The Hefty Halberds

Billiam slowly began his story. “Like I said, my band’s called the Hefty Halberds. I’m not terribly important among them, just another blade. Never get invited to councils or meetings or any of that. Not very important, but I don’t care that much. They point me in a direction and pay me to swing my sword, you know?”

Medea nodded curtly. “Even when the people in the way are innocent women and children?”

Billiam looked offended. “Some people might stoop to that sort of work, but not the Hefty Halberds! Or at least, not since the new captain joined up. We’ve been focusing more on civilized and noble sort of work since then, you could say. And I’m pretty grateful for it.”

Achilles nodded. That made some sense to him. After all, this guy ‘was’ in the middle of demon-infested woods.