Chapter Eleven

Macy read Henry's last editing before the young Editor would submit a print proposal to the printing and marketing department. She mumbled softly then turned the last page. She looks quite satisfied with the results of Henry's editing.

She raised her head and looked at Henry who looked anxious. The Editor smiled faintly and then returned the draft to Henry. “You can submit the proposal. But remember, make sure that the number of first prints must match the target."

"Thank you, ma’am!" said Henry as he took the draft with relief written all over his face.

Frankly, Henry is still a fairly new Editor. Although he had been working at St. Haven for some time now, he rarely handles a novel alone. This is his third experience being the main Editor of a novel. For the sales of the previous two novels, Henry did quite well. And because of that reason, Macy this time entrusted three novels to him. Although, she always reminded Henry to ask his seniors about the difficulties he experienced in editing a novel draft.

Henry then returned to his desk to prepare the proposal that Macy said. Meanwhile, the Editor-in-chief returned to the other editors' desks to check and supervise their work.

Oh, because of what happened last weekend at the printing press, Macy reminded all her employees to be more careful and determine the number of prints for each novel they handle.

They have to make several confirmations to the printing department so that the number of prints is in accordance with the previously agreed results. Honestly, she didn't want to be bothered like that again. Especially when it's night and she is with her son.

She stopped right at Gil's desk. She glanced at the draft of Ken’s novel and a proposal for the printing process. Well, it looks like the man's new novel is going pretty well. Macy had read the draft several times. Of course, Writer Reyes will never disappoint his readers.

Except for her…

“Head Editor…”

Macy turned and saw Gil who had just returned. "Oh, you're back."

Gil nodded. He knew that Macy must have seen Ken Reyes' final draft. “Ma’am, for the proposal for the printing process of Writer Reyes’ novel, the marketing department asks you to discuss the number of the first printing. They are likely to increase by about twenty percent the number of first prints of the last novel we released.”

“Twenty percent? But hadn't the printing press already said that they would not print more than forty-five thousand copies for the first print? Even for the first printing of Writer Coangco's novel, the printing press has already refused to print more than fifty thousand, right?” Macy said.

Gil sighed. "That's what I also said, ma’am. I've spoken to Manager Jang to pick up forty-five thousand in the first print, then another forty thousand in the second. But he still insists on increasing it up to twenty percent.”

Macy gently massages her forehead. Oh, she's been too lazy to negotiate with the marketing department to decide on the number of first prints. Writer Reyes is probably the main author of St. Haven but with the number of novels they put out for this month alone, the printing department was already starting to complain that there were too many. Especially with the main focus of St. Haven for Author Coangco’s upcoming novel trilogy promotions. She didn't want to take the printing press outside St. Haven just to fulfill the wishes of the marketing department.


“Just ask for forty-five thousand. Stay on top of previous meeting results. If the marketing department asks you to change the amount, tell them to negotiate with the printing department to increase the amount they want. We've been busy with dozens of novels that should be out in the near future, haven't we?” The Editor said firmly.

Gil nodded. "Noted, ma’am. Then how about Author Coangco's novel trilogy promotion plans?"

“Who in marketing and PR is in charge of that?”

“Err… maybe Hailey and Jen's team. I'll ask them first."

Macy nodded slightly. “Ask them, then set up another meeting with Agent Lee to time his promotions.”

"Okay, ma’am."


Andrew raised his glasses which were down.

A little awkwardly, he smiled faintly at everyone who was watching him. Hell, how can his Agent ask him to meet in such a crowded place like this. Jeez, maybe he should have stayed in the studio and continued the new chapter of his novel. The Writer barely wrote for five days and he could have deviated from the specified deadline.

It is likely that Andrew will be in Manila for only five to six months during the promotion period for his novel trilogy, before he decides to move back to another country. And during that time, he plans to finish a new novel.

“Hey… act naturally,” said David who was carrying a tray containing two cups of coffee with two sandwiches. The man put the tray in front of him and took a chair opposite the writer.

“Shouldn't you be used to all the attention you are getting since you're a famous writer. It doesn't even look like you behave like this when you live in another country."

Andrew took a cup of coffee and drank it slowly. "That's different," he muttered. “In other countries, they just glance at me and then walk away. But here it feels more stifling.”

The Writer has not been back in Manila for a long time – especially after his name became famous. If in other countries, he is not that noticeable, it is very different in Manila. It felt like every time he stepped on the street even if he was just going to one of the shops, everyone would notice him and a lot of people would follow him around.

All of this made it hard for him to breathe.

Obviously, he is also always presented with dozens of cellphones that are taking photos or maybe videos of him at this time. Then they will upload it to social media. Honestly, he doesn’t think he will be used to it.

“Well… hold on for six months. Especially when the time that your novel is out. Maybe it will be much crazier than this,” said David who then took a bite of his bacon sandwich.

Andrew just snorted. He has no desire to eat. Heck, how can you eat in peace when you're being watched so closely by a stranger you don't even know? It feels like he wanted to ask the security officers to expel these people. But it is not possible. This is a café, a public place first and foremost, and they were most likely paying diners like him. He can't be selfish to ask the café security to evict people just because they are making him uncomfortable.

The Writer then watched his cousin who was eating so voraciously in front of him. "Hey, David Lee..."

David raised his head and looked at his cousin. "What?" he asked with his mouth full.

"About the next move,"

David's brows furrowed. He swallowed his food first. “Andrew, you haven't been here for a month, but you are already talking about your next move-”

“Listen to me first! For my next move, find a quiet and serene place. I want to take a hiatus first after promoting here," Andrew said slowly and in a low voice. Well, this is a crowded place, he can't talk so freely.

But he needed to talk about that wish now.

"Hiatus? You are not the type of Writer who asks for a hiatus after the promotion. May I know why?”

Andrew touched his cup of coffee and stared at the black liquid closely. "It’s nothing. I just want to rest for a while. Maybe I can also concentrate more on the next novels.”

David became silent for a while. Well, his cousin doesn't often say that he wants to take a break from all the routine of promoting novels and all that stuff. But sometimes, there are some events that will trigger him to take the hiatus decision. The last time the Writer was on hiatus was approximately three years ago. Coincidentally after the incident he was admitted to the hospital due to the actions of one of his fans.

Could it be because of what happened to Editor Cruz, he again made the same decision?


The man just mumbled without looking at his Agent.

“This has nothing to do with what happened, does it?”
