First of Rick II

I comb my hair using my own hand and I look to the side while sitting in a lazy manner. Then I heard the flash of the camera, it flashes so many times that I think it is more than 10 times.

“Okay different pose!” The cameraman said.

So I diligently obey and I stand then I look at the camera with a fierce look. My hand is on my pocket and I twist my body from the side to change the angle while the cameraman is just clicking his camera.

“Okay, we’re done,” The cameraman said and he puts down his camera.

The staff gives me water and I drink it.

Argh so tiring! I don’t know if I can last long again. Am I getting older and I can already feel the pain of the oldies? But I am just only 26. Photoshoots are tiring but acting is more brutal that is why I quit my part in the drama where Matthew Styles are in. I am actually his best friend there and not Chryss but the role of the character is not some so I decided to decline.