Chapter Eight

Macy had just returned from delivering drafts of three of Andrew's novels to the printing department. And when she opened her office, she saw a bag she recognized too well sitting on the sofa. It’s Marcus' bag. Then she turned to her desk and didn't see Gil at his desk. Macy took a deep breath.

Ken has arrived, apparently.

Then she walked in and closed the door slowly. Macy walked to her desk and saw that there were some new manuscripts coming in. After putting down her bag, she prepared to continue her pending work.

After putting on her glasses, Macy took one script and began to examine it seriously and thoroughly. Every now and then she marks some parts that need improvement. Her hands moved spontaneously to make some remarks. Because she's been doing this for more than five years, it is now a little bit easy for her to quickly notice a mistake.

Macy sighed as she turned the page. However, her body suddenly stiffened while she was reading a paragraph of the script.

Oh, Macy didn't realize that before. She quickly looked at the cover of the script and saw the title listed. Wildest Dream of a Woman. Then she read the short synopsis of the script and cursed softly.

Oh, shit!

She really didn't realize it before when she agreed to the script. She put down her pen and pressed the intercom button.

“Henry, can you come to my room for a moment?”

"Right away, ma’am."

Macy took a deep breath and stared at the script closely. Soon, Henry entered her office and stood in front of her.

The Editor glared at him. "When did this script come in?"

Henry frowned and looked at the script that Macy was referring to. "Two days ago. What's the matter, ma’am?"

“Uhm… I personally gave the approval to choose this script?”

Henry nodded. “Aren't all the new manuscripts that will be published chosen directly by you? You read all the synopsis of the manuscript and select some titles for further processing.”

Macy sighed. "I know. But… isn’t this story too explicit? I mean, it’s too detailed, too…” she pauses. She didn’t know how to describe what she had just read.

"Ah… actually, we are also surprised that you agree, ma’am. But during that meeting, you said that the storyline of the script… err, do you want to cancel it, ma’am? I haven't contacted the author yet. So…"

Macy took off her glasses and rubbed her face. Oh, two days ago? It seems that on that day, she was working on some papers. Macy herself did not know what happened that day exactly. She doesn't even remember some conversations with her other coworkers.

It was because of what happened the day before.

Stop it, Macy Cruz! Ugh!

“So, ah, ma’am? Do you want to cancel this story?” Henry asked again.

Macy took a deep breath. "No need. This manuscript will continue. But maybe… we need to be more careful. Who is in charge of being the editor for this manuscript?”

“Ah… The script is held by senior Jino.”

"Oh. Okay. Thanks, you can now go back to work."

Henry nodded and walked out of the room. Macy groaned softly. She really had made a big mistake.

She can’t help but think of the reactions of the directors once she brings the list of titles for new manuscripts to be published. St. Haven may never discriminate against manuscripts of this genre. But if any manuscript is selected, they usually go through several special stages before it is actually published.

Macy stared at the script closely. With another breath, she put her glasses back on and continued examining the script.


David put some documents that he finished checking into his bag then turned to Andrew who was just lazing at his desk. The man lay his head on the table while staring at his phone. And he

just stays like that.

It's been three hours since David came to the studio. He doesn't know what his cousin is thinking right now. It felt like he had been acting like this ever since the aphrodisiac incident.

Well, regarding that incident, Andrew didn't say much about what happened after David delivered the Editor's car keys. However, seeing his cousin who hasn't written since that day made the Agent think again.

"Andrew..." David said, calling his cousin’s attention.

Andrew just mumbled softly.

"You didn't write again today? It's been three days," said David.

The Writer put down his phone and sighed. "No idea," he muttered curtly.

David sighed softly. Then he stood up and walked over to Andrew's desk and looked closely at his cousin's face.

“Hey… what are you thinking?”

"It’s nothing… nothing for you to be bothered about." Andrew took a deep breath. He just stared at his hands.

Shit! Andrew, since when did you become a pervert like this?!

He then groaned softly in frustration while hiding his face in his arms. David's eyebrows rose when he saw the Writer's expression.

“Hey… no way… you're not…” Well, looks like David can guess what Andrew has been thinking for the past few days. “Yaaaaah! Andrew Coangco!" he shouted loudly.

Suddenly, Andrew raised his head and looked at his agent warily. “What?! What?" he replied.

