Chapter Fifteen

Even though the doctor said that the results of the examination were not too serious, Macy had to rest for a few days. In addition, the doctor also gave her some medicine to relieve the pain from the impact. Oh... Macy also has a bluish bruise on her back. The doctor said she was lucky because the impact was not too hard. If not, she might be paralyzed.

Oh hell, it really made Andrew have a bad day.

And why not? It is because of him, that the editor could be threatened with paralysis. Maybe at that time, he didn't need to be so hard on pushing the woman.

"You’re feeling guilty, are you?" asked Macy, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Andrew, who pushed the wheelchair, just sighed. “No need to say it outright, right? You could be


"But I'm not paralyzed.” Macy immediately countered before she added, “It's just that the pain is a little unbearable,"

Andrew glanced at the woman then snorted softly. The woman always talks like that. He doesn't know if her personality is really like that or she's just being nice to him, too nice sometimes, in fact. Because he is a client of St. Haven.

“Stop being like that, Editor Cruz. We both know that it was my fault. Just like what happened to

you before. About the drink from those fans."

Macy became silent this time while Andrew took a deep breath. Well, maybe he shouldn't have brought it up. However, the woman’s attitude made him couldn't stand it. He doesn't think that anyone can endure so much trouble because of one person and always says that it's not that person's fault.

This made him wonder what Macy actually was like.

"Did you also act like this when you were having problems with your ex-husband?" asked Andrew.

The question made Macy look up slightly. "Why do you ask?"

"Because it seems, even though you two are divorced, your ex-husband still cares about you very much. Just before we went to the hospital, he actually came to pick up some of your son's clothes. He thinks that you have gone to work. But I said that you had a bit of an accident. So, he intended to see your condition but I managed to refrain him from doing so,”

Macy did not give any response until they had arrived at the entrance of the hospital. Andrew stopped the wheelchair and was about to go get the car so Macy doesn't have to walk to the parking area.

"Wait here. I'll just take the car."

But the woman pulled his jacket sleeve. "No need. I can walk.”

Andrew sighed. “But your back still hurts from walking. Moreover, the doctor also told you not to walk for six hours until the medicine really works."

"It’s just a five-minute walk. The parking area isn't even far.”

Hell, Andrew has never met anyone more stubborn than her. “Macy, do you want to be sick for a long period of time? I know you won't be able to stay at home for a week on the doctor's advice. I'm sure, tomorrow you will definitely force yourself to go to the office. I won't forbid you, but at least for the day let your body rest properly. Give it the proper rest it deserves."

Macy pulled her hand from the sleeve of Andrew's jacket. She didn't dismiss all of the man's words earlier. Honestly, she was so annoyed when the Doctor forced her to rest for a week. Hell, currently she is having a lot of work so she can’t afford to do that. If she doesn't come in for a week, then…

"Carry me."

Andrew's eyebrows rose. "What?"

"Carry me, either bridal style or on your back. It doesn’t matter. That would be much better, wouldn't it? Instead of me walking or waiting for you here. Just carry me," Macy said.

Andrew exhaled and rubbed his face in frustration. But then he crouched down in front of Macy – showing his back. The woman smiled faintly then she easily moved from the wheelchair to Andrew's broad back. After holding the woman's body, he then stood up and walked towards the parking area.

Not really minding about the gazes of those who see them.


Hani pressed the button on Macy's apartment doorbell. But she got no response or whatsoever. Since the woman just disconnected her phone, she immediately canceled several appointments she had with some of her clients so she could go to her friend’s apartment.

However, it seems that Macy is not at home.

"Did she go to the hospital? But with whom?” Hani muttered.

The Lawyer then took out her cellphone to call Macy. She just wanted to make sure that the woman was in good condition. After a few rings, Macy finally answered the phone.


Hani sighed. "Where are you? Did you really go to the hospital? All by yourself?"

“I went with my neighbor. We're already in the elevator."

Hani's eyebrows rose. "With your neighbor?"

Then she heard the sound of the elevator opening on the floor. She then walked towards the

elevator without disconnecting the phone.

"Oh, why?"

Hani immediately closed her gaped lips, the reaction from what she saw. Macy was being carried by a man. Then she snorted when the woman saw her. The man smiled. Suddenly she disconnected the connection. Well, it seems that her friend's condition is much better than when she contacted her earlier.

"What happened to you?"

The man who was holding her friend walked closer. Hani watched him carefully. It was as if she had seen that figure before. But what was more surprising was that the man was carrying Macy on his back.

"A little bump. It's not that bad," Macy answered.

Andrew felt like saying what the doctor had explained before, but he didn't want to interfere. After all, he didn't know the woman in front of them. So, he just let Macy do the talking. He then walked towards Macy’s unit door and the woman followed him.

"The code numbers?" he asked quietly.

Macy sighed. "1504."

Andrew's brows furrowed. Behind them, Hani grumbled.

"You haven't even changed the door code," the Lawyer said.

1504 is Macy's apartment unit number. Hell, how could she use her unit number as a door code?

Andrew immediately changed the door code of his unit after the building finished his buying business. But he didn't say anything. With one hand holding Macy's body, his other hand pressed the door code number. The door opened and he walked in with Macy still on his back. Likewise, with Hani who closed the door behind them.

"It's because of Marcus. He already remembers the number well, if I change it again…” Macy sighed. “Can you guys make fun of me later? Andrew, just on the sofa."

Hani creased her forehead. Andrew? Oh, now she remembers the man. Andrew Coangco, a famous writer. Well, she didn't know that Macy was close to the guy – considering that he had just arrived in Manila less than a month ago.

"But the doctor said..."

"On the couch, Andrew!" Macy said again firmly.

Having no other choice but obeyed, he walked towards the living room and positioned himself so that Macy could immediately sit on the sofa. Andrew released his arms slowly and helped the woman to sit up. Jeez, now his back hurts. But again, he didn’t dare to say anything.

Andrew then looked at Macy thoroughly then turned to the woman who was standing not far from them. The woman is looking at him intently. He sighed.

"I'm going back to my apartment in a bit. I'll be back when you guys are done talking. Oh yes, there is porridge in the kitchen," said Andrew who then turned to the Lawyer. "Macy hasn't eaten yet so please prepare it."

Hani's eyebrows shot up and Macy grumbled in annoyance. But he just shrugged his shoulders. He patted Macy's head lightly and walked towards the door. Meanwhile, Macy stayed still when Andrew patted her head. She didn't even notice that Hani was already sitting on the other sofa and looking at her suspiciously.

“Can you explain to me since when the famous writer Andrew Coangco became your neighbor? And it seems that you two are quite familiar with each other," Hani started.

Macy leaned her back. "About two weeks ago? I also didn't know that he moved into the apartment unit in front of me. In addition, St. Haven will publish three of his novels.”

“Ah… because of work, apparently.”

She glanced at Hani. “Did you come here just for that?”

"Not really. I was just surprised when I saw Andrew Coangco holding you. Especially with the collision that you said was not severe. It seems like he doesn't agree with that. Was he involved in the crash?”

Oh, Macy didn't like it the most when her friend started asking questions like that and how sharp Hani is given that the woman is a Lawyer.


Hani rolled her eyes. She then stood up and walked to the kitchen. She saw a food container filled with porridge on the counter table.

"Okay, I won't force you to tell me anything for now. But believe me, I will make you say it willingly, Macy. You should eat. I'll warm up the porridge first."

Macy closed her eyes. "Up to you."
