
Vera's POV

Dan opened the door and a bell signaled their arrival at the dressmaker's shop. He gestured for her to go ahead and she accepted with a nervous smile. Wondering if they could pull off pretending to be lovers or if people would just laugh them off as silly kids paying pretend or suspicious strangers bad at there own con.

When the door shut behind Dan she looked to him and he gave her a small nod of encouragement as he took off his hood, she did the same displaying her hair scarf and feminine face. Dan guided her to the counter were a middle-aged woman sat stitching away at some unfinished project. She looked back up and studied them.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, we've just traveled a long way to be married at the temple of the spirits and my bride is in need of some new clothes, something nice she can wear for the ceremony and special occasions, and a few sets of everyday ware fit for travel."