie, thanks for coming! I really appreciate it!" Ned said as he wrapped Fernando in a hug that surprised Garrick and Faunus but most importantly, Fernando himself.

Uncomfortable, "Oh, ok...this is happening!...we're hugging!" Fernando said trying to wiggle himself out of Ned's surprisingly strong embrace.

Finally letting go of the man he hugged on a whim, "Freddie, I didn't know to whom to turn to...You have to help me." Ned Said.

Glaring at Ned, "I'm surprised you'd ask for my help, What made you think this is a good idea? you know the disadvantages that come from using my service.

The boy could end-up being a cannibal, so unless you want him to eat somebody's flesh as a snack every now and then...You should reconsider." Fernando said feeling skeptical about the whole thing.

"Mother, Have you not considered healing magic? how severe is the situation that you would seek Fernando?

Is there anything I can do to help you reconsider too?" Faunus Asked.

"Fau, what are you doing here exactly? I thought I gave you a mission, and how do you know that I seeked Fernando's help?" Ned asked.

"Umm...I...well." Faunus who couldn't explain to Ned that he knows because He was with Fernando when Ned called, struggled to come-up with an answer.

"Hold on, Faunus is right! shouldn't you ask for his help?!" Fernando stepped in.

"About Healing magic...I think it wouldn't work at this point, it's too late and his injuries are too many and too severe.

I was just on the phone a minute ago with my doctors...They brought the boy back to life from a seriously long cardiac arrest, long enough that his brain is starved of oxygen, and for my doctors to already see signs of a confirmed 'brain-death'...Yuri said healing magic doesn't work on dead people, including brain dead.

If I don't do this the boy's gonna be hooked to artificial life support machine, Until his parents decide to make the hardest decision of Their lives, and pull the plug so he can finally be completely dead.

I mean he's already considered to be legally dead, because his brain is no longer functioning!" Ned explained terrified.

Seeing how Ned was still shaken-up, Garrick wrapped him in a hug from behind, and overcome with jealousy Fernando turned his face away to not look at them hugging.

"Heavens! if the boy is brain dead, then you are right...healing him via magic is no longer a good option." Faunus replied.

Glancing at Fernando who was still looking away from them, "There could be other ways, but we really don't have time to research any of them...And Ned thinks You're the only one who knows how to handle this...You saved Tacito after all, Freddie." Garrick spoke-up.

"I can't imagine how difficult it ask the man who destroyed your lives, to save one for you." Fernando said crossing his arms.

"Ned is kind...more than I am, or ever will be.

He's fixing the mess that you made, and he's treating you like a person, not a murderer.

in his heart, Ned has already moved on from what you've done to him, Freddie.

Maybe I don't hold much of grudge against you because I don't remember everything yet...but I bet if I did...I would hate you with every inch of my body, mind and soul.

Because you took away the chance from me to have a family of my greatest dream." Garrick said, "I'm not half the angel Ned is, but I'm half of the devil you are Fernando Bardales." He added.

Hearing that, Fernando's eyes began heating-up, "You don't need your already hate me.

My story has been already written for me, I'm everyone's least favorite villain." Fernando replied.

"Villains are made and not born...I wish I found you earlier than this Fernando, I would've helped you." Ned spoke-up making Fernando turn to face him, "Of course you'd do're the only person in the entire universe who's crazy enough to care for a child like me.

You're so stupidly kind, I Know that if I were to die'd show-up to my funeral and actually give a speech about me." Fernando said.

As his tears began falling down, Fernando quickly wiped them away with his sleeve "Let's talk business." He said between sniffs, "Who's this boy? two love birds sound desperate to save him." He asked.

Taking out a handkerchief from his pocket,

"My half-brother...Weird enough, I just met him today for the first time." Ned replied handing it over to Fernando who surprisingly accepted it.

Horrified of the half-brother news, "Oh my god...i am so sorry! this must be so difficult on you." Faunus said.

"I'm kinda fine, I'm not doing this for my supposed brother or myself...but actually for my mother, she's here! that's how I met this boy in the first place... he's her son from her second husband." Ned replied.

Glaring again all of the sudden, "Hold it! The hidden princess is here?... Didn't you say she abandon you or something?! Ned why are you trying to help this woman?!" Fernando asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

Seeing how distressed Ned was, "Brother...It is not the moment to question why he is doing this...Ned needs your help Freddie, please." Faunus said kindly.

Sighing in defeat, "Fine...I can get it done.

Brain-dead isn't too impossible, I've done it before...once.

However it's still going to be challenging for me, since he's a rare case...And I have to secure his soul as soon as possible." Fernando said, "Also, it would take me At least a week, if I work nonstop to get it are you comfortable handing over your half-brother to me for a week?" he Added asking.

"I completely forgot how long it takes you to body-craft!

