Chapter 13: The Church

[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Seemingly under the observing gaze of Asagi, Michael, and Gabriel, Anna then started telling them about some stories or folktales regarding angels which had been widely spread by the church in their world

Such parts on why they were curious of such stories was because the topic were about their race which is regarded as myths or legends by people of this world, the other part was because Asagi is curious about the origin of such stories

After all the only people who knew about the stories or legends about angels were only people belonging to her old world

If by chance that the person who made the church in this world is connected to her world, then there may be answers on why she was brought unto this world, alongside it there may be answers on how to get back to her old world

After all even till now she is worrying about the condition of her uncle and auntie whom she left behind on her previous world, thus no matter what she needed to solve the mystery om why she was brought here and her own purpose

With that she was listening intently towards Anna's words

"The story goes along like this onee-sama!!! The old people in our town usually told us that angels came from a mysterious being who created our world, seemingly such mysterious being was called God and such person was walking among the land during the ancient times"

"Along with it creating the world, it was then being accompanied by beings with imaginable strength called the angels, long before anyone or the first man ever existed"

"Even though our world has multiple gods which differs from country to country, nevertheless such gods were all under the Supreme being which was then called the creator"

At that moment Asagi raises her hand as she asked

"Did those guys called god the creator since there are many types of gods in this world? And those gods are all inferior to the Supreme creator himself?"

With that Anna nodded as she continued

"Yes onee-sama!!! Gods that are called God of fire, war, life, ruler, judgment, and love are all inferior compared to the creator... but the creator doesn't seems to meddle much on the lives of the humans other than the inferior gods"

"Due to that those inferior gods then overseer this world in the place of the creator"

"And because of that the church which called their religion as Christianity isn't that widespread throughout the other countries but only this country... after all with their God called the creator having lesser Influence in this world, the other inferior gods which is titled in such fancy and intimidating title then ruled over the other country in terms of religion"

"With that no matter how much stories about the omnipotence of the creator and his angels being mentioned, the people of other country and some ignorant people always regarded them as stories, make beliefs, legends, and myths"

"Unlike the other gods who once showed themselves to the populace through the saints or heroes of the past, the creator and his angels himself never once showed their presence, thus causing the Christianity to decline slowly in terms of religion"

Hearing Anna's words Asagi then summarized some information she received from that bits of story

In fact she had about little insight on the world through her

Firstly she then finally knew that Christianity or the church doesn't have that much influence in this world unlike some generic storylines of isekai novels, secondly there are many type of religion other than Christianity in this world, which would then make the church cling to them when they show their presence to strengthen their religion

Thirdly the church in this world doesn't seem to be that bad unlike some typical trope, fourth it then prove at some point that the originator or the person who spread such belief came from her world and seemingly must be some kind of pastor or priest

Lastly of course was that with the fact that there are multiple religion, only states that there are multiple country in this world, thus their journey would be a long one if they ever plan to find for the answers about her mysterious projection in this world

In fact no matter how much she thinks about it, she couldn't even remember the trigger which brought her to this world, all she could remember was that she took a slight nap and then appeared through death from overwork

There's not even sign of premonition of her death appearing even once, it was all sudden for her

Seeing her being in deep thought, Michael then approached her

"Your majesty! You seem to be in a deep thought, what do you think of this situation?"

Hearing him Asagi pondered for a bit before replying

"Its a bit complicated, the situation of this world is complicated much less on what we know in this world, nevertheless I already have insight on the situation through Anna's story"

"Is that so? Then perhaps it is then... looks like I need to improve my observation on between words if possible" muttered Michael

With that Asagi then crazed her neck back and forth as she started thinking deeply about something as she asked

"If that was the case then I think we should approach the church as early as possible, since the church has already established themselves in this world, then maybe we can use them for intelligence purposes and appliances we need in this world, after all since they are vivid believers of angels, then they wouldn't reject an offer from an angel right?"

Hearing her Gabriel then gave his thought about the situation

"But if we do that, then it will be possible that the church will use us to increase their influence, wouldn't that be bad? After all if one gain to much power, one may turn into a corrupted person"

"Indeed! We need to be careful of this your majesty" added Michael

Upon hearing their concern Asagi then replied

"No worries! Such exchange is inevitable, after all we are going to use them for our own benefits, surely they will give out circumstances on their end, that's the rule in trading..."

