Not His first rodeo.

Walking back into Jihi's office, Kowa was visibly Angry as she said, "I hope you brought Rapunzel just like I asked, Yuri."

But instead of finding Yuri sitting by their desk, Ned was occupying the big chair instead.

Kowa was surprised, she took a step back, "I'm not Yuri, and unfortunately? No Rapunzel for you dear.

But at least you get me! the one and only Ned Valentino!" Ned replied grinning at her.

Despite that Kowa was in the room, Nashoba was busy looking from the window behind the desk, he was fascinated by the lack of a view outside the window, it was absolutely pitch black out there.

Feeling herself get Angrier, "So You're Ned! Ugh! Did Yuri chicken out on bringing me my genie, so They sent their errands boy to face me instead?!" Kowa said.

"I ain't Yuri's errands boy anymore, I haven't been since 1960, Kowa." Ned replied standing up.

Scoffing, "Yeah, right...I forgot that you are the mother in Law now Habibi." Kowa said mockingly.

"You don't seem too happy to see me, despite this being our first meeting! I take it that Yuri talks a lot about me." Ned replied smiling.

"You mean doesn't shut up about you, Ned here Ned there, Ned, Ned everywhere!...Ugh it's like you're their idol!"

"Are you jealous Kowa?"

Scoffing, "Why would I be?"

"Idk, Yuri mentioned that you did get angrier when I became the subject of the conversation, especially when Yuri mentioned they were mated to my daughter." Ned replied.

Sighing, Nashoba decided to stop staring through the window, he turned to finally face this Kowa woman, after all Ned brought him for a reason.

But the moment he did, Nashoba froze in his place as he glanced at Kowa, he felt this sudden feeling of deja Vu creep into his Head.

"How about you take a seat so you and I can have a talk?" Ned asked her.

When she noticed Nashoba, "Who's this?! Why is he staring at me like that?" Kowa asked.

"He's a friend of mine, Don't mind him." Ned replied, he thought Nashoba was staring a little too intensely but figured he was doing so, so he can see Kowa's soul more clearly.

"Heh weird, something about this child Feels familiar." Kowa replied as she went to take a seat.

Suddenly, "I'M NOT A CHILD!...I'm...n-not... you're...hold on...I..." Nashoba started fumbling over his words.

"Nash? is everything okay?!" Ned asked him, "What?! did seeing my extraordinary beauty broke him or something?" Kowa joked.

But then, Nashoba Started grabbing on his head as a sharp wave of pain hit him hard, "UGH?! MY HEAD IS KILLING ME!"

"Tell me how you feel?" Ned asked while examining him, " hurts...i think... I'm remembering... something!" Nashoba replied.

Surprised, "Remembering what?! What is happening to this child?!" Kowa asked.


"I think I've seen this before... with my mother?! wait, Nash? this isn't your first shot at life, is it?" Ned asked while helping the boy sit down.

When Nashoba sat down, his headache began to subside, "Kowa... I remember you, You look exactly like your mother who used to mock me for being short!" Nashoba said surprised, "What?!" Kowa asked.

"Don't you remember me? I've known you since you were born!" he Asked glaring at her.

"You can't possibly know me from when I was a mortal! that's crazy! that's like centuries ago!" Kowa said laughing nervously.

"No I Know you! I helped your Annoying mom deliver your giant Ass! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Nashoba said snarling at her, "Oh, why do I feel like a proud mother all of the sudden?" Ned mumbled.

"Little shit?!...But That's what Uncle doctor used to call me! OMG!" Kowa said stunned, "Uncle what now?!" Ned asked.

As her eyes welled-up with tears, Kowa jumped on Nashoba hugging him tightly, "It's really you Uncle doctor! YOU'RE BACK!" she added cheering.

"YOU BRAT! GET OFF ME!" Nashoba said pushing her away.

Confused, "I don't understand! you're not happy to see me?!" Kowa asked, "WHAT THE HELL YOU LITTLE SHIT! Do you expect me to be happy about seeing you after all the trouble you're putting big brother here through?!" Nashoba asked while pointing at Ned.

Feeling embarrassed, "But I'm a queen now! I have to show some authority! I can't be nice to everyone!" Kowa whined.

"Oh from what I've heard Kowa, you've been nice to nobody so far! you're acting just like your Tyrant father! which is such a disappointment because I'm pretty sure that before I died, you promised me you'll grow-up to be nothing like him!" Nashoba said angrily, "And big brother you're right, this isn't my first shot at life...My past memories just came back to me.

And if i'm alive, that means he is too... I hope so...

Hey, Kowa what happened to my beloved after I died?!" he added.

"Beloved, Who else are you talking about?" Ned asked, "He means His Mate...Uncle Knight." Kowa replied.

"Uncle who again? Nash you had a mate?!" Ned questioned, "It's a long story, we can talk about it later... beloved, what happened to him, tell me Kowa." Nashoba replied asking.

Feeling sad, Kowa lowered her eyes, "When you died...he, couldn't handle it since you were mates, so he..."

"He didn't kill himself, did he?!" Nashoba asked with worry in his face, "No...but he died shortly after you, his broken heart know." Kowa replied, a tear escaped her eyes.

