First of Oliver I

I am currently here inside the apartment of Mr. Red Wright or we can call him Jesse Peters.

Yeah, I already knew that he is the Jesse Peters I know.

“This cake is really great” I complimented him.

I saw him blush a bit and he bowed his head too low for me to see his whole reaction. He sliced the cake for himself and eats the cake baked.

So cute. His cuteness is still not leaving him even if it is still 10 years ago of being away.

I want to ask him too many things but I think that he didn’t even remember me anymore. His friend Matthew also, I thought he will recognize me but the first time we meet again since then, I think he doesn’t remember me at all.

Since Jesse transferred abroad, Matthew didn’t talk to me anymore. I honestly have no idea why Jesse transferred school, but I know he can still recall a friend from 10 years ago if I will continue to talk to him.

“Say Mr. Wright is baking your hobby?” I asked.

I stared at him and he stare back.

“Nope, I actually asked a help from a professional to bake it” He answered and continue to eat his cake.

I just nodded and continue eating.

We just ate the cake in silence. Only the sound of clattering fork and knife can be heard through the whole room.

I can’t stop myself from staring at him and luckily he didn’t notice it. Jesse is so small and the type of guy who you will mistake as a girl. I actually almost didn’t recognize him in our first meeting 10 years ago but the second time I realize it was a friend from high school.

I remembered Jesse is the only person who always talked to me when we are in the library. I am amused at him because he is bored just by talking to me. He always supports me in my studies and accompanies me the whole time in the library. It actually made me happy but in a weird way and I don’t know how to explain it.

“Do I have dirt on my face?” I didn’t notice that he is looking at me with a weird look.

“I am sorry I am thinking about something,” I told him.

“What? Your girlfriend or something?” He teased me but I can clearly see his hurt face. Why?

“I don’t have a girlfriend, and it is something that you really don’t know” I smiled at him and continue eating.

“Okay, I just thought you have,” He said sounding like he was relieved.

“You, do you have someone you are currently dating?” I asked.

It’s not something private right.

“I don’t have and I actually planning not to have any lover” He answered.

I just made a ‘wow’ expression and nodded at him and it seems like he really is devoted to his work.

“Aren’t you curious about how it feels to fall in love?” I asked him. Well everyone has the right to love though.

“I felt it years ago but it fades because I got scared and now I only remembered how it hurts so I don’t want to fall in love again and why the heck am I telling you this?” He laughs and rubs his temple.

He stands up from his seat and grabs our plate because we finish eating our cake.

“Hey, I’ll help you” I volunteered.

“Nope, just go to your own room and rest, you still have work tomorrow right?” He shouted because he is the kitchen.

“Okay then I’m off” I answered him but he didn’t reply so I arranged my things and left his room.


I am inside my own room and Jesse still not leaving my mind. It is just like before and the other day, I am always thinking of him.

I started to unbutton my shirt and throw it in the laundry basket beside the washing machine. I walk inside the bathroom and start to wash.

I am really exhausted but I feel relieved that we are not talking awkwardly, well maybe I am the only one thinking that way because he constantly looking away and always blushing.

I am done washing so I change into my nightwear.

“Agh, I’m thirsty” I mutter to myself.

I forgot to drink water after eating the cake so I am in the thirst mode.*chuckle*

I fetch myself a bottle of water and drink it and when I turn around I saw the manuscript that Mr. Wright (Jesse) gave to me.

I went closer to the table and read it.

I am aware that he is a romance writer but his works always end with tragedy. Why?

I don’t know if he has had a relationship in the past that didn’t work out or maybe he is not a fan of the romantic ending?

Honestly, the thoughts of Jesse having a lover made my chest hurt a bit.

But even so he should have a reason for how he writes this way. There is a famous saying among writers, right? That the fantasies and the thoughts of writers reflecting on their stories.

I do have 5 years of experience in editing but this is the first one I handle such a heartbreaking story.

Anyway, I arrange this stuff and tucked myself into bed.

I close my eyes and let the darkness eats my consciousness.

The next Day

I am now inside the building where I work.

“Good morning sir” an employee greeted me.

“Morning” is Just my usual answer.

Then I walk away and went straight to my office. Before that, I stop in the front of vending machine and take a coffee.

I took it and straight head to my own seat at the office.

I scan the whole place and they are already busy with work. I take my seat and started to scan the mountains of files in my desk.

While checking the manuscripts of the authors, I heard one of my subordinates answer a telephone call.

“Yes, this is RayRead Company” –Flynn (my subordinate)

I saw his eyes widen and I can’t help but look at him.

“Okay, okay… can’t you do away or do something about this? …Huh?... Yeah, okay okay…” He said panicking then he ended the call and sighed

“Why? What happened?” I asked him because it seems bad news.

He looked at me full of worries.

“Ms. Green got ill and can’t finish his work but the printer is waiting for the next manuscript and hers is in the line,” he said.

“I’ll go to her house and ask her to do more if she can,” I said and Flynn only nod.

“Ms. Jean, can you accompany me to Ms. Green’s house?” I asked Alexandra Jean, one of my workmates and my friend.

“Okay,” She agreed and we continue to work on our current task.

The day passed by like usual.

I finish some of the manuscripts and we bid goodbye to each other, but my work is not ending as of now. I still have to go to Ms. Green’s house to check her work.

“Let’s go!” Alexandra yelled and she almost grabbed my arm and cling to me but I manage to sway my arm.

“Don’t forget that we are still working, I am still your boss” I said.

She pouted but smiled after.

“Okay!” She replied like a child.

I smiled at her and we enter my car. I drove in silence because she is not talking. Well, it is a good thing that she is not talking because when she does she will never stop and it is really irritating.

I saw Ms. Green’s house I park my car in the rear parking area.

I tap the doorbell and it buzzes. The gate was opened by a woman wearing a super thick jacket and a face mask. She is sneezing and coughing too, she does really have a high fever.

“Sorry for bothering you but this is an important matter.” I seriously told her.

“Yeah, Come inside” She let us inside and we went in.

She put a great distance between us but it is okay, for safety too.

We discuss the manuscript and she said she hired an assistant to help her in the novel. We do talk only about work and Alexandra is quiet though she asked a few questions. We agreed to about 3 days of rest and then she will start to write again.

After we finish the business talk we bid our goodbyes and went inside the car.

“You really are great” Alexandra complimented me.

I hummed in response and I drove in silence once again.

After a few hours, we reach her condominium and I park it outside of the entrance. Our buildings are close by each other and actually but I don’t want her to let her in my car every day when we go to work.

“Would you like to have some coffee inside?” She asked me but I shook my head sign that I don’t want to. She only smiled and headed inside the building. I don’t want someone to misinterpret

Yeah, I remembered there is a convenience store near this building so I went outside and I walk to the store.

But when I was about to enter the store I saw Jesse and he averted his gaze and walk fast to our own building. He is in such a hurry but why though? Did he forget about something?

I forgot about my coffee and enter my car again then I drove it and parked it inside the parking area.

I don’t know but I do have a bad feeling about it.

I followed him but he kept on walking faster until we reach the elevator.

“Mr. Wright is there a problem?” I don’t know why I asked but I do have a bad feeling about it.

I was about to touch him but he flinches and hugged himself so I was taken aback.

“Nothing” He answered me but the tone of his voice is weird. Is he angry?

The elevator opened and he immediately walks outside so I also exit the elevator.

I didn’t catch him and I just saw him enter his room and close the door with a no-so-loud-but-powerful bang.

I left here outside clueless…