Special Chapter Two

“Mrs. Coangco is resting now, you can bring her home in two hours’ time after she completes her drip.” The doctor explains to an agitated looking Andrew.

“She and the baby’s fine, right?” he asked.

“They are for now.” The doctor replied gravely. “Pregnancy drives blood pressure up so it is advisable not to agitate the expectant person. There is no telling how much stress she can take.”

Andrew realized that he is shaking from the loss of adrenaline, “Thank you. We’ll be more careful.”

Macy is resting with her eyes closed. The rush of blood had ceded and all that’s left is a deathly pallor. Andrew sat down as quietly as he could but his wife’s eyes peel open upon sensing his presence.

“L-love…” his voice shakes. He felt guilty, sorry, worried, and angry all at the same time and he isn’t sure which emotion should take precedence first.

Macy blinked wearily but remained silent as she watched her husband fidgeted.