The best Motivation comes from the heart.

...Back at the Valentino house...

The moment Kowa left the library to go continue enchant the house, "Btw why can't you use your ability for too long? You barely used it for few seconds." Nashoba asked.

"My nose would...start bleeding if...I overdo it...And I could...even faint and...enter a coma...of few days." Grey explained.

"Oh! I see, so I suppose you can't use it again right now? Like you have a cool down period too, like Jasper's gift?"

"Yes, I'll probably...get sick if...I use it... again for today."

"Okay, let's talk about something else, so how did you manage to get you past life memories?"

"Well...It's somewhat thanks... to my sickness...Ever since I...was a kid...and until now...there were so...many times sickness almost...killed me...If it wasn't...for Faunus.

The fact I'm...still alive is...a miracle itself.

There would be...days where my...Family members would...think it's my...last day." Grey explained.

"So you're trying to tell me your memories came back because you had multiple near death experiences? I assume one of these experiences was really close to ending you, you ended-up getting your memories back?" Nashoba asked.

"Well...the one I...had that back my... memories...happened around Fernando...actually.

Faunus has no...idea this has...happened back then...but one day...i took the...opportunity that everyone...was away even...Faunus.

I was having...a really bad...time at the...time...I was contemplating...suicide." Grey said looking away.

"I'm sorry to hear that, What happened? Can you tell me?"

"I rarely went...outside because weak health...the family preferred...I stay inside... anyways.

But that day...I have, had...enough...

I wanted to...die but I... didn't wanna die...before I see the... forest surrounding the...mansion...I always die somewhere... beautiful instead bed.

So I decided...that day to...have my first...and last walk... in nature to...feel normal for...once before I...end it all.

i left a... suicide note in...the library then...stole a knife...and went outside.

I walked and...walked...until I got...tired...there was a...nice spot under...a big I sat...and took a...break.

But after a...while I got...up and kept...walking until I...found a lake.

At first I...had planned to...use the knife...but something about...the lake mind so...I went into...the water got deeper...and deeper I...could no longer...stand.

I never to swim...and I would be... peaceful to die...drowning."

Nashoba watched the sickly boy's eyes glistening with tears as he continued telling his story, "When my body...began sinking down...I was first but...with each bubble...of air mouth I...was feeling that...peace I wanted.

My vision was...getting darker until...I fell unconscious...I was finally... Dying." Grey said.

"Then what happened? Did someone save you?"

"Yes...Fernando did.

He saw me...get into the...lake but didn' at first...he thought i... Was he left.

But I was....literally about to...die and he... somehow got a...feeling something was...wrong.

So he eventually...came back and....saw I wasn't...coming out of...the water and...he jumped into...the lake me.

During that time...and because I couldn' felt the times...I died before... unable to breath...due to Fernando's...spell.

So as I...drowned there I...started to remember...everything...turned out that... Fernando had actually...saved my life... each first time...I met my past...lives.

Anyways...By the time...I woke-up my...memories were back...and I was... looking at Fernando's...face."

"I guess it's then when the two of you met and soon after started hooking-up?"

"Yes." Grey nodded, "Although I...should've never...let it happen...again.

However, This was my...first time meeting...Freddie in

And just like...before...i immediately love with...him then shortly...after we started...our friendship with... benefits." Grey explained.

"Fernando saved you over and over, that must mean something?" Nashoba questioned.

"If it did...Freddie never" Grey replied.

"Did you hookup with him in your past lives too?"

"Yes I did...I even stop him...from killing everyone...but I failed."

"But you still didn't tell him how you feel about him? You had no problem hooking-up again with the guy who murdered you but didn't have the balls to tell him that you love him?!"

"Don't make it...seem like it...was easy such thing!

Whether I told...him about my... feelings or not...It wouldn't change...anything...he wasn't with me."

"What makes you so sure...maybe he liked you and didn't realize it?" Nashoba asked.

"That's impossible...It was obvious...who he liked...the only person...he ever cared...about...Lucius." Grey replied.

"But he fell for Garrick later on, that means Freddie had moved on from Lucius at the time, however and although he was supposedly still in love with Garrick, he was begining to fall in love again with Lucius who he met in Derora after Garrick.

But Fernando hadn't realized he was falling in love again with Lucius because he was getting obsessed with the idea of revenge against Ned.

Maybe in your first life, Freddie was starting to move on from Lucius when he met you, but hadn't realized his feelings before he did that spell." Nashoba said.

"Why are you....trying so convince me...there's a chance...that Freddie might...actually like me?!

It's not change anything!" Grey asked.

