The trees of the demilitarized zone were different from those of the forests Achilles and Medea had journeyed through on their way to the Frontier.
It took Achilles a bit to identify the biggest differences, but even at a glance, they seemed ‘wrong.’
However, as they moved through the underbrush, weapons drawn, Achilles realized the forest reminded him of the demon tree he had destroyed with Virgil’s arrows.
They were evergreens, as had been many in the surrounding forest, but their bark was a shade paler than most pines and spruces Achilles had seen. That bark was less textured, having an almost snakeskin-like appearance, though it was certainly rougher and darker than the demonic tree had been.
Also, there seemed to be fewer branches on the lower portions of these trees compared to most evergreens Achilles had seen.
He reached out and touched a trunk.