Got a secret, can you keep it? p3

"THORN GET AWAY NOW!" Muriel shouted loudly.

Confused Thorn turned around only to see Tacito with his armed hand in the air about to stab him with the wooden leg.


"TACITO STOP!" Muriel shouted again but Tacito wouldn't listen, he brought his hand down quickly but Thorn reacted faster and moved out of the way just in time, Tacito ended-up Nailing the wooden leg into the desk instead.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" A shaking Thorn asked as he faced Tacito with a look of terror on his face.

"HEY! TACITO! Snap out of it please!" Kimberly said desperately, "Tacito, what is the meaning of this! Why would you attack your father?!" Muriel asked while trying to shield Thorn but Thorn wouldn't let him, as the alpha stood in front of his husband making sure Muriel stayed safely behind him.


Surprised, "Who was Bullying who?...what are you talking about Tacito?! Thorn what is Tacito talking about?!" Muriel asked his husband.

Frustrated, "I'm your father Tacito, I was simply being a father! Just because I teased Yurei and joked a little too harshly with him, doesn't give you the right to attack me!" Thorn replied.

"YOU CONSIDER WHAT YOU DID JOKES?! DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF?!" Tacito asked before he grabbed the stuck wooden leg again and yanked it free from the desk.

"Your highness please calm down! Your behavior isn't helping anyone!" Ned spoke-up, "The doctor is right prince Tacito! if there's a problem we should sit down and discuss it like sane adults, Not try to impale people to get a point across! So Put that leg down please!" Socorro said.

"Sit down about it?!...BULLYING DOESN'T GET SOLVED BY SITTING DOWN AND TALKING ABOUT IT!" Tacito yelled again while angrily waving his makeshift weapon, "Your highness I will have no choice but to restraint you if you don't calm down!" Socorro replied.

A now speechless Kimberly was feeling utterly helpless as the situation escalated, she couldn't help but feel confused as to why Tacito was so angry for Yurei's doppelganger sake, that he was willing to try and kill his father's doppelganger.

But what grabbed her attention the most was the other Yurei's deafening silence, he just stood there with wide eyes staring at Tacito.

Turning to Yurei for help, "Hey! Do something!" Ned said but Yurei replied to him with a question, "Is he really Angry for my sake?"

"What do you think?! He's trying to stab his own father! You're the only one who can stop him Yurei!" Ned replied.

"You're right...I am...but..."

"But what?!"

"I don't want to..."

With wide eyes, "You What?!" Ned said.

"This moment right here...I wish it's looped, forever." Yurei replied before he gave a smile that doctor didn't expect, with his whole face now blushing, Yurei smiled like a delighted mad man as he mumbled something, "He's so beautiful! His anger...his rage...his madness is so beautiful!"

"Uh, What the actual...?!" Kimberly mumbled as she looked at Yurei smiling like he lost it.

Suddenly, as if something came over him, this madly smiling Yurei rushed towards Tacito just as Tacito was about to attack his father again.

Before Tacito could lift his armed hand anymore higher, Yurei pulled him down to his level for an unexpected kiss.

With everyone shocked and watching, Yurei kissed Tacito who had his eyes wide Open at first as their lips connected for a good moment before he realized what happened and pulled away from Yurei.

Dropping his weapon, "What are you...doing?!" Tacito asked in confusion.

"You really calmed down, I did that to you, didn't i! I made you calm down didn't I? Hehe!" Yurei said with a nervous yet hopeful chuckle.

"Why did you...kiss me Yurei?!"

"Why did you get angry for me Tacito?"

"How can I...not get angry...when you're my-?!" Before Tacito could finish his words, he realized he might've been out of his mind, Why did he even get mad for this Yurei's sake when he's not even 'His real Yurei'?

Tacito's Actual mate was in another world waiting for him to come back, yet here Tacito was about to murder the doppelganger of his own father because he was bullying the doppelganger of his destined mate.

"You were about to call me your mate...weren't you?" Yurei Whisper-asked, his smile turned into a grin.

" is a...mistake...I must've mind a...Little." Taco replied, "It doesn't have to be a mistake! You're still Tacito, just a different one.

It's only natural that you would act this way." Yurei whispered.

"What are you...trying to say?" Tacito asked but instead of answering him, Yurei turned to face Thorn and Muriel.

"Yes I am a pervert! I'm immature, childish, stupid and irresponsible! A textbook case of bad influence, but I don't care what you think about me anymore Thorn! By the end of this week, I'll be marrying Tacito, after all you and Muriel suggested it, Now didn't you?" Yurei said with full confidence.

"What are you talking about Yurei?!" Muriel asked, "Let's forgot that this has happened, after all both of you had it coming, Tacito was just angry because he loves me.

You didn't know this before but, Thorn have been tormenting me behind your back Muriel, he kept saying how unfit I was for Tacito and was putting his nose in my business all the time, and I didn't say a word to you or complained before today because I actually believed That I was unfit to be Tacito's mate.

But reality is still the same, I am his mate, I was chosen to be his.