"It might! Grey, Fernando is already on his path to change, there's a big chance the history might somehow not repeat itself with big brother Ned doing all he can to help Fernando change to the best, but he still need everybody's help, especially the help of those who have love for him.

You can become his anchor!" Nashoba replied.

Confused, "His anchor?!...what am I? bait?" Grey said, "Grey, This life is a new opportunity for Fernando, he's somewhat keeping a clean slate so far!

It could remain clean with the right guidance, so are you willing to overlook everything that happened in your past lives? hoping that in this life both of you could get happiness?" Nashoba asked.

"Do you honestly...believe I can...have that much... impact on him?"

"I do! I believe there's a connection between you two, something that can be stronger if you nurture it.

Listen, I can't pressure you into doing anything you don't want, and if you want you can continue acting like you don't have feelings for him, and I'll act as if this conversation never happened.

But please I hope you consider helping Fernando, big brother Ned is hellbound on helping him, I want to help him as well."

"Why do I...feel like I'm...sacrificing myself so...the world doesn't...end?!"

"Because in a way you're kind of, this isn't an easy choice." Nashoba replied.

"I just I to a way..."

"I know that you feel that way because he saved your life when he didn't have to."

"I honestly don't...understand why he...saved me.

I still can't...believe that I love...turned out a murderer.

I wish i...went with Fernando...when he to leave...the house and...come with him."

Surprised, "I'm sorry what now?!" Nashoba said, "What do you mean he asked you to come with him?!"

"It was weird... Actually...few days before...he did the...spell.

Freddie came to...see me and...he asked if...I would go with...him somewhere but...I told him...I can't just...go without letting...the family know... first.

He got angry...and said that...I had no... problem leaving without... permission to kill... myself but I... suddenly can't leave...with Fernando without... letting the family...know." Grey explained.

"You motherfucker!" Nashoba said.

Surprised, "What?! Why are you...cursing at me?!" Grey asked.

Sighing, "Do you know if he tried to get anybody else to leave?" Nashoba asked.

"I don't know...I didn't if he...did." Grey replied.

"When I first heard about Fernando's story, i was surprised Big brother Ned was helping him, after all the man killed everybody he loved but then big brother Ned told me that when in Derora and before the trap party happened.

it seemed like Fernando was unhappy about Lucius being invited to the party to look after the kids, Ned was sure that by then, Fernando was once again in love with Lucius, but he couldn't realize it because his dark magic possessed him to kill everyone eventually." Nashoba explained.

"So do you... really think that... Freddie was fall before he...did the spell?" Grey asked.

"Yeah! in Derora big brother Ned genuinely believed That Fernando was crushing on Lucius.

Which meant Fernando was already losing his feelings for Garrick, which is also why he was shocked when they brought Lucius to the house he set on fire.

it was obvious he was starting to fall in love again with Lucius, but it was too late to stop anything.

He definitely didn't want Lucius dead that night." Nashoba replied.

"So what now?"

"You said Fernando was angry at you because you refused to leave the mansion, that means he was trying to save your life...I don't know what he planned to do if he got you to leave, but my guess he would have either put you somewhere safe before he did the spell, or maybe he wasn't going to kill everyone had you went with him."

"You mean...he would have...done nothing if...I just went....with him?!"

"I can't be for sure...btw, the second time he attempted that spell, back in England...did you regain your past life memories then too?"

"I did..."

"So you knew he was going to kill everyone, why didn't you warn them?"

"I thought that....was just a...wild dream at... first I had... no idea that...what I saw...was my!...only when it... happened again that...I realized those...were memories not... just a dream." Grey replied.

"That's a little weird but I can see it happening." Nashoba said, "Anyway, if our theory is correct, during the two lives where Garrick didn't exist, Lucius was the guy that Fernando was obsessed with until he met you.

While in Derora, He was obsessed with Garrick then met Lucius." He added.

"So you're say two of...our past lives...Fernando might've love without!" Grey asked.

"And he could be in love with you in this life too!" Nashoba replied.

"That's crazy!" Grey said.

"Yeah and The common problem is him being unable he realize he's in love with someone new quickly."

"Oh God I can't...stop thinking! you really...think he's with me?!" Grey was freaking out.

"Only one way to find out, we need to confront him about it." Nashoba said.

"He would probably...deny it?"

"Maybe, but if we can use your ability on him...we might be able to find out."

"But I can't... overuse my ability...I already on you."

"Which is why we need to find a Way quickly to make you healthier, so you can use that ability of yours without dying on us." Nashoba said.

Grey was now filled with motivation, "Alright...let's do this!...Let's help Freddie!" He replied.

"So that means you're in?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Attaboy, Now that's the spirit!"