Made to be a villain p4

"Why would you attack Henrietta? someone you supposedly love?" Faunus asked, "The real question is why you're back to life?! You killed yourself before even giving birth so don't give me that I trusted Henrietta with my child crap again!" Jade said.

"Way Before I took my own life, when I found out I was pregnant, Henrietta promised me that she'll love and care for our baby.

From the moment she promised me that, I held on to that promise, even when I took my own life!" Rapunzel replied.

"Are insane? if those people at the lab didn't birth you at the spot, Garrick would've died too!

He was lucky enough to be born since you were already so late in your pregnancy, but Do you have any idea what it's like to be born this way?! Pulled out of your mother's dead body after she committed suicide?!

I'm not Garrick but if I was in his shoes and got told that's how I was born, I think I'll be one step close to becoming crazy." Thorn spoke-up, "So Why the hell did you do that you psycho?!" he asked.


Astonished, "You're telling me you killed yourself, so that you can give birth to that it?!" Garrick asked, "What the fuck are you talking about?! IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE?!" he shouted.

"I had no choice, I made a deal to save you...or we'll both die." Rapunzel replied, "Shit! I knew it, The suicide wasn't your idea, was it?

Lucas must've made you go through with it, he threatened you." Ned spoke-up.

"What the fuck...Just what the...fuck." Tacito mumbled.

When Rapunzel didn't provide a reply but only glanced at Ned with a sudden look of sadness in her eyes, Ned realized he's right.

"Shit, I really knew it...I bet Lucas or Luciel like we know him now, found out you were going to run away from the labs, so he held you at gun or knifepoint somehow, and told you to either kill yourself and he'll make sure Garrick is born and alive, or he'll kill both of you on the spot." Ned said, "And you choose to save Garrick." he added.

Hearing Those words, Garrick collapsed to his knees, Ned wanted to rush to him but Jade beated him to it, "Hey! are you ok?!" Jade said kneeling besides Garrick.

"So, Luciel made you choose between both of you dying, or Garrick surviving alone?" Muriel said horrified.

Sighing, "You're a mother too Blondie...what would've been your choice, if you were in my shoes?" Rapunzel asked.

Touching his belly, "In a situation like this, I would save my child, no doubt about it." Muriel replied, "Muriel..." Thorn began feeling guilty, "I guess I spoke too soon." he said.

"Is this attacked her?...Henrietta?...Because you protect Garrick...when she couldn' the same?" Tacito asked.

"This woman I loved the most, allowed my precious son to be kidnapped and discarded!...she may not be as guilty as Lucas is, but Henrietta was dumb enough to trust someone like him." Rapunzel replied.

Then the genie woman turned her attention to Garrick, she slowly approached him, the color of her hair and eyes were coming back to normal as she knelt in front of her son.

"Garrick, I understand you're upset with me for attacking Henrietta, but I barely caused any harm to her...I'll bring her back.

This wasn't the first impression I wanted us to have...I'm sorry I couldn't do better, I'm not here on my terms." Rapunzel said, her words caught Ned's attention but he didn't want to cut her off as she continued talking.

"And it may be difficult for you to see it from my Pov, but please try to understand, everything I did or do, is for your own good son." Rapunzel Added while putting a gentle hand on Garrick's face.

But Garrick enraged, slapped her hand away, "Why did you give birth to me?...You should've just killed me...I didn't ask for this...why me?! WHY ME?!

WHY FUCKING ME?! " Garrick began grabbing his own hair, yanking it and screaming as loud as he could.

"Garrick stop?!" Ned Hurried to him, He pushed a stunned Rapunzel gently aside and wrapped Garrick in a hug despite Garrick resisting it.

Ned was eventually able to hold Garrick in his embrace, "It's okay cry it out, I'm here for you." He said hugging Garrick as tight as he could.

After few seconds of comforting Garrick, Ned asked Rapunzel who was still besides them, "Why you're here, Rapunzel?"

Rapunzel's colors were back to normal by now, she seemed more sad than angry as she answered, "I didn't want to come here to cause problems...

I'm sorry I'm not being myself I know...his magic is making me act like this." Rapunzel said while looking at her hands.

"He? Whose magic? you're being controlled? is this your new excuse for attacking Henrietta?!" Jade asked, but Rapunzel bit her lips, "You can't tell us who, can you?" Yurei asked and she still remained silent.

"Btw...You seem to...know more than...what someone who...wasn't involved in...our lives should...know." Tacito said.

"He told me everything..." Rapunzel replied.

"That 'He' Again." Yurei said annoyed.

"Rapunzel, I want to ask you, why did you make Agu steal that book?" Ned asked, "Agu?" Yurei wondered surprised.

"Ned...You were always destined to be Garrick's Pleasure and pain in life." Rapunzel replied.

"That's not the correct answer." Ned said, "The book is not for me." Rapunzel replied.

"Then for who? It you don't want to tell us who...tell us at least, Did that guy bring you back to life?" Thorn asked.

