Chapter 79:The White Demon

[Dome Cave, Inside the Snow Peak Mountain Range]

The moment Asagi was caught within the grasp of the white demon and was crashed to the ground between a hard object and a monster, Both Ariel and Uriel cried out in alarm as they quickly changed their retreating trajectory in one in a charging motion. Upon seeing that Asagi was in mortal danger, they couldn't help but sprung up in action despite knowing that her present self was only a clone and nothing else. No matter what seeing her in pain caused a trigger in them to act up.

When the two archangel charged forward towards the white demon, the demon itself then quickly took notice of the charge as it growled and swung its arm towards them. As a response Ariel quickly climb into the air to dodge the arm swing, while Uriel quickly dived down as they both entered their own flying maneuver.