"Hey, you! Oh my God… Andrew, she's your editor, for fucking sake!”

"What?! What are you talking about? Do you really think I'm fantasizing about it?! Are you crazy?" Andrew shouted defensively.

David snorted. “But that's what you were thinking, isn't it? About what happened that day. You didn't tell me how it ended."

"What is there to tell?! You already know what I did. In fact, it was your idea! Yes, it is your fault!”

“Well, my idea was for you to help her solve her problem at that time. Help her, then after that forget it! But for these three days you didn't do anything. You don't talk much either. All day in the studio you just daydream, eat then daydream again and then come home. Tch… I don't even want to know what you're doing in your house,” said David as he shook his head while he was eyeing his cousin suspiciously.

Andrew's eyes widened. “Yaaaah! I said I don't fantasize about it! You are making me like I am a


"Up to you! I don't care, it's your personal matter. Oh yeah, the new bed has arrived?” asked David, letting his cousin off the hook.

Andrew laid his head back on the table. "It arrived yesterday. What are you going to do with my old bed?”

"Why are you even asking what I am going to do? Did something else happen besides you giving Editor Cruz a…” the Agent didn’t have a chance to finish what he was about to say because he became busy shielding himself with the mug Andrew was aiming to throw at him with a sharp glare, if David may add.

On the other hand, Andrew put the mug that’s on his hand down on his table again. He was tired of having this kind of dumb argument with David. “If you keep on babbling like that, you better get your ass out of here!”

His Agent chuckled. “Why are you kicking me out? I want to stay here for a little bit longer.”

Andrew sighed. “Do what you want. Just don’t forget to turn off the lights and the aircon before you leave.” He reminded his cousin.

“Are you going to buy lunch for us?” David asked as he saw Andrew getting up from his chair.

“Buy your own lunch! I'll go shopping and then go home," said Andrew.

"Oh. Then, let's go together! I just remember I need to buy some personal things this week."

Andrew rolled his eyes. He doesn’t have any idea why he kept this idiot by his side. "Five minutes and I will leave you behind.”

David then started to turn off the lights and the aircon. He also checks if the faucets are all turned off before he fixes his clothes and looks at his cousin again. "But seriously, Andrew. Did anything happen to you that day? I guess you wouldn't be like this if you just helped her, right? You… couldn't possibly do that, could you?”

Andrew closed his eyes. Suddenly regretting that he agreed on going out with David. He was fed up with his Agent’s sexual assumptions about what happened that day. “Shut the fuck up, David!” he said as he slammed the door hard.


Andrew looked at Macy with his head down. Well, anyone would feel awkward if someone you just met touched you sensually. Especially when you are doing a project together. Andrew exhaled slowly then he grabbed a large towel he was carrying. Then he slung it over Macy's shoulder to cover her naked body.

“I'm really sorry, Editor Cruz.”

The Editor slowly raised her head to look at Andrew. Her face was still red and wet with sweat and tears. Instinctively, the Writer stretched out his other hand – not the hand that had touched the woman – then gently stroked her cheek. The Editor’s breath stopped for a moment given the

distance between them is too close.

Just then, Andrew realized what he was doing. It felt like giving out such affection would only make their situation after this even more awkward. Moreover, they still have to work together for three of his novels.

Slowly, he pulled his hand away from Macy’s face. He then exhaled and turned his gaze the other way – as if he had never done so. However, the Editor still looked at him so closely.

Andrew cleared his throat slowly as he glanced at her briefly from time to time. Macy, who didn't say anything, made Andrew not know what to do.

“I… uhm…” Andrew started then looked back at the woman. "I'll prepare clothes for you," he muttered.

But when he was about to stand up, Macy grabbed his wrist. He blinked a few times looking at the Editor. It seemed the woman wanted to say something to him. So, he decided to sat back down. The distance between them hasn't changed – still too close for Macy to smell Andrew's scent. And that made her start to lose her mind again.

Oh? Could it be that the effects still haven't completely disappeared?

Macy –mentally– slapped herself to stay awake. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

“My bag. In my bag, you can find my apartment unit key card. You can get my clothes."

Andrew suddenly glanced at Macy's bag which was on the floor. "Oh, okay. I'll get it."

Then the Editor let go of Andrew's wrist. And somehow, he felt a little regretful about it.