I shall question my Worth no more, no matter what you think Thorn, nothing will change the fact that Taci and I belong together, so for the future to be a happy and peaceful one, let's end this charade of the overprotective father.

It's time you understand that Tacito is old enough to take care of himself, and so am I." Yurei spole firmly.

"Thorn, were you really saying these things to Yurei behind my back?" Muriel asked.

Sighing, "I'm sorry...I admit I was way out of line, I shouldn't have treated you that way Yurei, though my intentions wasn't to bully you...

I just wanted someone I could rely on to take care of Taci, as his father I wanted the best for my son, but I couldn't say this out loud because I knew that both Tacito and you Muriel would get angry if I said that I consider Yurei to be a bad partner for Tacito." Thorn replied.

Disappointed, "Thorn! You cannot bully someone just because you do not like them! I am seriously disappointed in you!

And for your informations, Yurei is a great partner for Tacito, I raised him myself!

Yes he has bad qualities." Muriel replied, "But who Does not! Besides Tacito and Yurei are destined mates, you cannot separate them." He added.

Ashamed, "Okay I get...guess I was too angry that Yurei and Tacito turned out to be mates...I knew I can't stop the relationship from happening, so I thought that if I bullied Yurei a little, he's gonna try to be a better person so he'd be Worthy of Tacito." Thorn explained.

Sighing, "Your majesty Thorn..." Socorro said with a slight frown, "I'm sorry ok! I'm guilty of being an idiot, but blame me all you want, I just really want what's best for Tacito!" Thorn stated.

"I have mixed feelings about This." Kimberly said to herself, "No kid is going to appreciate their parents hurting the person they're dating, your majesty." Ned said, "Let alone their destined mate." He added.

"JEEZ cut me some slack all of you! I'm really sorry okay! the truth is I've been looking for a way to apologize to you, Yurei for a while now...I just wasn't brave enough to actually do it." Thorn spoke-up.

"I can tell, and I forgive you." Yurei said surprising them.

Probably the most surprised in them all, "You do?" Tacito asked.

Nodding, "I forgive you as long as you keep your respectful distance away from my relationship with Tacito.

Unless one of us asks for your help, you shouldn't interfere your majesty." Yurei explained.

Smiling, Muriel approached Thorn and placed a gentle hand on his back, "Yurei is absolutely right, sugar.

They are grownups already, and Their relationship is theirs to manage unless we see something wrong happening or get asked to help, we do not have the right to interfere with them.

They are to be married by the end of the week, you have to trust Tacito and Yurei to be able to be a couple." Muriel said.

Sighing deeply, "Thank you for forgiving me Yurei." Thorn stated before he slightly bowed his head in respect.

Suddenly, with the smirk back on his face,"Of course, I have a small condition to actually fully forgive you." Yurei spoke-up.

Annoyed, "What is it?" Thorn asked.

"Tacito and I want to oversee everything ourselves concerning the wedding, so no more you two chaperoning me and him when we're alone, and no more deciding for us.

We'll choose everything ourselves, we'll go to the city together if we have to and do all the shopping necessary, We'll pick everything ourselves, without you two." Yurei replied.

"Without us? Even me?! But why?" Muriel asked.

"I'm sorry but I'm not negotiating here, so do you accept my condition?" Yurei replied.

Muriel and Thorn looked at each for a second before they both nodded, "Fine, it's a deal, for the rest of the week, we'll leave you two alone... it's your wedding after all.

However leaving the castle unprotected is still dangerous, You're royals remember that, so you'll have to take at least Garrick with you." Thorn noted, "But he'll watch over us from a distance, I don't want people to see him being all bodyguard in my personal space." Yurei replied.

"Alrighty then, I shall have everything arranged with Garrick.

However," Muriel said before he turned to Tacito, "You young man, deserve a punishment." He added surprising everyone except Tacito who sighed knowingly.

"I know I...tried to kill...father." Tacito replied.

Displeased, "But Taci was only doing this for my sake!" Yurei protested, "I agree with his highness, Your majesty... besides from my medical standpoint, I believe prince Tacito is still overwhelmed, he hasn't been himself since he woke-up from his coma after that fall, so he's not acting completely on his own volition." Ned said in Tacito's defense.

"I disagree, he has still tried to kill His Majesty Thorn, a crime which under different circumstances, would be punishable by death, however considering the odd circumstances of This incident, I believe prince Tacito should apologize first to his father, then we decide a more lenient punishment for him.

Although I personally suggest that prince Tacito is sentenced to a mandatory solo dishes duty for the rest of the week until his wedding day." Socorro suggested.

"Cleaning during his wedding preparation week?!" Kimberly gasped, "Socorro is unusually cruel!" She added.

Regretful, "I don't do any...Dishes!...I'm really sorry...father for!" Tacito spoke-up, he hated doing chores especially kitchen ones, he wasn't feeling like spending his remaining days here doing dishes.

"No need to punish him, I deserved what happened." Thron stated, "No you did not sugar!

However and although, kitchen duty is good punishment...considering all circumstances.

You will have a different less harsh punishment, Tacito." Muriel replied.