Chapter 18: The Start Of An Economy III

[Azure Kingdom]

The construction of two economical infrastructure had then commenced on the next, during that thought the fishing economy which consisted of 5 families then situated themselves by the only lake of the kingdom

Meanwhile the farming economy which consisted of the other 5 families then occupied the northern outside walls of the kingdom

Followingly over 100 angels were distributed towards the two groups, as each sides begun their mass infrastructure which involves carpeting, knitting, land shaping, and wood chopping

Due to the fact that an overall of 200 angels were used for the construction of two firms, thus leaving the guarding of the kingdom with holes, Asagi then woke up that day early as she begun generating additional angels within her ranks

In an instant she then generated an additional 300 angels at the east outer wall of the kingdom at the cost of 3,500 credit points, thus increasing their military strength