Chapter One Hundred Twelve

Hani glanced at Macy who was just silently staring at the road – looking at all the passing vehicles. Ten minutes ago, she came to St. Haven to pick her up.

The editor sent a message early in the morning that she was coming to the police station to give a statement about last week's events.

Not wanting to make the woman change her mind again, she immediately came to St. Haven. Even though Macy had already made up her mind, Hani knew that the woman would reconsider what action she should take. So, she rearranged some appointments with some of her clients.

Macy didn't give any reaction when she saw that Hani was waiting for her. She just told her that she had some things to take care of before they could go to the police station. However, the whole time the lawyer was waiting, she noticed the change in Macy's attitude. The woman looked somber. Maybe because yesterday was a social service employee's observation, so she felt a little worried and upset.
