When mind becomes a prison p4

After spending some time checking her surroundings, Kimberly decided to go and check the knights training area again.

She was lucky to find all of her friends together this time, sitting by the benches while other knights continued training.

"Dude you got knocked down by someone who just woken-up from a coma!" Yuuya said sniggering.

Flustered and embarrassed, "Are you mocking me? You should go against him then!" Garrick replied.

"Nah! You'll get him next time!" Yuuya said.

"Prince Tacito is sure amazing.

He's got the skills, the grace and most importantly the spirit you'd look for in a king." Agu said.

"Not to mention the looks! If he wasn't already mated to Yurei, we'd be seeing all sort of princes and princesses from all over the world coming here to ask for his hand!

He's as gorgeous as my husband!" Stella replied.

"Wow! Stella actually putting someone else on the same level of beauty as her husband! His highness Tacito has won the lottery!" Yuuya said sniggering again.

"You guys are oblivious to something...Tacito might be physically strong and attractive, but mentally...I feel like he's still the same scared little boy that he was when we first met him." Garrick spoke-up, his words caught Kimberly's attention the most.

"What do you mean?" Yuuya asked, "Tacito should be focusing on getting therapy and healing his mental wounds, instead of training all the time to be a king when everyone knows he still have a long time ahead of him before he'll actually become a king.

After all Muriel is scheduled to retire when he hit 50! That's like 15 long years from now!" Garrick said.

"Garrick you're Chief commander of knights! You out of everyone else know that life isn't granted to anyone, that's why we knights protect the king!

Death could come at any time, in any way and any place, and as scary as it is to say this, his majesty Muriel is not granted the next 15 for sure.

Our beloved king might die at any given moment, and prince Tacito will have to ascend the throne after him." Stella replied.

"Harsh reality man!" Yuuya added.

"Wow...there's so much pressure on Taci! poor thing can't seem to catch a break! Even from my own friends!" Kimberly said to herself, "If I were in his place and heard all of this talk, I would run away! How does a person rule a big kingdom on their own!" She added worriedly.

Suddenly, "You know?..." Agu spoke-up, "I'm not sure prince Tacito is bothered at all by the amount of work he's supposed to do.

He Seems to enjoy it actually, Like his majesty Muriel!" He said.

Kimberly raised an eyebrow at Agu's words, "It's true that he's a workaholic like Muriel is, but I'm still worried about him, Tacito is my friend just like you guys!" Garrick replied.

"Unfortunately, your opinion matters less than you think it does.

This is how life is set for important people like the royals." Agu said.

"Yeah! Unlike us commoners, Those of the noble blood are pressured to live-up to their titles.

Only few lucky ones get to be free, partially at least, like prince Yurei or Ned for that matter!" Stella replied.

"The best part about being a commoner is that nobody cares who you're dating! Both his majesty Muriel and his highness Tacito were lucky that they got mated to his majesty Thorn and his highness Yurei whom are both royals too!

Otherwise, they would've had to have an arranged marriage with some other royals." Yuuya said.

"Speaking of mating and love! The legend says that mating is a rare occurrence, yet there's a handful of people that we know who found Their destined mates! Like Tacito and you Garrick." Stella said, "True!...but isn't unfair? For example, Agu and Yuuya! You guys are soulmates for sure! So how come you're not marked by the legend? And you Stella! You and your husband are so meant to be! Yet you guys aren't marked either!" Garrick replied.

"Honestly if anyone really deserves a mate, it's Kimberly." Agu said.

"Totally!" Yuuya replied, "Abso-fucking-lutely!" Stella said, "Couldn't agree more!" Garrick replied.

Blushing, "Wow...do I really deserve a destined mate?" Kimberly said smiling to herself at the thought of having something special like A mating bond.

"Even though she's famous, she can't seem to find love!" Stella said frowning, "Only if Matilda didn't have a mate! Kimberly would've been already married!" Yuuya replied.

"Don't let Socorro hear you say that." Agu said.

Chuckling, "Maybe we should let Kimberly handle her own love life! She can do it!" Garrick said, "I believe she'll find love on her own, after all she's a catch!" He added smiling.

Touched by his words, "Even in an imaginary world, Garrick has complete faith in me!...That's it! I've made-up my mind! I will find love no matter what! I won't wait for it to come knocking on my door anymore! I have to take the first step sometimes!" Kimberly said feeling fired-up.

...Few minutes later...

"Taci are you here?" Kimberly asked while stepping inside Tacito's bedroom, but the room was empty.

"Taci's room is sure interesting, I didn't mention it earlier because we were busy talking about my powers..." She said as she walked around the room.

Suddenly, Kimberly began hearing voices approaching the room quickly, "Why did you...bring us to...my room...mi amor?" Tacito asked curiously while going inside his room, then he noticed Kimberly.

But since Yurei couldn't see Kimberly, "Obviously for this!" Yurei replied smirking before he closed the door behind them, grabbed Tacito by the waist and started kissing him on the lips.

Kimberly's whole face turned red, "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry I came here without permission!" She whispered apologetically to Tacito.

As Yurei moved his kisses to Tacito's neck, "Yurei...mi amor...wait!" Tacito felt embarrassed since Kimberly was with them in the room, so he tried to gently push Yurei aside to stop him but Yurei didn't seem to catch the hint.