Ned, How are you going to hide the fact Nedrick isn't at the hospital for a whole week?" Garrick asked his own question.

"There's a way." Ned replied.

"You sound like you already have a plan, tell me?" Faunus asked.

"As some of you know...My previous job for Jihi was traveling throughout the past, basically time traveling.

That's how I found Aroon and made him my assistant later on." Ned said, "I can still travel but I cannot go back in time to save someone's life or that would be a huge violation of the contract that gives me my powers.

But there might be a loophole...the contract states In writing, that I cannot go back in time to stop an event that has already happened and lead to someone dying.

For example I cannot go back in time to stop the car from hitting my half-brother...but there's nothing that says that I cannot bring his dying body back in time with me...say like a week ago? in order to save him." Ned explained.

"You're not actually going to do that? right Ned?" Garrick questioned.

"Mother...But what if Yuri, I mean Jihi, still punishes you even if you did not violate the contract? I heard Them on many occasions mention that my brother's business Falls under forbidden magical practices." Faunus pointed out.

"Hold on! you mean to tell me that you're going to make me and your brother's body travel a week ago in time, so that I'd save him? And you're risking your privileges?!

Wow! for what?! Some ignorant woman who left you to fend for yourself against your father." A skeptical Fernando questioned.

"Why did you tell him about your past, seriously Mother?!" Faunus said annoyed.

"Ned, this is dangerous! you're probably going to face severe punishment for using Fernando's services...And I can't trust Fernando enough to let you disappear with him for a week." Garrick said.

"Garrick, it's the only way I can think of to do this fast! or else I'm gonna have to think of a way to trick my mother and her husband, to wait for their son to come back after a whole week." Ned replied.

"Now that I think about it...I agree with this plan, it sounds logical even though the method isn't." Fernando said.

"I just realized...Are you keeping your mother in the dark about her son?" Faunus asked.

"Yes, she's unaware...She and her husband can't lose this child, so I'm making this decision on their behalf.

Let them hate me for it later, but I made a promise to save Their son's life." Ned replied.

"I am going with you then!" Faunus said, "No, you still have to deal with the mission I gave you." Ned replied.

"Then I'll go...obviously." Garrick said.

"I've said so many 'Hold ons' but hold on, doesn't traveling back in time comes with the possibility that you might meet yourself from the past?" Fernando questioned.

"We just need to avoid that from happening." Ned replied.

"So we're teleporting to my shed right?" Fernando asked while side-eyeing his twin brother.

"Yes, why is there a problem?" Ned asked.

Sighing, "About the mission you gave me...there has been a slight hiccup." Faunus said.


"Coconut...coco..." Matilda began speaking in her sleep, "Oh! poor thing!" Muriel commented as he watched her.

"I'm pretty sure those five minutes have passed, Muri." Thorn said.

Just then, Socorro walked into the living room with a happier looking lady Orange.

"You're alive...both of you." Thorn said with both eyebrows high.

"Yes, we have resolved our little misunderstanding...And I would like to apologize in front of you for causing a scene earlier." Lady Orange replied smiling.

"I am glad to hear that lady Orange." Muriel replied back.

"Well to be honest, I don't really care what She says...Soco has a point.

Lady Orange, you are going to walk away from Matilda, a second time.

Guess I'll have a reason to bond with this gentle giant then...since my parents willingly chose to walk away from my life too." Thorn said knocking the Smile off of Lady Orange's face.

"Thorn..." Muriel wanted to say something but, "I did not walk away willingly mister Tang...honestly, I am terrified just thinking about walking back into her is not an easy Choice.

But the truth is that when I did gave Matilda up, I did it because I wholeheartedly believed I was a bad mother...And I was.

When I got pregnant, I did not get an abortion...I brought her into this world, because I thought that I would be less lonely.

but after going through child birth, I began resenting Matilda...I was so depressed it made me hateful towards an innocent child.

Afraid I might hurt her, I decided the best choice was to give her up... somewhere where she belongs and can be loved.

If I knew she would end-up taken away from her father's loving arms, I would have never walked away from her." Lady Orange said, "Which is why I am staying this time." She added.

"What do you mean?" Muriel asked, "Now that miss Socorro have knocked some sense and courage back into my system...I have decided to try and make it up for Matilda, by reentering her life." Lady Orange said glancing at the sleeping Matilda.

"And as her friends, I hope you help me win my daughter's love...I want to be the mother she deserves." Lady Orange spoke again.

Smiling happily, "This is some great news! I am sure Matilda would be happier than ever!" Muriel said.

"Are you sure? she cried her eyes out because of you Lady Orange." Thorn spoke-up skeptically.

"I appreciate your genuine concern about my daughter, and I can assure you that from now on, I will do whatever it takes, so Matilda may never cry again because of me." Lady Orange replied smiling.