Chapter Ninety Nine

Andrew couldn't hold himself back anymore. He couldn't just wait in the apartment without this kind of clarity. Hani Kim also did not give him any news. He has tried to contact and send messages, but there is no response from the lawyer. He doesn't know where the lawyer went to look for Macy. He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost ten o'clock and there was still no news.

Now, he had decided. He got up from the couch and went to his room to put on his black jacket, baseball cap and take out his car keys. In his trouser pocket, he made sure to carry his cellphone and wallet. Without turning off the living room light, he immediately left his unit to look for Macy. Even though he didn't know where to go.

In the elevator, he tried to contact the lawyer again. To confirm whether the woman is still looking for Macy or has received further news. But, again, the lawyer seemed to ignore all of his calls.

The writer cursed softly.