Beauty doesn't mean Kindness p1

Wearing the most sparkly golden halter-dress, A dazzling dark tanned woman sat across from Yuri, Talking while Yuri listened carefully.

The woman's unusually long honey-golden hair that matched her Golden eyes, was so long it covered her entire back and some of the office's floor.

Yet Despite the visitor's extraordinary and captivating beauty, it has failed to captivate Yuri's eyes as the mage was nervous.

The woman's Presence made Yuri nervous.

When that woman stopped talking, Her lips coated in a deep red shade of lipstick, parted a bit again only to stick back together right away, forming a curious frown as she waited for Yuri's respond.

"Kowa...what you're" Yuri said.

"What I'm saying Yuri Hun, is that if what everything you've just told me is true, then that poor Rapunzel was most definitely tricked in the worst way possible.

My genies aren't so perfect as they may seem, most of them are quite naive and actually very kind in nature, if they let their guards down, they can be easily manipulated or tricked, after all there's tons of people in every realm who could use the power of a genie.

Which is why I have Made my kingdom 'El Masabeeh' where I can keep my genies watched and protected, it's the only 24h safe place for my genies,'s almost impossible to protect them outside my kingdom walls." Kowa replied frowning again.

Sighing, "So what now?" Yuri asked.

"Since Rapunzel has been found, She will be taken back to 'El Masabeeh', where she will be dealt with according to my laws." Kowa replied.

This phrase caught Yuri's attention enough, they locked eyes with Kowa.

"Delt with As in how exactly?" Yuri questioned.

"I have strick rules concerning my genies, especially the ones that come in and out of the kingdom, I have no tolerance towards mistakes and bad choices when it comes to my genies interacting with other creatures that might use them, I am a queen after all.

If Rapunzel got so far as to be tricked and enslaved, it must be because she broke the rules." Kowa said.

Surprised, "Wait, are you saying she will be punished for being tricked?!" Yuri asked.

"I will not punish her right away, not until we conduct an investigation first, to see the circumstances around her misfortune.

But there's a high chance she will end-up getting punished nonetheless...And the type of punishment will depend on the severity of her actions.

Let's just say that everything will be decided in a trial, you are welcome to come observe Yuri." Kowa explained.

Standing-up in pure frustration, "Observe! no I will not stand by this Kowa, the girl was tricked?!

You didn't even look for her outside your kingdom until now, and now you want to punish her?!" Yuri said.

"The search for Rapunzel was not the only thing on my to-do list, In order to not have to leave my kingdom more than I have to, and to not use any more genies than necessary, I came here to ask for your help finding Rapunzel.

I chose you Yuri, because i didn't know any other business owner that deals with the 'Normal world' that I could trust to help me, but do keep in mind that me asking for your help is not a sign for you to feel powerful over me.

You owe me a favor, one way or another I made you what you are today." Kowa replied.

Angry but unable to act on it, Yuri took a deep breath, "Your decision will effect more than Rapunzel." They said.

"Are you worried about that business partner of yours?" Kowa asked.

"His name is Ned, And he's much more than a business partner, he's part of my chosen family Kowa.

And yes I'm worried about what he'll think, I can't hide this from him! do you think I'm the only one who would opposes your decision? if Ned gets to know that you want to prosecute Rapunzel and possibly punish her, he will not like it!

Kowa please...even if Rapunzel broke a rule or two, she can't be punished just like that!

That man He...he tricked her! I know how evil Lord Raud Valentino can be, Ned is his own son and he's seen a lot from that man.

Raud is the devil's incarcerate! and somehow he has gain power and is currently using it to torment Ned And everyone around him.

This ugly hearted man made his own son, his ex-wife and countless other people go through hell in his past lives and current one, Rapunzel isn't any different from his other victims!?!" Yuri said angrily.

Raising and eyebrow, "This man you speak of, Lord Valentino...You speak of him as if you hate him personally, Yuri." Kowa intrigued calmly.

Her words caught Yuri by surprise, "It's because...of what he did to Ned! Ned is important to me!" Yuri replied.

"Ned...Ned...Ned...hmm...I understand that Ned is mated with Rapunzel's only child, which is a reason for 'Him' to be emotional about this." Kowa said, "But why are you emotional Yuri?

I know there are still secrets Between us, hun.

I haven't told you everything on my side, and I know that you haven't told me everything from What is the actual reason you're so invested in this? if you share a secret, I'll share one back." She added.

"Knowing the reason won't change your mind, would it? seems that you don't know want to Grant Rapunzel a chance." Yuri said.

"Well Yes but, I'm curious! You sure do hold 'Ned' in great value, it got me thinking...

Tell me why he's important, well other than him being your friend and business partner, I've already heard that song." Kowa said.

Sighing, "If I tell you, will you tell me what punishment Rapunzel is risking?" Yuri asked sitting back.