After that Asagi then went silent for a moment as she then continued

"I've thought this through, but if ever they showed any signs of overdoing on their side, then we will just have to cut them before they grow arrogant right? With that we can just cover our actions as judgement from the heavens"

Hearing her words both Michael and Gabriel were shocked by that notion as they didn't expect Asagi to quickly made a decision if ever a problem may occur in the future, nevertheless they didn't object to such words as they have no pity nor feelings to direct to humans

As for Anna herself, she was even more shocked by what Asagi had said, but in the end she felt that she had no say on her decision since she can't preside over a being way above the humans themselves

With that a moment of silence then reverberated around the room when suddenly Lloyd's stomach growled in hunger amidst that quiet atmosphere

Nevertheless due to that sudden disturbance, the cold atmosphere that enveloped everyone then immediately dissipated under that sound

As for Lloyd himself, he was truly ashamed of himself as he can't believe that he would make such an embarrassing display infront of Asagi, due to that he quickly held unto the edge of his clothes as he apologized repeatedly

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!!! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

As Lloyd kept repeating that with a voice full of shame, Asagi couldn't help but smile at his disposition as she waved her hand and replied

"Don't worry! I'm not that tyrannical enough to get angry just by hearing someone growling in hunger! In fact I like people who are straight forward and carefree of such situation..."

Afterwards Asagi went unto her knee as she glanced towards at Lloyd and held up his head

"Hey! I'm not angry! In fact im quite happy that your honest, but knew what shame is... so how about this... you guys can head over at the dining hall and we will have our lunch? Doesn't that sound nice and all?"

Hearkng her kind and soothing voice, Lloyd simply nodded in moderation as Asagi quickly issued Gabriel to guide the twins towards the dining hall

Following that he then turned towards Michael's direction as she said

"Cook something delicious for the kids! Also make sure to add some sweets or biscuits as appetizers"

"Will do your majesty!" Replied Michael as he bowed and left for the kitchen

With that Asagi was then left all alone in the throne room as she came out of the balcony and spreads her wings

With a huge sigh, she then took a nice slow stroll in the air with a flap of her wings and flew straight above the castle

Feeling the wind brushing past her whole body, she couldn't help but be mesmerized by such feeling that she could never felt when she was still human

"Looks like things are about to change!"


[Christianities Cathedral]

Situated at the far north far away from the seaside town, the base cathedral of the church was then located at one of the huge town of the kingdom, seemingly at the same size of an ordinary castle

Inside the cathedral on the part of a podium, various priest, bishops, viceroy and even the pope was currently discussing about the sudden report of one nun that had returned together with an adventurer team

Coincidentally the nun itself was at the center of such podium surrounded by people of the church itself

Seemingly the nun had told the higher-ups about her findings in the seaside town, especially the case of the appearance of angels and the battle between the monsters of the sea and the angels of the heavens

Much more her reports got even more strengthened the moment she showed a recorded video of the battle, seemingly catching the appearance of the army of angels descending from the sky and the judgement of light from above

"Angels!!! Did you hear what she said? She said angels! Doesn't that mean that the warriors of the creator had returned?"

"We can take it as it is, but we never know whether their presence can be regarded as a good news or bad news for humanity"

"I agree to that after all it was once said that once the angels begun to appear in this world, then that will be the start of the judgement of God the creator"

"Doesn't that mean that the judgement is nearing?"

Upon that notion, every person inside the podium begun to panic as they prayed to their God for the salvation of mankind

After all they had failed in their precession on spreading the teaching of their lord due to various reasons, due to that they had failed their mission that was given by God which could be taken as a sin

With that panic spreads everywhere as the people themselves became restless of this sudden appearance of angels

Among their numbers, the pope himself stayed calm among the others as he questioned the nun

"Say! What do you think we should do?"

Hearing his question the nun then replied

"I believe all we can do is wait! If by chance that they are the warriors of our God the creator, then they will surely come looking for their followers, thus come looking for us"

Hearing her everyone then focused all their attention towards the nun who stayed composed despite the commotion and the pope who also seemed calm

"If that is your advise then so be it! If the judgement is upon us then we shall receive it with open arms, they are the warriors of our lord, thus we can't be shameful infront of them...."

"We need to welcome them to highest degree! The whole country need to hear this! I'll inform the king about this matter while you guys will spread the information throughout our believers, we shall welcome them just as appropriate on how we should welcome our creator"

At that everyone then nodded as the church itself made their biggest move yet throughout their history in this world

After all the appearance of an angel is both a blessing and a catastrophe for mankind