Chapter Ninety Three


Marcus’ voice woke Ken. After Gil closed the door, he was lost in thought. He felt a little weird about Macy's reaction – and that included Gil and Writer Coangco's attitude. In the past, Ken might not often pay attention to his ex-wife's every expression, but because of what happened a few minutes ago, he came to realize something.

When Gil came to tell that Writer Coangco was coming but just left without meeting Macy, the woman immediately went to chase him. Without even looking at him. Macy didn't even seem to hesitate to chase the writer.

"Daddy...!" exclaimed Marcus again; a bit upset because he seems to be ignored.

Ken turned to his son, who was looking at him curiously. Maybe because he had been daydreaming for too long. "Yes, dear?"

"Today..." the boy looked back at his workbook. "May I stay at Daddy's house?"