The Over-Enthusiastic Warrior

Commander Peleus gave them a ticket to bring to the requisitions office, which would allow them to request any supplies they needed for the mission, then dismissed them.

Achilles and Medea left the building. Achilles was about to speak to Medea, but then his attention was caught by a young, wild-haired man with wispy facial hair who was arguing frantically with the guards.

“No!” the fellow said. “Really, I need to talk to the commander! I heard he’s sending the newcomers off to a mission, but I’ve been here for weeks and no one will let me do anything important! How exactly is that fair?”

He was a human and a 1st Level Warrior, just as Achilles had been recently. Besides that, there was nothing special or impressive about his system attributes. In fact, his stats were pretty low, and he had no Feats.

Medea frowned. “Who are you?” she asked.