Chapter 71: Birthday Celebration of an Acquaintance II

[Celeste Kingdom, Party Venue]

When Katarina talked about branching out their family business in the Azure Kingdom, Asagi then slightly wrinkled her nose as she inquire about the product that they will offer and promote in their business. After all having an idea on what possible product may enter her kingdom was a must if it tackles the safety of her own citizen. Thus strict guidance is required.

"In case i did permit you to branch out your store into my Kingdom, what will you sell?"

"Well our business stretches out to different genre's, so if i have to pick i think setting up a fabric store in your kingdom which sells nice dresses is appropriate for its allure... especially white dresses one" answered Katarina

Hearing her answer, Asagi then hesitated for a moment before she finally gave out her reply.

"... No can do... There are a lot of fabric stores already in my kingdom, taking in more of sort of business would stagnate our market"