Crying, "Ned, I only wanted to see my son again." Rapunzel said ignoring Thorn, "You sound like you're apologizing to me." Ned replied.

"I am." Rapunzel replied back, "What did you do to Henrietta?" Ned asked.

"I sent her in a bubble, she's safe actually." Rapunzel replied.

"Interesting, Her looks are back to normal, but her behavior is still different from what Henrietta has described." Yuri whispered curiously, "I don't know about that, but there's something else...I sense something wrapped around Rapunzel." Jasper whispered back.

"Oh, so you felt them? her shackles?" Yuri whispered.

Sighing in defeat, "I don't know what you're doing Rapunzel, or why you're doing it...but please, stop and bring back Henrietta.

Don't ruin your image in Garrick's mind any further.

He knows it was you, Agu told me you got him to drug Garrick in order to make his childhood memories come back." Ned said.

The others but Garrick who was still crying and sobbing in Ned's arms, were surprised to hear what Ned just said, since he never really explained in details how Garrick got Those memories back.

"The fuck?! you guys knew she was alive?!" Yurei asked, "She's been causing some trouble at my hospital, that's how Yuuya and Agu come into the story.

She claimed to be a genie, and asked Agu to steal a book that told a faulty story about how it was me the one who killed you guys in the trap party.

And when the book became hers, she asked Agu to drug Garrick." Ned explained, "Wait, You guys knew all along that Rapunzel was alive?! could she be also the woman from the store? the one that gave Stella the dog?" Jade asked.

"It's her, She's been targeting Garrick's friends." Ned replied.

"I didn't target them to harm them, it was a little surprising to see Agu actually agree to drugging Garrick...but he made it clear to me that under different circumstances, he wouldn't hurt Garrick.

I was the one who twisted his arm by using Yuuya against him." Rapunzel said.

"There could've been a million ways for you, to come back to Garrick's life yet you chose to get him drugged, and attack Henrietta before you could even see him eye to eye...In short words Rapunzel.

You're fucked-up, and you fucked-up." Ned replied.

"My hands are tied, for years I couldn't see him, I wanted to see him so badly...but about a month ago, it was the first time that man allowed me to go look for my son.

But Garrick wasn't there at the mansion when I arrived, he wasn't for the past 21 years...I didn't even know Garrick's Current name when I started searching for him." Rapunzel said.

"You went to the Style mansion?!" Faunus asked, "Yeah...I did, I was under disguise at first, to not arouse suspicion.

I asked about Garrick using the name Henrietta and I chose at first, Garrett.

But the Servants were all young and new, they didn't know anyone with such name." Rapunzel replied, "I see now, Henrietta changed servants quite frequently, and she did not tolerate the nosey ones either.

Those servants would not know anything about the missing children." Faunus explained.

"So what did you do afterwards?" Muriel asked, "I snuck into the mansion, and searched for an answer, I found it in Henrietta's office.

She had the missing children incident well documented, so when I realized Garrick was missing all those years, I was filled with rage, I almost confronted Henrietta there, but then i remembered I couldn't do that." Rapunzel replied.

"Couldn't do that?" Jade questioned, "I had to get away.

When I was about to leave the office, I was almost discovered by someone who came into the office...Grey.

Apparently Henrietta's office had been a no-entry zone since she became head of family, so he got curious and got inside because I accidentally left the door slightly open." Rapunzel said.

"That explains why Edward knew too much about the missing children." Faunus replied.

"How did you know where to find Garrick?" Muriel asked.

"It was pure coincidence...I run into an old lady, A nun.

She said I looked so familiar like a boy she's helped years ago." Rapunzel explained.

"I from there you found your way to Garrick and his friends." Muriel said and Rapunzel nodded.

"I still don't understand, why steal that book? and how that guy knows so much about us?" Yurei asked.

"He always knew...if it was my choice I would've healed Yuuya for nothing, but when that man knew Yuuya had that book, He ordered me to get the book.

I didn't want to steal it myself so I can use it as an excuse to help Yuuya, but when I saw how willing Agu was to help his boyfriend, I took advantage of that will myself.

I wanted Garrick to remember who he was, before I go to see him face to face." Rapunzel replied.

"So...'That guy''re talking about...brought you and up somehow...didn't he?" Tacito asked and Rapunzel nodded.

"So someone has made you his villain's like we got another Lucas running around." Thorn said displeased.

"You can't tell us who he is, but can you give us a hint? Does he follows you around? can he hear you now?" Jade asked.

"No he can't hear me or see what I'm doing, but knows where I am and he can summon me by force whenever he wants, or force me to sleep for as long as he wants.

Plus, He has a curse on me...i can't mention him by name, or I will die again." Rapunzel explained, then she pulled-up the sleeves of her coat to reveal a set of heavy looking silver bracelet around both of her wrists.

"Bingo." both Yuri and Jasper said in union.

The bracelet were adorned with glowing red gemstone, a specific type of jewels that made Ned's eyes go wide open.

"Rubies...The stone of kings." Ned said shocked.