"I...um! I'm really sorry! I'll just get out!" Kimberly said rushing towards the door, she opened it and ran outside, closing the door behind her, which surprised Yurei because he couldn't see her Do that, so he stopped for a second to check the door.

"Did that door open and close on its own?!" He asked.

"No mi amor!...you're just imagining...things." Tacito said Chuckling nervously.

"You seem nervous about something? Are you okay Taci? If you're feeling unwell, we don't have to do this now." Yurei said.

"I'm wondering if...the other Yurei...will consider this...cheating?" Tacito mumbled.

"What are you talking to yourself about?" Yurei asked.

"Oh I just...um I need...to use the... bathroom!" Tacito said.

"Why didn't you say so? Go on baby, I'll be waiting for you here." Yurei replied and went to sit on The bed.

...Few minutes later...

Finally calming down after that embarrassing encounter with Tacito, Kimberly decided to head out and check the palace even more.

So she walked until she made it to the horse ranch, "I bet this is Garrick's favorite place, he sure does love horses!" She said smiling.

As she went inside the stable, she spotted none other than the 11 years old version of Jade, "NO WAY! She's so adorable!" Kimberly squealed at her sight.

Jade had shorter and much messier hair, she wore a rainbow shirt with an oversized overall and a hay-hat, her plastic purple boots were all muddy and dirty as she busily bathed a horse.

"When will my punishment end! Taci is already awake!" Jade whined as she added more soap to the water.

Suddenly, someone else came in, "Good news my little Troublemaker!" Ned said walking into the stable.

Upon seeing him, "MOM!" Jade rushed and jumped on Ned hugging him, "Mom please I don't wanna clean another horse, I'm tired!" She cried.

"You don't have to anymore, I've spoken with Aroon and His majesty, you're free to go now!" Ned replied smiling.

"Thanks Mom! I love you!" Jade replied.

Kneeling down to his daughter's level, "Jade my little gemstone, I want to you to be more careful from now on! You're my daughter, I'll always try to help you out, but I can't do that when you hurt other people." Ned said.

"I swear it was an accident mom! I didn't mean to hurt Taci...I'm just unlucky."

"I know, I know! But for my sake, please try to be more careful, okay!"

"Okay...I promise!" Jade replied sniffling.

"Seems like Ned is very special to Tacito, too.

Garrick mentioned that Ned is quite loving towards his kids...Maybe That's what Tacito likes about Ned." Kimberly said, "Well I guess, I should go explore another area." She added walking away.

...Few minutes later...

Curious about the royal kitchen, Kimberly went inside, the door was slightly open, so she expected to find people there and carefully made her way in.

But eventually, she only found Muriel and Thorn, the two were chatting while Thorn was handfeeding Muriel some spaghetti.

"Wow! He's so pregnant!" Kimberly glanced at Muriel's Belly.

"You're getting closer to giving birth." Thorn said smiling, "To be honest, *chewing* I am not looking forward to having...another triplets." Muriel replied swallowing the food.

"I'm sorry you're going through this all on your own." Thorn said feeding him another bite, "You have been doing a lovely job taking care of me, so no need to apologize sugar." Muriel replied.

"Having children...I never thought about that before, I wonder if being a parent is worth it for me." Kimberly said before she decided to leave again.

But as she was about to, "You know sugar, Taci said something weird when he woke-up." Muriel said.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Thorn asked, "He said he was pregnant!" Muriel replied.

Surprised, "WHAT?!" Thorn accidentally dropped the fork, "Before you go to murder Yurei, Tacito did say he was joking." Muriel said.

Sighing in relief, "You scared me babe! Why didn't you tell me it was a joke first?" Thorn asked While getting another fork.

"It is just that I felt something when he said that...Taci said it so naturally, it did not feel like a joke at first."

"So he's really pregnant?"

"I do not think so! But maybe he wants to be!" Muriel replied, "I understand we're his parents but do we have to talk about our son wanting to be pregnant?" Thorn asked.

"What I am trying to say is, we should get him and Yurei married already! Maybe we can do it this week!

Since Yurei is a beta, it would take 10 times or even more the effort that it would take you and I to make a baby, so If Tacito wants to build a family with Yurei, he should do it under the right circumstances!" Muriel explained.

"As embarrassing as it is to talk about this, I guess you have a point...let's go tell'em what we think." Thorn replied.

...Few minutes later...

With no time to catch her breath, Kimberly came running into Tacito's room, she closed her eyes so she doesn't have to see what she shouldn't, and sneakily Opened the door then went inside.

Kimberly was glad she couldn't see what's going on, because the noise Tacito and Yurei were making, was out of this world.

And since Tacito didn't obviously seem to notice that she was back in his room, Kimberly mustered-up her courage and yelled, "YOUR PARENTS ARE COMING HERE TACI!"

Her scream startled Tacito badly, that he hit his head on the bed board, causing a surprised Yurei to stop.


"Whoa! Are you alright babe?!" Yurei asked, "We need to...stop!...someone is coming!" Tacito replied while catching his breath.

"Who's coming?!" Yurei asked confused.

But before Tacito could even explain.

"YUREI MOTHERFUCKING SPENCER!" Thorn screamed from behind Yurei.