Chapter Sixty Four

Andrew turned the wheel.

After his confession to David regarding that night, he decided to return to the apartment. And since David also doesn't react much to his carelessness, he doesn't know what his cousin is thinking.

Still focused on driving, he took a deep breath. Oh, somehow this time his stay in Manila was so tiring. Andrew feels so trapped that sometimes he finds it difficult to breathe. Maybe because the problems that have been hidden for a long time are now being revealed one by one. Especially with Macy's presence.

Previously, when he was still living in Europe, he had never experienced a situation like this.

Maybe because there's no Macy there.


Andrew didn't know how his relationship with the editor changed so fast. At first, he even had a pretty cold reaction. David even thought that he was too much because at that time he thought Macy was a little 'weird'. Then how come now he can't let go of the woman in his mind?