"If you talk first, I'll talk next...go ahead." Kowa said.

"Ned has twins, his Omega boy like him, and an alpha girl.

The girl is my destined Mate." Yuri replied.

Almost immediately, Kowa laughed and clapped her hands once as a reaction.

"Chosen family! AHAH! more like actual family! you should've told me the happy news, Mabrouk Hun!" Kowa said smiling in way that was confusing, It was difficult to tell whether she was being serious or sarcastic.

"I'm begging you to reconsider Kowa, Rapunzel doesn't deserve punishment, she deserves justice.

And I know Your kingdom rules are made to keep order, and that if you spare her without prosecution, it would cause some trouble among your Royal subjects.

They might feel injustice, they may lose A bit of their faith in you, but you have to understand you are the queen Kowa, your can be law and your word is final.

Without you, these people wouldn't even be even alive, they can at least show some appreciation by accepting your ruling if you chose to spare Rapunzel." Yuri argued.

"You're asking me to spare her because she's what? you're 'mother in law's' mother in law'?! you're becoming Crazy in love aren't you?!" Kowa said half smiling.

Surprised, "Kowa..." Yuri mumbled unable to come-up with a response.

"Hun, It seems that me acting friendly and allowing you to speak informally to me, has flooded your brain with the wrong ideas." Kowa said standing-up, "I give you one last chance Yuri.

You go back now and bring me Rapunzel, if she's not here in this office by the time midnight hour hits and the new year start, you and your chosen family will lose even the opportunity to witness her trial." She added before she walked outside the office, leaving Yuri to sink deeper into their desk chair from despair.


"Ramon thinks so too?" Ned asked and Nashoba nodded, "I still don't see it happening, he might have been used without his knowledge I mean...Grey doesn't seem like the killer type, not that I'm saying appearances can't be deceiving." Ned said.

Standing in his office, Ned and Nashoba were having a conversation instead of lunch, while almost everyone else were at the dinning room having lunch together.

"He may not be a killer, and Grey might be used as you say But don't you find him strange?

Killer or not, Until it's confirmed, This boy could be a danger to your family." Nashoba replied.

"Although I don't really want to, You've convinced me enough...I'll look into him, but not for now, I have other things to attend to." Ned said.

"Then I can do it for you! I want to be of help, so I'll keep an eye on Grey and since I'm basically a medic, my overstay won't be seen as unnecessary." Nashoba replied excitedly.

Chuckling, "Your spirit has gone way up ever since you've met Ramon, are you trying to investigate Grey to impress him?" Ned asked smirking.

Blushing, "Well, you got me there...but it's not a crime...And honestly Grey rubs me the wrong way anyways, I want to find out what's his deal since his soul is a mess to look at." Nashoba said making Ned raise an eyebrow.

"How's His soul a mess?" Ned asked curiously.

"Big brother, Remember when I told you Your soul was kind of inconsistent until you've sealed your bond with Garrick? your soul was a bit unclear for me to see...

It was Much like how your Mate's soul or Fernando's are fact few other people here have messy looking souls." Nashoba explained.

"Why would a soul appear messy?" Ned asked.

"The color palette of the soul usually reflects the emotions the person is feeling, but the clarity of the image that I see is related to something else.

There's many reasons for a messy looking soul, but in general The messiness is the result of the soul missing A piece of it, like something a bit essential was taken from that your case your soul was missing Garrick's.

Because Mating is a rare occurrence, most of the time For a soul to miss something, that means a spell must've been casted to steal that something from that person.

For an example you've told me about Fernando's memories being messed with using a spell, that's why his soul is a little bit fuzzy to see.

Memories Of important events become part of people's souls, if they are lost or tempered with using magic, there's a possibility that that person's soul will also reflect that tempering.

And with everything you've told me about Grey not remembering anything and the possibility that he might've been used in the murder somehow...

if someone used Gray in the murder, they might've erased his memories using a spell." Nashoba explained.

"Memories getting replaced, memories getting erased...*Sighing* what's this obsession with memories! it's like magic, murder, and memories are forever tied!" Ned replied.

"You may not understand it, but memories have a huge value when it comes to Magic...the things you can make with memories are amazing!" Nashoba said.

"I understand very well Nash...Hey, excuse me, but like I said I have things to do so I need you to go and join the others for lunch." Ned replied as he started to walk away.

"What about you big brother? Aren't you going eat anything? you should eat something today!

Seems like Jasper isn't the only one that's avoiding food."

"I'll eat something later, once my anxiety is down a bit."

Surprised, "You're anxious?" Nashoba asked.

Sighing, "I know it sounds weird since I like to seem unbothered all the time, but I can't help but feel like something bad is about to happen...Edward's death was just the start, and I can't explain it, but my guts are telling me to watch out." Ned replied.

Suddenly, "I think you should trust your gut feeling." Yuri said as they barged into Ned's office.