Lowering his gaze as he felt his heart sink, "My poor beloved...this is all my fault, I should've Trusted his words and stayed away from danger." Nashoba said sighing.

"No! it wasn't your fault, You were murdered.

If anyone is to blame it's me, you were protecting me." Kowa replied sniffing.

"As much as I am angry at you for turning out to be a mean girl, I'm not that angry to agree with you.

What happened to me wasn't your fault Kowa, I forged my own destiny." Nashoba replied reaching to pat her head.

Upon feeling his gentle touch, Kowa bursted into tears like a little girl, and threw herself into Nashoba's embrace, "I'm so soooooooorryyyyyyy! I really missed you Uncle!"

"Oh wow, that is not how I imagined things to turn out." Ned replied, "So You were a doctor and a knight was your lover?...What in the plot twist is this..." he added.

"I's crazy familiar." Nashoba said sighing while patting Kowa's back, "Since she didn't recognize you right away, is it safe to assume that you reincarnated in a different body and identity than your past life?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, though I'm still ironic." Nashoba replied, "I see, so...there's a chance your lover also got a new face." Ned said.

"Possibly, yeah..."

"Do you still remember how he looked like?"

"Now that I think about it, maybe that's why I was so strangely attracted to Tacito, because my lover kind of looked a lot like him.

But it doesn't matter, I'll do whatever it takes to find my beloved, even if his face has changed." Nashoba replied.

"That might be unnecessary, I think I know who it is this time." Ned said.

Surprised, Both Kowa and Nashoba looked at Ned, "You do? How?" Nashoba asked.

"I think it's time we go back to my place, Kowa can you come with us?" Ned asked.

Kowa nodded, "Good, let's go." Ned said.


When he twisted the knob, Muriel found Ned's office to be closed, so Thorn knocked on the office's door, but no one Opened.

"Do you think Yuri left?" Muriel asked, "Maybe? but why close the office too?!" Thorn questioned.

"This whole situation feels wrong!" Muriel said clutching Thorn's hand.

Suddenly, realizing something, "Wait...If Yuri was actually here while we were having lunch, wouldn't Jade be Able to sense them?" Thorn asked.

"You are right! earlier she was surprised when Garrick said that Yuri has been in the office!" Muriel replied.

"Okay, this is officially weird!...We need to tell the others!" Thorn said, but before they could leave, The door got unlocked.

A confused Ned Opened his office from the inside, to find Thorn and Muriel gazing at him from outside with surprise in their faces.

"What's going on? Where is Yuri?" Ned asked.


"You use Kimberly's name when addressing her." Garrick asked while standing inside Ned's empty bedroom, "Well, I knew Kimberly before she became Miss 'Norma Kelly', and her and I have gotten even closer during her time at the academy.

Although I am surprised that she would still use her supposedly 'Dead name' now that she is legally Miss Norma Kelly..." Lady Orange replied.

"I don't know either, she asked us to keep calling her Kimberly." Garrick replied.

"She is definitely special... Kimberly I mean.

I gave up on my real name the moment I became a part of the academy, and I have not used it or heard it ever since." Lady Orange Said.

"You gave up a name? What was your real name before?"

"Do you really want to know..."

"Not really, I don't like you that much to be curious, I just don't like working in silence." Garrick replied, "Oh I figured so, but I am far you seem to be very tolerating of me even though you clearly dislike me." Lady Orange replied.

"Though I'm curious over one thing, Why was Matilda crying?"

"Because she figured I was planning on using her."

"Using her? How?"

"To get closer to Lucas and get revenge, you can ask her or Socorro for details later, I am not explaining this again."

Smirking, "I had a feeling you were here to serve yourself." Garrick said, "I will not attempt to hide my true intentions anymore...but I doubt your mother is any less selfish than I am.

It appears that Rapunzel has tricked you as well." Lady Orange replied smirking back, before she walked a bit past Garrick and stopped.

Suddenly, "My past name was Clementine... I was named after the fruit, and its Orange color rather than the other meaning of the name.

in the end, it was always about appearances and looks in my life, since the day I was born." Lady Orange said giving a tight-lipped smile,"Now, you said you wanted to speak to me in private, but all of your questions were so far meaningless...what did you want to know from me, Garrick?" She added asking.

"From what I've heard, there is a slight chance you might be able to help my friends get back where they belong." Garrick said.

"You mean to Derora... why yes! it is possible!

I understand teleportation magic is difficult, especially Between worlds.

Our teleportation system in the academy and most other academies, is very tricky and complex.

It took a lot of work throughout the years to perfect it and make it safe for traveling, so it is one of a kind and you probably will not find it that easily anywhere." Lady Orange explained with a bright smile.

"Is it possible to travel through your system even if the person traveling is not a student?" Garrick asked.

"Yes, although you do need my permission because only the code I provide can allow you to travel.

The code differs from a world to another, meaning that your world does not have the same code as other words but anyhow, All students and faculty members of the academy have the code, but they are not allowed to give it to anyone who isn't a student or faculty member.

in fact, they are not even allowed to say the code out loud, not to anyone even a family member.

basically it means I am the only one who can help you go back to Derora." Lady Orange replied.